한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)

한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)

재생에너지 반도체 제조

Ulsan Namgu 팔로워 3,653명

Pioneering International Energy Transition from Ulsan


Korea Floating Wind is participating in the largest scale of floating wind farms in the world to date with an aggregated capacity of 6 GW. Korea Floating Wind is developing two floating projects: the KFW project of 800 MW and EBP project of 400 MW. Korea Floating Wind was established by the two offshore wind energy companies, Ocean Winds and Aker Offshore Wind, along with the Korean electricity specialist Kumyang Electric Co. Together, the partnership has a unique mix of experience and capabilities to deliver successful projects. The partnership is driven by the vision of delivering clean, green energy to South Korea and accelerating the energy transition in the region through decarbonization.

재생에너지 반도체 제조
회사 규모
직원 11-50명
Ulsan Namgu


  • 기본

    182 Samsan-ro

    Bolim Tower 16F

    KR Ulsan Namgu 44726

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한국부유식풍력(KF Wind) 직원


  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 3,653명

    🌊 🎉 (NEWS) Korea Floating Wind completes Geotechnical Survey for the first phase of the 1,125MW floating offshore wind project 🌊 🎉   🌊 🎉 (뉴스) (주)한국부유식풍력(Korea Floating Wind) 1,125MW 부유식 해상풍력 프로젝트 1단계 지반조사 완료🌊 🎉   Korea Floating Wind, a floating offshore wind project being developed off the coast of Ulsan by Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power, has completed the geotechnical survey for the first phase of its project, called East Blue Power of 375 MW of installed capacity. The geotechnical survey was carried out for approximately one month by Geo Mariner, a specialized geotechnical survey vessel. The results of the survey campaign provide crucial insights into seabed conditions that will guide the future location of the wind turbines, the design of the floating foundations for the turbines and the offshore substation, as well as the planning of the submarine cable routes. Commenting on the matter, Austin Park, KF Wind's project director, stated, "The successful completion of the geotechnical survey is essential for a floating offshore wind project like ours. Thanks to our dedicated teams, we have gathered critical information to ensure a viable and secure development in terms of technical, environmental, and safety aspects." The survey was performed according to the international standards, ensuring compliance with local environmental norms, minimal interference with fisheries and other ocean users and most notably, achieving zero accidents in line with KF Wind’s commitment to safety. Following EIA approval and the geotechnical survey results, KF Wind will reflect the overall insights in terms of technology, environment, and safety into its business plan and continue to develop a sustainable floating offshore wind farm. (주)한국부유식풍력(Korea Floating Wind, KFWind; 이하 케이에프윈드)은 울산 앞바다에서 개발 중인 1,125MW 규모의 부유식 해상풍력발전단지에서 설비용량 375MW 규모의 1단계 사업인 이스트블루파워(EBP)의 기초 지반조사를 완료했다고 30일 밝혔다.   지반조사 전문 업체인 씨호스(Seahorse)사의 해양지질 탐사선인 지오 마리나(Geo Mariner)를 통해 진행된 이번 지반조사는 올해 8월부터 진행됐다. 케이에프윈드는 이번 조사를 통해 향후 풍력 터빈의 위치 선정에서부터 터빈과 해상 변전소의 기초 설계, 해저 케이블 경로 계획 등에 지침이 될 해저 지질 조건에 대한 중요한 데이터를 확보할 수 있게 됐다.   해당 지질 조사는 국제 표준에 따라, 현지 환경 규범을 준수하고 어업 및 기타 해역 이용자들과의 간섭을 최소화 하며, 특히 무사고와 안전을 최우선으로 하는 케이에프윈드의 회사 방침을 엄격히 준수하며 수행되었다.   케이에프윈드의 박장호 사업총괄은 “부유식 해상풍력 프로젝트에 있어서 지반조사를 성공적으로 완료하는 것은 발전단지의 원활한 개발을 위한 필수 공정으로 지반조사 결과에 대해 만족스럽게 평가한다”며 “특히 지질분석 전문가로 구성된 전담 팀이 투입돼 기술, 환경, 안전 측면에서 실행 가능하고 안전한 개발을 보장하기 위한 중요한 정보들이 수집 되었다”고 전했다.   케이에프윈드는 환경영향평가 승인 및 이번 지반조사 결과에 발맞춰 기술, 환경 및 안전 측면에서 수집된 데이터를 사업 계획에 반영함과 동시에 지속 가능한 부유식 해상 풍력 발전 단지 개발을 위한 다각적 노력을 이어갈 계획이다. #KoreaFloatingWind #OffshoreWind #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #KFWind #EastBluePower #Innovation #CleanEnergy #한국부유식풍력 #케이에프윈드 #이스트블루파워 #부유식해상풍력 #지반조사

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  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    브랜드 파트너십 팔로워 3,653명

    🌊🌿(NEWS) Korea Floating Wind performs Beach Clean-up Activity in Commemoration of Ocean Arbor Day in Korea 🌿🌊 🌊🌿(뉴스) 한국부유식풍력(Korea Floating Wind), 바다식목일 맞아 임직원 해변정화활동 진행 🌊🌿 Korea Floating Wind employees gathered at Nasa Beach in Ulju County on May 9, a day before the Ocean Arbor Day in Korea, to contribute to creating a clean beach environment while practicing environmental responsibility for the oceans.   Ocean Arbor Day in Korea, designated as a national commemorative day in February 2013, falls on May 10th annually to protect the collapsing marine ecosystem due to marine pollution and rising sea temperatures.   On this day, about 20 employees of KFWind gathered at the Nasa Beach to collect waste  , aiming to protect the marine and coastal ecosystems, which serve as vital grounds for the lives of Ulju county residents of Ulsan City, and for the sustainable future of South Korea.   The various types of trash collected that day, including PET bottles and various types of waste left behind by visitors, will undergo recycling or disposal processes.   Through this company-wide cleanup event, KFWind reaffirmed its commitment to sustainable growth in the local community and marine environmental protection and will participate in various ocean support activities in the future. [2024-05-10(금)] 한국부유식풍력(Korea Floating Wind)은 바다식목일을 하루 앞둔 지난 9일 울주군 나사해변에서 임직원들이 함께 모여 깨끗한 해변을 조성하고, 해양 환경보호를 실천하기 위해 해변정화활동을 진행했다고 10일 밝혔다.   바다식목일은 2013년 2월에 공표된 국가지정 기념일로 해양오염과 수온상승으로 무너지고 있는 바다생태계를 보호하기 위해 매년 5월 10일로 지정됐다. 이날 나사해변에 모인 20여명의 한국부유식풍력 임직원들은 울산 울주군 지역주민들의 소중한 삶의 터전이자 대한민국의 지속가능한 미래가 담긴 해양 및 해안 생태계 보호를 위하여 나사해변에서 쓰레기를 수거하는 작업을 진행했다. 방문객들이 미쳐 치우지 않고 남겨둔 페트병 등의 생활쓰레기를 비롯해 이날 수거된 각종 쓰레기는 일부는 재활용되고, 일부는 소각될 예정이다. 이번 활동을 통해 한국부유식풍력은 지역사회의 지속가능한 성장과 해양환경보호에 대한 의지를 재확인하며, 앞으로도 다양한 ESG 활동에 참여할 예정이다. #floatingoffshorewind #OceanArborDay #Ulsan #Ulju #BeachCleanup #해변정화활동 #울산광역시 #울주군 #바다식목일 #MarineConservation #OceanProtection #SustainableLiving #EnvironmentalAwareness #부유식해상풍력

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  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 3,653명

    (News) Korea Floating Wind signs an MOU with Ulsan Fisheries Cooperatives and local fishermen's communities. Korea Floating Wind, one of the five developers involved in the Ulsan floating offshore wind project site, signed a cooperation agreement with the Ulsan floating offshore wind power fishermen’s countermeasures committee, and Ulsan Suhyup(National Federation Fisheries Cooperatives), accelerating the construction of what is anticipated to be the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm cluster. On April 23, the parties involved gathered at the Ulsan Chamber of Commerce and Industry(UCCI) to sign the agreement, which aims to expedite the project by fostering cooperation throughout all phases of development, including but not limited to conducting onshore and offshore surveys, acquisition of permits and approval, securing resident support during construction, operation and maintenance. A key focus of the agreement is to strengthen community relations and develop a cooperative model between developers and fisheries to solidify this relationship, which includes engaging stakeholders in a joint study for a win-win existence program. Austin Park Project Director of KF Wind, currently serving as the Chair of Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Association, expressed optimism that this agreement will serve as a model for community-focused development and contribute significantly to the regional economy. At the ceremony, Mr. Park also said the Ulsan floating offshore wind project sites will make Korea a global floating wind farm operator, making significant contributions to Korea’s Nationally Determined Contribution(NDC) targeting at least 30% of renewable energy by 2036, achieving carbon neutrality and strengthening energy security. The Ulsan floating offshore wind projects by five developers, located about 60-100km east of Ulsan in Korea's Exclusive Economic Zone, plan to have a total capacity of up to 6.2 GW. In April last year, these five project developers launched "the Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Association" to facilitate smoother cooperation among developers and stakeholders, and the UCCI joined as a special member. The developers are backed by global renewable energy companies including OW Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power for KFW and EBP Projects. #floatingoffshorewind #WindEnergy #Ulsan #울산 #부유식해상풍력 #RenewableEnergy #netzero2050 #NDC

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  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님이 퍼감

    OW Ocean Winds님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 108,938명

    OW Ocean Winds announces we will welcome Craig Windram as our new CEO, as of July 1st, 2024 ! Based on his 25 years of experience in spearheading large-scale renewable and infrastructure projects worldwide, Craig Windram will hold responsibility to consolidate our expertise in the offshore wind sector. Find out more below 👇 #ProudToBeOW #renewableenergy #offshorewind

    Ocean Winds to welcome Craig Windram as Chief Executive Officer - Ocean Winds

    Ocean Winds to welcome Craig Windram as Chief Executive Officer - Ocean Winds

  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 3,653명

    OW Ocean Winds님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 108,938명

    #WindEurope2024 Annual Event has started today in #Bilbao, and OW Ocean Winds is a sponsor and Floating Content Partner! 🌬 We are very excited to share more about our journey within the #OffshoreWind sector over the coming days, and to celebrate the remarkable milestones of this year, including the advancements and achievements of our four projects under construction, which represent a total of 2 GW! Today Tiago Duarte will participate in the discussion on Floating Offshore Wind, hosted by FORO MARÍTIMO VASCO, at the Conference Center (level 5, room 3 at 15:00). Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the advancement of offshore wind energy in Spain and our commitments! Later in the evening, at 16:30, join us at the Bord na Móna | Ocean Winds Joint Venture Networking Drinks Reception, to meet the team that is focused on the development of our offshore wind energy in Ireland. With this strong partnership and two pre-projects, there’s much to discuss and learn! If you want to learn more about OW Ocean Winds, and to discover more about the lifecycle of an offshore wind farm - join us at our stand, 3-A20! Learn more about our presence in Wind Europe! 👉 #ProudtobeOW #offshorewind #RenewableEnergy

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  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 3,653명

    울산부유식 해상풍력발전협의회 홍보 동영상을 새롭게 선보입니다!  한국부유식풍력(Korea Floating Wind)은 주주사 OW Ocean WindsMainstream Renewable Power와 함께 울산부유식 해상풍력발전협회의 일원으로서 1.2GW 규모의 부유식 해상풍력 발전단지를 개발하여 대한민국 2050 탄소중립 전략 실현을 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. We are proud to present our new video introducing the Ulsan floating offshore projects in Korea. As a member of the Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Association, Korea Floating Wind and its sponsors OW Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power, are committed to developing our floating offshore wind farm with a capacity of 1.2 GW, contributing to South Korea’s strategy to achieve 2050 Carbon Neutrality. #WindEnergy #풍력 #Ulsan #울산 #offshorewind #부유식해상풍력 #netzero2050 #korea

  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 3,653명

    OW Ocean Winds님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 108,938명

    Take a look back on the newest advancements in the construction of our 882 MW Moray West project this month!⚒️ 💨 Blades on the way! The first batch of 108-meter blades of the total 180 blades, will be arriving on site soon! They were loaded last week and are now being transported from the Siemens Gamesa Blade Factory, located in Hull, United Kingdom, where they are being manufactured. 🏗️ We keep on progressing on monopiles installation! DEME Group's offshore installation vessel Orion has installed its first monopile this week! The company’s offshore installation vessel Apollo is also tasked with installing our transition pieces. At OW Ocean Winds, we are proud to see our committed teams that are working effectively together to progress on this offshore installation, while also working onshore on the electrical export infrastructure and our operations & maintenance base in #Buckie! Check out these amazing photos! 📷 Siemens Energy 📷 Ocean Winds #ProudToBeOW #renewableenergy #offshorewind

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  • 한국부유식풍력(KF Wind)님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

    팔로워 3,653명

    𝗞𝗙 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗟𝘂𝗻𝗮𝗿 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 Korea Floating Wind sends our warmest greetings to everyone observing the Lunar New Year! As you travel to your hometown to celebrate new beginnings, we wish you safe and happy travels. In 2024, we will stay committed to creating offshore wind farms with a capacity of 1.2GW by 2030, contributing to Korea’s strategy to achieve 2050 Carbon Neutrality. May the Year of the Dragon bring you and your loved ones good health, fortune, and prosperity. 한국부유식풍력(Korea Floating Wind)에서 갑진년 설날 따뜻한 인사를 전합니다. 새로운 시작을 맞이하는 귀성길에 안전하고 행복한 설 연휴 보내시기를 바랍니다. 올해도 당사는 2030년까지 완공 예정인 1.2GW 규모의 부유식해상풍력 단지 조성에 전념하여 대한민국 2050 탄소중립 전략에 기여하겠습니다. 갑진년 한해 여러분 가정에 건강과 행복이 가득하기를 기원합니다!

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