Foto di copertina di Ecotan Leather
Ecotan Leather

Ecotan Leather

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda

San Michele Mondovì, CN 1.708 follower

Shift to biocircular

Chi siamo

Ecotan is an innovative leather tanning technology developed by Silvateam, world leader in the production of natural tannins, in order to produce a new class of leather that has excellent performance standards, is safe for all and is a truly bio-circular material. Tanned with a combination of natural and synthetic tannins, as well as other harmless biopolymers, Ecotan leathers are free of hazardous substances such as chrome and glutaraldehyde, creating a safe, healthy and comfortable environment for the end user. At the end of their useful life, both leather articles and cuttings can be recycled into fertilisers suitable for organic farming, returning to the earth as useful nutrients instead of ending up in landfills. Over 20 of the top tanneries in the world have joined the Ecotan project and are ready to supply bio-circular leathers from raw materials of different origins, in a wide range of finishes and colours. This new frontier in sustainable leather solutions comes as a result of a decade of continuous innovation conducted at Silvateam Research & Development centers in partnership with several universities, research institutes, tanneries and recycling companies. For those interested in learning more about the Ecotan project, Silvateam is happy to share scientific studies, third-party reports and certifications that verify and support our work. Feel free to contact us directly for more information.

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
San Michele Mondovì, CN
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
abbigliamento, moda, arredo e automotive


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