Photo de couverture de athena studio
athena studio

athena studio

Commerce de détail d’habillement et d’accessoires de mode

Where design meets data.

À propos

Meet athena studio: the first platform to integrate early-stage impact prediction + optimisation into product development, helping fashion brands to improve margins, time-to-market and sustainability impact. athena studio was founded with the vision to build a fashion industry where products' margins, lead times and sustainability impact are not just an afterthought but considered from the start. We build solutions for global fashion brands to integrate early-stage product optimisation into the product development process. For every prototype created, our platform predicts profitability, lead time and environmental footprint; and generates actionable material and supplier recommendations that respect the original design criteria. By designing with athena studio, brands improve their margins, time-to-market and sustainability impact.

Commerce de détail d’habillement et d’accessoires de mode
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés


Employés chez athena studio


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Dernier round


53 402,00 $US


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