Directorul Executiv FREE, dl. Adrian Ghiță va participa în data de 16 octombrie 2024 în calitate de speaker în panel-ul “Finanțarea proiectelor de stocare a energiei în CEE” din cadrul evenimentului “CISOLAR & GREENBATTERY 2024”, care va avea loc în București, la Laminor Arena. Detalii despre agendă și vorbitori se regăsesc aici:
Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei
Servicii financiare
Bucuresti, România 19 adepți
Energy efficiency begins with money and ends with money
Despre noi
Fondul Român pentru Eficiența Energiei (FREE) este unicul finanțator din România specializat exclusiv în finanțarea proiectelor dedicate eficienței energetice și are în portofoliu atât operatori privați, cât și instituții publice de interes local sau național. Finanțarea specializată este dedicată utilizării eficiente a energiei și/sau trecerii la statutul de prosumator, în directă corelare cu prioritățile politicii naționale în domeniul eficienței energetice. FREE este un organism de interes public, cu personalitate juridică, independent și autonom financiar. Istoria noastră a început acum 20 de ani, prin emiterea OUG 124 din 08.10.2001 și a Legii nr. 287/2002, care au legiferat înființarea FREE cu scopul administrării unui grant primit de la Fondul Global de Mediu prin Banca Internațională de Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare (Grupul World Bank). În cei peste 20 de ani de activitate, FREE a semnat contracte de finanțare pentru 52 de proiecte de eficiență energetică în valoare totală de peste 30 milioane USD. Instrumentele financiare din portofoliul FREE sunt: • Imprumuturi garantate pentru investiții • Finanțarea companiilor ESCO • Credite punte/co-finanțarea proiectelor care beneficiază de grant-uri nerambursabile FREE oferă: •Obiectivitate în evaluarea și selectia proiectelor în vederea finanțării, prin folosirea unor criterii transparente, recomandate de experții Băncii Mondiale •Expertiză tehnică în evaluarea proiectelor și implicare pro-activă, alături de companie, în analiza proiectului •Flexibilitate și durată scurtă pentru evaluarea proiectului și pentru acordarea creditului •Condiții de creditare negociabile și avantajoase, cu rate trimestriale cu dobandă FIXĂ și cu UN singur comision (cel de monitorizare) •Mix de garanții flexibile și atractive, adaptate fiecărui client și fiecărui proiect Mai multe detalii regăsiți la Telefon:+4021 233 88 01 E-mail: office[@]free[punct]org[punct]ro
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Cladirea Strauss, Str. Johann Strauss, nr. 2A, et. 6
Bucuresti, România 020312, RO
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Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei a distribuit aceasta
📢An incredibly proud moment for me today as Pathways2Resilience published its catalogue of sources, instruments and best practices for regional adaptation finance! 🎉😍🙌. It's the culmination of a year's work by myself and Chengchen Qian from Global Infrastructure Basel (GIB) Foundation. This is a significant step forward in the maturity of planning for adaptation, and something I wish I'd had when putting together the Climate Ready Clyde Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan in Glasgow City Region. It is designed to help regions select who to involve in their adaptation financing, and the financing mechanisms they can use. The catalogue includes: 🔵 57 sources (institutions that provide finance for adaptation) 🔴 78 financial instruments (mechanisms that enable the transfer of funds) for regions to use to support their adaptation efforts. 🟣 169 case studies of public and private financing of adaptation in regions. More importantly, it includes much deeper insights and considerations. For sources this means relevant sectors, the types of organisations they finance, the types of instruments they provide, and advantages and drawbacks of each source. For instruments, this includes the typical financing sizes, the time and effort to leverage them, the degree of concessionality, and the financing strategies they can support. Whilst it's focused in Europe, it's relevant for the US and developing countries too. Please check it out and share widely! You can now download it, totally free, here: It's been significantly strengthened by inputs from Thomas Machiels and Richard Taylor from CLIMATEFIT_HEU. As far as we're aware, this is the most comprehensive classification of sources and instruments for adaptation currently out there, and there are further development plans, including better navigation, fuller content, more case studies. Morgan Richmond Louie Woodall Dr Nicola Ranger Ingrid Holmes Ben Connor Dr Candice Howarth Anna Beswick Raffaele Della Croce Stella Whittaker Jonathan Casey Bella Tonkonogy Philippe Tulkens Konstantinos Dellis Roman Roehrl Massimo Marra Richard Smithers Katy Peat Helen Adams Elina Väänänen Elena Višnar Malinovská Birgit Georgi Matthias Watzak-Helmer Vasileios Latinos Alexandrina Boyanova Ryan Titley Tom Mitchell Andy Kerr Dave Reay Michael Mullan Michael Berkowitz Emma Howard Boyd CBE Barbara Buchner Maribel Hernandez
Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei a distribuit aceasta
🌍 Excited to announce our upcoming webinar! 🌱 Join us for "Resilient futures: Unlocking financial strategies and mechanisms for climate adaptation," organized by the Horizon Europe CLIMATEFIT project. 🌟 🗓️ Date: Tuesday, May 7th 🕒 Time: 09:30 - 12:30 (CEST) 📍 Location: Online Since its start in September 2023, CLIMATEFIT has engaged with numerous investing entities and public authorities across Europe, highlighting their pivotal role in financing climate adaptation. 💡 We invite you to a dynamic webinar delving into the crucial intersection of climate change, finance, and adaptation strategies. From understanding EU policies to assessing climate impacts on key sectors, this session promises valuable insights for financial practitioners, public authorities, and policymakers alike. 📈 Discover best practices, gain inspiration from insightful talks, and learn how to navigate climate risks for a more resilient future. Register now for an engaging discussion! 🎙️ 🌐 Language: English REGISTER HERE 👉 For registration assistance, contact: We can't wait to see you there! 🌿
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Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei a distribuit aceasta
CLIMATEFIT_HEU Symposium on Financing #ClimateResilience of #Slovenia was a success. Thanks to the participation of the European Commission, the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, as well as Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., Nova KBM d.d. and Agency ENERGAP, opportunities for cross-sectorial collaboration have emerged. Looking forward to realise them. #ClimateFinance #SustainableInvestments #ClimateAdaptation
Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei a distribuit aceasta
⏳ 6 months into the adventure, CLIMATEFIT partners are meeting again altogether in Slovenia to discuss the project’s advances and next steps. On this first morning, we are so excited to visit Medvode ("Between two waters"). The municipality was one of the many victims of the heavy flash floods of August and Octobre 2023, that damaged half of Slovenia, costing 9 billion € in recovery and unexpectadly leading rivers to change their streams, forcing the country to change their renovation plans. Such flood had not been observed in centuries, so people lacked awareness of flooding risks and therefore did not have insurance, and civil protection lacked preparedness to access vulnerable population. This is the kind of event that CLIMATEFIT will help prevent! Stay tuned to follow the meeting advances with us and access our website for more information about our project #ClimateResilience #Finance #Innovation World Climate Foundation | Universiteit Antwerpen | SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute | CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici | ICLEI Europe | Actierra | SustainAdvisory Srl | Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (ItaSIF) |Ramboll |Euroquality - Tinexta Group |Enviros Group | Ambiente Italia S.r.l. |Agency ENERGAP |AdEPorto - Agência de Energia do Porto | Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA |Diputación Ávila | Agence du climat, le guichet des solutions |COMUNE DI BRESCIA | Vlaamse Gewest |Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg |Municipiul Alba Iulia |Stad Genk |Embuild - The Belgian Construction Association |Paris Europlace |Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei | CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei a distribuit aceasta
Our Consortium Meeting in Slovenia continues with a great welcome from SustainAdvisory Srl and Agency ENERGAP, and fascinating interventions from: 🇪🇺 the European Commissioner for Climate Action and EU Mission Secretariat, 🇸🇮 the directorate of climate policy within the Slovene ministry of the environment, climate and energy, the Slovenian multinational insurance company Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. presented their contribution to the recent floods as well as their advanced model of flooding risk Slovenia’s second largest bank Nova KBM d.d. discussed the main challenges to investments in green transition in Slovenia. We concluded with a passionating panel discussion between the speakers and the assembly. More coming tomorrow on our discussions in Ljubljana and access our website for more information about our project #ClimateResilience #Finance #Innovation World Climate Foundation | Universiteit Antwerpen |SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute | CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici | ICLEI Europe |Actierra |SustainAdvisory Srl |Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile |Ramboll |Euroquality - Tinexta Group |Enviros Group |Ambiente Italia S.r.l. |Agency ENERGAP |AdEPorto - Agência de Energia do Porto |Agenția Locală a Energiei Alba - ALEA |Diputación Ávila | Agence du climat, le guichet des solutions| COMUNE DI BRESCIA| Vlaamse Gewest |Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg |Municipiul Alba Iulia |Stad Genk |Embuild - The Belgian Construction Association |Paris Europlace |Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei | CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei a distribuit aceasta
For the second day of our second Consortium Meeting in Ljubljana, we took time to present the main results from our first 6 months, showing the main outputs from the numerous interviews conducted with Public Authorities and investors on their barriers and drivers on adaptation finance 💪. Then CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici and SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute let a collective workshop to deep dive into our strategy for delivering 20 investment strategies and 10 plans 📚. Tomorrow will be our third and final day! #ClimateResilience #Finance #Innovation World Climate Foundation | University of Antwerp|SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute | CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici | ICLEI Europe| ACTERRA |SustainAdvisory Srl|Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (ItaSIF)|Ramboll|Euroquality - Tinexta Group|Enviros Group| Ambiente Italia S.r.l.|Agency ENERGAP|AdEPorto - Agência de Energia do Porto| Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA| Diputación Provincial de Ávila|Agence du climat, le guichet des solutions| COMUNE DI BRESCIA| Vlaamse Gewest| Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg| Municipiul Alba Iulia|Stad Genk|Embuild - The Belgian Construction Association| Paris Europlace| Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei | CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei a distribuit aceasta
On the third and last day of our Consortium Meeting in Ljubljana, we arranged workshops to deep dive into specific critical activities for the upcoming milestones of the project 🎯. Ramboll animated the discussions around our Local Resilience Taskforces and how they can best host the social innovation process allowing for improved adaptation funding and financing at local level; University of Antwerp presented their work on Adaptation Finance Best Practices; ICLEI Europe led the dialogue on stakeholder engagement requirements for the project; Enviros Group managed the debate on Public Authorities Capacity Building. 🙌 This marks the end of our second consortium meeting 🙌. We are very excited to put into practice all the progress we have made in the last three days! Stay in touch and regularly access our website to follow our upcoming progress! #ClimateResilience #Finance #Innovation World Climate Foundation | University of Antwerp | SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute | CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici | ICLEI Europe | ACTERRA | SustainAdvisory Srl |Ramboll | Euroquality - Tinexta Group | Enviros Group | Ambiente Italia S.r.l. | Agency ENERGAP | AdEPorto - Agência de Energia do Porto | Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA | Diputación Provincial de Ávila | COMUNE DI BRESCIA | Vlaamse Gewest | Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg | Municipiul Alba Iulia|Stad Genk | Embuild - The Belgian Construction Association | Paris Europlace | Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei | CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
5 Martie - Ziua Mondială a Eficienței Energetice Pe 5 martie 1998, în Austria, a avut loc prima reuniune în cadrul căreia s-a discutat despre criza energetică şi despre soluţiile de contracarare posibile. Îmbunătățirea eficienței energetice nu înseamnă compromiterea confortului și a calității vieții. Aceasta se bazează pe optimizarea proceselor de producție și a consumului de energie, utilizarea surselor regenerabile de energie în locul combustibililor fosili și promovarea consumului responsabil și a reciclării, printre altele. Fondul Român pentru Eficiența Energiei vă poate sta alături pe drumul către realizarea proiectelor de eficiență energetică pe care compania dumneavoastră le are în vedere. Și nu uitați că cea mai ieftină energie este cea pe care nu o consumăm. La mulți MWh economisiți!