Mesh Community

Mesh Community

Generelle tjenester for drift og vedlikehold

Oslo sentrum, Oslo 2,289 følgere

By using technology, real estate and community, we build next-generation Startup Hubs. OSL | CPH | TRD

Om oss

The leading startup community in the Nordics, with 3300+ members and 1750+ companies. Mesh Community consists of Matrikel1 in Copenhagen, Mesh Nationaltheatret and Mesh Youngstorget in Oslo and Digs in Trondheim. By using technology, real estate and community, we build next-generation workspaces. At the core, we gather individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset: Challengers, thinkers, artists and pioneers that are constructive, driven, and want to make a positive impact on the future. We create venues for you to work, meet, eat and be inspired. Creators have emerged from arts and entrepreneurship to become central figures in all parts of civilization. Our high-speed society makes it essential to innovate, experiment and create. To do this rapidly and with power, we, the creators, need to be connected and challenged by each other.

Generelle tjenester for drift og vedlikehold
51–200 ansatte
Oslo sentrum, Oslo
Privateid selskap
Hospitality, Offices, Coworking, Hotdesk, Facilities, Community, Entrepreneurial ecosystem, Startup, Scaleup


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