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Yrkesmässiga tjänster

Stockholm, Stockholm 366 586 följare

Om oss

Sweco is at the heart of the green transition - planning and designing the sustainable communities and cities of the future. Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 22,000 architects, engineers and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable. Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy, with sales of approximately SEK 29 billion (EUR 2.5 billion). The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Yrkesmässiga tjänster
Fler än 10 001 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm
Publikt aktiebolag
engineering, environmental technology, architecture, sustainable city development, infrastructure, energy systems, industry, process planning, Green transition och Digitalisation


Anställda på Sweco


  • Water is one of our most critical resources, yet urbanisation, climate change and ageing infrastructure are putting increasing pressure on water and wastewater systems. To meet these challenges, municipalities need smarter, data-driven solutions. Enter Smart Water – a game-changer that combines AI, IoT and big data analytics to transform water management from reactive to proactive. By leveraging digital tools and over a century of engineering expertise, Smart Water enables cities to optimise efficiency, reduce costs and enhance sustainability. In our latest interview, Arvid Nelehag, Business Development Manager Smart Water at Sweco Sweden, shares how technology is reshaping the water sector, the role of AI in infrastructure management and real-world examples of Smart Water in action. 🔹 How can AI improve water infrastructure? 🔹 What challenges do municipalities face today? 🔹 How is data transforming decision-making in the water sector? 💡 Read the full article to explore how Smart Water is driving the future of sustainable water management: https://lnkd.in/gfguyisW #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

  • Mies ja meri – swecolainen meripelastuksen parissa ⚓️ Oululainen Tero Heinonen työskentelee Swecolla vesihuollon suunnittelijana ja projektipäällikkönä. Hän suunnittelee muun muassa puhdasvesilaitoksia ja jätevesilaitoksia. Joskus, esimerkiksi maastossa työssä pystyy hyödyntämään vapaa-ajan oppeja, sillä Tero on intohimoinen purjehtija sekä meripelastuksen konkari. ⚓️Tero on Oulun meripelastusyhdistyksen pitkäaikainen jäsen. Tero hyppäsi mukaan toiminaan junnuna 1980-luvun alussa ja nyt hän on toiminut aluksella päällikkönä noin 30 vuotta. Tero myös kouluttaa ja on yhdistyksen puheenjohtaja. ⚓️Meri on aina ollut Terolle rakas, ja purjehdus tuli elämään vanhempien kautta. Ensimmäisen kerran hän pääsi laineille vauvana kopassa. ⚓️ Suomen meripelastusseura on perustettu 1897, ja sen alla toimii 57 jäsenyhdistystä. Meripelastus kiinnostaa laajasti suomalaisia: mukana on kaikenikäisiä erilaisista ammattiryhmistä. ⚓️ ”Monia vapaaehtoisia vetää mukaan auttamisen halu. Itsekin koen merkityksellisenä auttaa vesillä kulkijoita. Tehtävät ovat monenlaisia: veneisiin tulee teknisiä vikoja, matala vesi voi yllättää ja joskus pitää pelastaa ihmishenkiä. Lisäksi vapaaehtoisena pääsee hyviin koulutuksiin, saa olla vesillä hyvän tiimin kanssa ja pääsee myös valtakunnallisella tasolla näkemään meripelastus toimintaa. Meripelastus harrastuksena kehittää monenlaisia valmiuksia, ja ne auttavat myös projektityössä, kuten ryhmässä ja paineen alaisuudessa toimimista.” ⚓️ ”Purjehtimisessa kiehtoo vapaus. Kun vene irtoaa laiturista, huolet unohtuvat ja pääsee rentoutumaan. Ei moottorin ääntä, edessä horisontti ja ympärillä rauhaa.” #swecollatöissä #swecolaiset

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  • To accelerate the transition to a circular economy, the Nordic region must prioritise systematic waste prevention. In a new report commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Nordic Working Group for Circular Economy, Sweco provides key recommendations for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland, on how to strengthen waste prevention strategies to achieve regional and national sustainability goals.   Focusing on municipal waste, the report outlines practical measures to enhance reuse and minimise waste generation as climate and biodiversity challenges intensify.   “As a trusted European advisor in sustainability, Sweco is uniquely positioned to support the Nordic Council of Ministers in reviewing and enhancing existing policies and programmes, and in providing recommendations based on best practise. The report’s main takeaway is that while waste prevention is a priority in the Nordic countries, a clear need exists for systematic, robust measures to turn these policies into tangible outcomes,” said Thomas Hietto, President of Sweco Finland.   📖 Read more about the project here: https://lnkd.in/dc56xv_P   📄 Find the full report here: https://lnkd.in/dEq5jj9p   #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

  • The Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania has awarded Sweco a contract to assess the environmental risks associated with a proposed deep geological repository (DGR) for the final disposal of long-lived radioactive waste. This assessment is a critical component of the complex and lengthy decommissioning process for the nuclear power plant, which is expected to extend over several decades. The Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, which was officially closed in 2009 as part of an agreement with the European Union, is undergoing decommissioning that involves dismantling reactors, managing radioactive waste and ensuring the safe restoration of the site. As part of this project, Sweco will evaluate the potential impacts to soil, geological layers, groundwater, air quality and biodiversity across 77 candidate repository sites throughout Lithuania. The aim is to ascertain viable solutions that protect the environment, engage the public in the decision-making process, and safely dispose of, isolate, and store radioactive waste for thousands of years. The project, valued at €448,000, commenced in December 2024 and is scheduled to last for one year. “We are proud to be selected as advisors in this crucial project. This initiative holds significant importance not only for the current residents of Lithuania but also for future generations. A team of Sweco experts will leverage local knowledge alongside Sweco Group’s extensive international experience in nuclear projects and support Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant with identifying the optimal solution for the final storage of nuclear waste,” says Zalunskis Liudas, Managing Director for Sweco in Lithuania. Learn more about the project: https://lnkd.in/dvrnze9t #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

  • The Netherlands, renowned for its Delta Works that protect vast areas below sea level, faces a new and pressing challenge—preparing for a future where sea levels could rise by up to five metres by the year 2200. With climate change driving this increase, the country must explore innovative ways to safeguard its low-lying regions. A government-backed study examined whether the Netherlands could remain livable under such extreme conditions. The conclusion is that it’s possible to keep the country safe from flooding, but only through bold interventions, significant investments and long-term planning. Alex Hekman, Business Director Water at Sweco in the Netherlands, and a key expert and one of the initiators of the study, shares insights into how this ambitious research was conducted and what it means for the future of the Dutch Delta Works. “We’ve shown that even with extreme sea-level rise, we have options,” he says. “The key is acting now to ensure those options remain viable in the future.” Ensuring a safe and liveable future requires decisive action today. Read the article to explore the next steps: https://lnkd.in/dxDMTarX #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

  • Climate change is driving more frequent and intense rainfall across Europe, putting cities and critical infrastructure at risk. Heavy downpours can disrupt essential services, damage transportation networks and overwhelm drainage systems that were not designed for these new extremes. To address this growing challenge, stronger risk assessment and infrastructure protection are needed across key sectors. Proactive planning and adaptation measures are essential to ensure that essential services remain operational even in the face of extreme weather events. The question is no longer if heavy rainfall will impact our cities, but how well prepared we are to handle it. Investing in resilient infrastructure today will help mitigate risks and reduce disruptions in the future. How can cities future-proof themselves against extreme rainfall? Click the link to learn more: https://lnkd.in/dhAVMjt4 #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether 

  • Visa organisationssidan för Sweco

    366 586 följare

    Water management is a key pillar of the green transition, ensuring clean water, resilient ecosystems and sustainable infrastructure for the future. As climate change intensifies challenges like flooding, droughts and water scarcity, the need for smart, forward-thinking solutions has never been greater. At Sweco, we’re helping communities across Europe tackle these challenges. From restoring vital freshwater sources to modernising water infrastructure and enhancing flood protection, our experts deliver solutions that strengthen resilience and support sustainable growth. With client projects spanning from Armenia to Belgium, Ukraine and beyond, Sweco supports efforts to enhance water security through innovation and collaboration. Learn more about some of our latest projects: https://lnkd.in/dwhq2UBd #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether 

  • Visa organisationssidan för Sweco

    366 586 följare

    Sweco’s fourth quarter concluded a successful year for Sweco marked by several financial milestones: In 2024, net sales surpassed SEK 30 billion, EBITA exceeded SEK 3 billion, and Sweco reported a full year double-digit margin. Read the full report: https://lnkd.in/dSk-2wSj “Sweco’s experts play a vital role in planning and designing a stronger, more competitive and resilient Europe,” says Åsa Bergman, President and CEO of Sweco.   Highlights from our Q4 and Year-end Report 2024↩   🔼 Net sales increased to SEK 8,100 million (7,717) for Q4 🔼 EBITA increased to SEK 3,076 million (2,531) for 2024 🔼 EBITA increased 20 per cent year-on-year after adjustment for calendar effects #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

  • Visa organisationssidan för Sweco

    366 586 följare

    Är du nyfiken på hur våra marinbiologer bidrar till hållbara energilösningar? 🌊🔬    Marinbiologiska undersökningar och miljöbedömningar är avgörande när vi bygger i och nära vatten, såsom hamnar, broar och havsbaserad vindkraft. Swecos experter har hjälpt Deep Wind Offshore inför tillståndsansökan för vindkraftparken Olof Skötkonung i södra Bottenhavet.    Läs mer: https://lnkd.in/dqGRhybe    #marinbiologi #vindkraft #energi #transformingsocietytogether #sweco #swecosverige 

  • Visa organisationssidan för Sweco

    366 586 följare

    V rámci naší dlouhodobé strategie podpořit výstavbu udržitelné infrastruktury jsme spojili odborné týmy divizí Vodárenství a Čištění odpadních vod & kanalizace. Vzniká tak divize Městská vodohospodářská infrastruktura vedená Stanislavem Hanákem. Věříme, že tímto spojením zvýšíme naši schopnost rychleji reagovat na měnící se potřeby vodního hospodářství a přinášet inovativní a ekonomicky výhodná řešení. Přečtěte si více na našem webu: https://lnkd.in/eG6qiW7e #sweco #swecoczech

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