Check out the results of the SmartHubs tool and the scientific publication below!
Transportation Engineer, PhD | Scientific Project Manager | Senior Researcher I-SENSE Group/ICCS, NTUA
In our new paper published in Sustainable Cities and Society, we present the M2MHub decision-support tool which aims at helping cities effectively plan the future locations of shared mobility hubs. We combine Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis with GIS techniques, using Barcelona as a case study. The tool is freely available on GitHub as a QGIS plugin. The paper is the result of a great collaboration between Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Rodriguez Correia and myself from Delft University of Technology and Inés Aquilué Junyent, Miquel Martí Casanovas, Joan Moreno Sanz and Estanislao Roca Blanch from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in the context of the EIT Urban Mobility project SmartHubs, coordinated by our great project manager Sander Oudbier of the AMS Institute.