Forsidebilde av AZANE Fuel Solutions’
AZANE Fuel Solutions

AZANE Fuel Solutions


World's first dedicated provider of ammonia fuel handling solutions

Om oss

Azane Fuel Solutions is developing the world's first ammonia bunkering terminals. Our company has developed groundbreaking technology designed to deliver fast, safe, and reliable bunkering of ammonia to ships. Our commitment extends beyond bunkering solutions, as we actively contribute to the decarbonization of the shipping industry by innovating technologies for ammonia bunkering terminals, ammonia cargo handling systems, and ammonia fuel handling systems. Headquartered in Oslo and Sandefjord, Norway, we are backed by solid owners with leading positions in the maritime sector and ammonia industry: Amon Maritime, ECOnnect Energy, Navigator Gas and Yara Growth Ventures. In collaboration with Yara Clean Ammonia, Azane is preparing, in Scandinavia, the world's first ammonia bunkering network, planned to commence construction in 2024, with the first bunkering operations anticipated to be operational by 2025. This initiative serves as a landmark demonstration of ammonia's potential as a carbon-free, secure, and reliable fuel source for the shipping industry. For further details, please visit our official website:

2–10 ansatte
Privateid selskap
Maritime, Shipping, Energy, Bunkering, Ammonia, Gas Handling, Technology, Engineering


Ansatte i AZANE Fuel Solutions


  • Eivind Finne Riley, Azane's delegate to SGMF, visited the ammonia fuelled vessel Green pioneer when Fortescue showed it in London. Eivind was instrumental in getting this vessel approved. We are really happy and proud to have Eivind with all his experience in our team!

    Vis profilen til Eivind Finne Riley

    Safety Manager - Azane Fuel Solutions

    On Friday, Fortescue was showing its ammonia fuelled Green Pioneer to members of the SGMF at Canary Wharf in London. This large vessel has through numerous running hours utilized ammonia for auxiliary power and propulsion the past year. During my years in DNV Maritime Classification, I was heavily involved in realizing this project through facilitating and handling the regulatory approval process. Finally seeing the real life product of Fortescue's efforts into converting this vessel to ammonia fuel is inspiring; Although there are still both technical and regulatory hurdles to overcome, Fortescue are putting considerable efforts into realizing ammonia as a marine fuel. We in AZANE Fuel Solutions are also working hard to enable this fuel switch.

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  • Steinar Kostøl new CEO Steinar Kostøl is Azane’s new CEO, effective immediately. As one of the co-founders, Steinar has been instrumental in building the company since the start. During the last two years, he was Azane’s VP Products and Projects. Steinar is a seasoned entrepreneur with a strong technical background from R&D of innovative marine power systems and ship designs for clean energy propulsion. He is also a co-founder and owner of Amon Maritime, one of Azane Fuel Solutions’ main shareholders. We are confident that Steinar will steer Azane Fuel Solutions to become the leading provider of ammonia bunkering solutions and fuel handling technology. As Håkon Skjerstad transitions away from his role as CEO, we thank him for his contributions to the company during the last two years and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

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  • Norway continues to support the development of ammonia as a marine fuel. Recently, Enova SF provided grants to prepare projects for the upcoming ammonia infrastructure tender. We are happy to announce that AZANE Fuel Solutions was one of the successful applicants 🥳 With high ambitions to decarbonize the maritime sector, public grants, upcoming regulations, and numerous forward-thinking companies, Norway is one of the most promising ammonia fuel markets in the world. For all of you first movers out there - keep an eye on what is coming in Norway this year 🚀 #AmmoniaAsFuel #GreenShipping #SustainableShipping #MaritimeDecarbonisation

    Viser organisasjonsside for Enova SF

    10 353 følgere

    15 prosjekter tildeles forprosjektstøtte for å utrede konkrete investeringer i bunkringsanlegg for ammoniakk som drivstoff til maritim sektor. Prosjektene dekker norskekysten fra Oslofjorden i sør til Troms i nord. – Vi mottok flere søknader enn vi hadde forventet i denne runden. Det viser at mange aktører arbeider målrettet med prosjekter for å tilby bunkring av ammoniakk til maritim sektor, og det er gledelig å se. Det sier Børge Noddeland, som er ansvarlig for støtteprogramet «Forprosjekt maritim teknologi». 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐟å𝐫 𝐬𝐭ø𝐭𝐭𝐞: • Ammonia AS • AZANE Fuel Solutions • Boreal sjø AS • Grieg Group ammonia distribution vessels AS • Hitra kommuneIverson eFuels AS • Neptun Tromsø AS • Skiga AS Prosjektene får opp til 500 000 kroner i støtte, og har seks måneder til å modne prosjektene fram mot en mulig investeringsbeslutning og realisering av prosjektene. I neste runde vil de beste prosjektene kunne søke om investeringsstøtte fra Enova til det kommende støtteprogrammet «Bunkringsanlegg for ammoniakk.» – For å lykkes med satsingen er vi avhengige av gode prosjekter i alle ledd av verdikjedene. Nå er et viktig neste skritt å få etablert infrastruktur for bunkring av ammoniakk langs norskekysten. Det er derfor svært positivt å se at så mange aktører arbeider med denne delen av verdikjeden, og at den geografiske spredningen av prosjektene dekker store deler av norskekysten sier Sigmund Ø. Størset, målansvarlig for hydrogen i Enova. Rune Holmen Arve Solheim Astrid Lilliestråle

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  • Almost 8% of Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions derive from domestic shipping. With this support from Enova to these ammonia-powered vessels, we are one important step closer to a clean and sustainable shipping sector in Norway. Congratulations to the winners! Eidesvik Offshore ASA, DOF, Aurora Offshore AS, Grieg Maritime Group, Posten Bring AS #AmmoniaAsFuel #GreenShipping #SustainableShipping #MaritimeDecarbonisation

    Viser organisasjonsside for Enova SF

    10 353 følgere

    ⚓ 𝐒𝐭ø𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐥 14 𝐧𝐲𝐞 𝐧𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐬𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐭ø𝐲 𝐢 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 ⚓ Enova har tildelt støtte til sju ammoniakkskip og to hydrogenskip. I tillegg til fem elektriske skip og ett ladeanlegg. Dette gjelder tildelinger knytta til programmene Ammoniakk i fartøy, Hydrogen i fartøy og Batteri i nullutslippsskip. Disse skipene skal bygges for nullutslipp og seile utslippsfritt fra dag én. – Hydrogen og ammoniakk vil være viktige energibærere i det grønne skiftet, og satsingen på grønn skipsfart er riktig og nødvendig. Det gir arbeidsplasser over hele landet og bidrar til at norsk næringsliv konkurrerer i verdenstoppen, sier klima- og miljøminister Tore O. Sandvik. Til sammen får hydrogen- og ammoniakkskipene over 940 millioner kroner i støtte. Målet er å demonstrere hydrogen og ammoniakk som nullutslippsløsninger i den maritime næringen, gjennom å etablere de første fungerende verdikjedene for hydrogen og ammoniakk i Norge. Totalt fikk vi 31 søknader til denne søknadsrunden for hydrogen- og ammoniakk-programmene, og blant disse er det ni søkere som nå får innvilga støtte. – På grunn av den konkurransebaserte formen i støtteordningen, hadde vi ikke mulighet for dialog under søknadsbehandlingen. Men vi vil tilby møter med alle de som dessverre ikke nådde opp denne gangen. Det sier Elin Ulstad Stokland, som jobber med maritim transport i Enova. – Vi oppfordrer alle til å søke ved ny frist, som trolig blir i slutten av første kvartal 2025. Selskapene som nå får støtte er: * Eidesvik Offshore ASA, DOF Group, Aurora Offshore AS, Grieg Maritime Group, Norbjørn AS (ammoniakk) * Cruise Service AS (hydrogen) * Salten Shipping AS, K. Sætre & Sønner AS, Nidarø AS, The Fjords DA, og Nova Sea AS (batteri) * Plug | Shore Power & Maritime Charging (ladeanlegg) 

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  • We are pleased to welcome Eivind Finne Riley to our team as our new Safety Manager. He joins Azane from DNV where he has, since their first publication in 2021 and until present day, been responsible for the development of DNV's class notation and safety requirements for ammonia as a fuel for ships. As his last assignment in DNV, he was part of the Norwegian delegation in the IMO sub-committee CCC that finalized the IMO interim guidelines for the use of ammonia as a marine fuel. In Azane he will be responsible for safety in product developments and projects. We are very excited to have his competence in the Azane team and look forward to sharing his expertise with our business partners!

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  • Great news, congratulations! #AmmoniaAsFuel #ZeroCarbonShipping

    Viser organisasjonsside for Equinor

    940 813 følgere

    Shipping is responsible for 2-3% of global carbon emissions 🚢 And we have an ambition to halve the maritime emissions associated with our Norwegian operations by 2030 📉 So we’re excited to announce the signing of a contract with Eidesvik Offshore ASA for the use of the world’s first ammonia-powered supply vessel – the Viking Energy. The LNG-powered vessel has been under contract to Equinor since delivery in 2003. When the vessel is fully converted to ammonia and put into operation in 2026, its emissions will be cut by at least 70%. In addition to continuing to use the vessel in operations, we will contribute significantly to funding the conversion to ammonia operation. We have also made an inquiry in the market for more supply vessels capable of running on ammonia. Find out more 👉

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  • Please welcome Azane's new Vice President Business Development Henning Walstad. He joins Azane from Kongsberg Digital and has 20 years' experience within shipping and maritime services, most of the time in senior sales manager roles. With his deep knowledge of the shipping industry and vast network, his main focus will be to find solutions for how Azane can work with partners to decarbonise shipping.

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  • We are excited to announce that we have joined the HPO on Green Maritime Singapore. With the help from Innovasjon Norge and the HPO partners we hope to develop successful partnerships with key players in Singapore.

    We are excited to share a video featuring of one of our first members for the HPO on Green Maritime Singapore, namely AZANE Fuel Solutions! Azane Fuel Solutions is the world’s first dedicated provider of ammonia fuel handling solutions, developing tailored bunkering solutions and technology for managing ammonia as a fuel onboard ammonia powered ships. These technologies are essential to help decarbonize deep sea shipping, as ammonia is the only carbon free fuel options for the biggest vessels. The video showcases some of the exciting ambitions of Azane and the thoughts of CEO Håkon Skjerstad as he visits Singapore during the Singapore Maritime Week earlier this year. As part of the HPO on Green Maritime, we are excited to work together with Azane Fuel Solutions and our partners, to bring innovative Norwegian technologies to accelerate the journey to net-zero maritime in Singapore. To learn more, check out the video below!   NCE Maritime CleanTech|Ocean Hyway Cluster|Martin Hennum|Håvard Tvedte|Marte Jensen|DNV - Maritime|Lars Holterud Aarsnes|Dr. Shahrin Osman|Jacob Tam Jun Hui|Business Norway|Innovation Norway

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