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Rand Fishkin from SparkToro has published his latest study on zero-click Google searches, which has some interesting findings based on clickstream data from users in the U.S. and EU. Of note:

  • Nearly 60% of searches ended without a click.
  • Almost 30% of all clicks in the U.S. went to Google-owned properties (YouTube, Maps, Images, etc.).
  • Just over a third of all clicks went to the open web.

Dig deeper in my article, Nearly 60% of Google searches end without a click in 2024.

Danny Goodwin,
Editorial Director, Search Engine Land & SMX



Nearly 60% of Google searches end without a click in 2024


Meanwhile, almost 30% of clicks go to Google's properties and about 36% of clicks go to the open web, a new zero-click search study finds.


Google working on fixing latency issues with the Search Performance reports


The reports within Search Console are now delayed by over 52 hours.


Google expands conversion tracking for Merchant Center


Google Merchant Center will include data from Search web results and other sources, aiming to provide merchants with more comprehensive performance insights

MarTech webinar

Why data standards are the key to marketing success


Is your data a tangled mess hindering your ability to gain valuable insights and deliver personalized experience? Data standards are the key to unlocking the true power of your data.


Google expands definition of U.S. Election ads


Google now requires verification for a wider range of political content, which may impact more advertisers ahead of the 2024 elections.



Why are so many affiliate sites losing organic traffic?


Here’s why smaller affiliate sites are losing rankings after Google's core update and how brand search can turn the tide.

Customer loyalty

4 key actions for fostering customer loyalty


A whopping 63% of consumers even say they’ll pay more to shop with the brands they’re loyal to. But as consumer behavior shifts, cultivating this loyalty is easier said than done.


How to spot and avoid shady link building vendors


Avoid the pitfalls of link network spam. Here’s how to spot scammy pitches, identify toxic sites and protect your brand’s SEO.

The highest honor in search

Enter the 2024 Search Engine Land Awards today


Make this the year you become an “award-winning marketer”. Enter the 2024 Search Engine Land Awards by July 12 to lock in Early Bird pricing. You deserve this!

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