The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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My Skyrim mod collection.
All the best mods from the workshop, in my opinion.
This collection is primary for me ^^
But if you are interested
You can have a look!
These mods make Skyrim more beautiful, more intense and more varied
and let skyrims unique charm^^
Items (140)
"Better Females by Bella" - CORE FILES
Created by ZeroFrag
I liked this mod a lot but was annoyed when I could only find a customized version on the workshop. This one is the default version of the mod including Bella's textures and makeup unlike the custom version that is located elsewhere on the workshop. The fi...
"Better Females by Bella" - Makeup Type 2
Created by ZeroFrag
This is an add on for the "Better Females by Bella" Core pack. It changes the makeup on the characters to they type 2 version created by BellaGail. BellaGail describes this version as follows... "Makeup version 2 Adds a little more colour to the face and p...
4k Dark Gritty Mountains
Created by Osmodius
This is a new hi-res texture replacement for the mountains in Skyrim. It was built upon the original look, but I went and added loads of awesome texture to get a dark and gritty appearance. These textures are 4k in resolution and will affect your performan...
Additional Music Project Part Two
Created by evilbluekoala
IMPORTANT NOTE: THERE IS A NEWER VERSION OF THIS MOD, CALLED JUST 'ADDITIONAL MUSIC PROJECT', SO I SUGGEST YOU GO AND LOOK FOR THAT ONE :) - Original Description - As the title suggests, this is part two :). The full mod is at time of writing 30 tracks lon...
Arrows Stick
Created by HeavyMintFlava
Increases the number of arrows that will stick into humans/creatures. Update 4/10/12 Arrows should no longer accumulate on the player. Nexus:
Basic Dining Set Re-Texture
Created by Treguld
Update:09/19/14 ********************************************************************************************************************* I did a final of the Basic metal plate. I'm still thinking of putting the word "Skyrim" in dragon though. XD *************...
Beast Skeletons
This mod adds new types of skeletons Argonian , Khajiit , Orc and Elves ... The Inspiration comes from Lizard Skull and Cat skull , since it seemed to me strange to have many Races around in Tamriel but just human skeleton types I tought this needed a chan...
Beautiful Glaciers
Created by Osmodius
This is another glacier mod by me, stepping a bit further away from realism and aiming more for beauty while still having an icy appearance. These textures were made completely by hand from scratch in Photoshop and are 4k in resolution. No texture images w...
Better Embers
Created by Vampaerr
This is a mod to make embers look better, it's something I made along with the textures fix for the chopping blocks/wood fires but never released. DONATION COUNT: 1!! (very happy to have received my first donation! thank you, very much appreciated!)...
Better Towns Textures
Created by Raphou112
==== Workshop notes ==== If you use Statics Meshes Improvement, use this version instead. I cannot uppload all my compatibility files on the workshop, so if you want to use them, you have to go on the nexus page. (accunt needed). When I started Skyrim, I w...
Better Towns Textures - For SMIM
Created by Raphou112
==== Workshop notes ==== If you don't use Statics Meshes Improvement, use this version instead. I cannot uppload all my compatibility files on the workshop, so if you want to use them, you have to go on the nexus page. (accunt needed). When I started Skyri...
Birds and Flocks
Created by Goodtime Charlie
-- NOTICE 10/25/2016 -- Unfortunately, I don't have time to continue offering further support/updates for my mods. I am unaware at this time how mods like this one will work with the Skyrim Remaster which is due out in a few days, but I am posting this as ...
Bloodier Combat
Created by Snowfie
Important note: Currently, because of a bug in the engine, this mod will cancel out some vanilla perks. I believe the only ones it affects are: Bullseye (archery) Warmaster (Two-handed) Limbsplitter (Two-handed) Paralyzing Strike (One-handed) Hack n Slash ...
Blue Glass Recolor
Created by Computermaster
Change that ugly green to an eye appealing blue! Disclaimer: These textures were created by Diranar and have been uploaded with his permission! Check my workshop page for Diranar's other armors....
Blue Glass Recolor w/ Transparency
Created by Computermaster
Change that ugly green to an eye appealing blue, now with a touch of transparency! Disclaimer: These textures were created by Diranar and have been uploaded with his permission! Check my workshop page for Diranar's other armors....
Bluecreek Estate
Created by Tom
Welcome to the remote grounds of Bluecreek Estate, a secluded player home situated on the north-eastern shore of lake Ilinalta. The estate includes a woodmill, goldmine, hot tub, treasure vault, hunter’s shack, servant quarters and the main residence. All ...
Bones and Skeletons Retexture by Andre7890
Created by Andre7890
A complete retexture of the game's bones and skeletons, made to make them more realistic....
Chewiemuse's Dense Grass
This is the Final message update I am leaving on here. If you have any issues with the mod or compatibility leave a comment I will try to help you. Im trying to gauge which mods are incompatible with this mod right now, its been 2 years since Ive worked on...
Chopping block / Wood fires FIX
Created by Vampaerr
This mod fixes the missing textures on skyrim HD pack Chopping Blocks and replaces the ugly textures of Wood Fires. Revision 1.1: Added Paarthurnax texture fix and new HD textures for chopping block/wood fires. NOTE: If you cannot see the fix, try changing...
Complete Skyforge
Created by karstux
This is a little convenience mod that adds a Smelter, Workbench and Tanning Rack to the Skyforge....
Conjuration Hand FX Vanilla
Created by Levin
Among all the chaos of the paid mods controversy, all of my mods will remain FREE of charge, always. This mod changes the in-hand spell effects from the default purple swirl to custom colors for each of the summonable creatures. This was made in order to r...
Deeper Snow (More Snow)
Created by Zappoo
This Mods adds more Snow to Skyrim especially Snow Storms are very Snowy :) Update - Now this Mod comes with WindFX when it Snow´s heavy! For even more Snow and Wind in this mod you can also check If y...
Dense Vegetation
Created by Galle
Dense Vegetation enables a realistic and lovely landscape. It increases the density of all grass varieties. Compatible with nearly every other mod. Finally on Skyrim Nexus:
Detailed Cities
Created by Dex
Detailed Cities is a graphical enhancement modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Detailed Cities adds more than 1000 extra assets or modifications to the cities of Skyrim, giving each city a more vibrant feel. Detailed Cities primarily uses assets ...
Detailed Mine Map Markers
Created by Boom
Adds and labels all Mine Map Markers to display the main material it yields. This will not automatically reveal Mine locations to you. You must still find them yourself. Goes well with: - Lighter Tools Mod (
Detailed Outskirts
Created by Dex
Update: I have been away for awhile now busy with life and work, blown up computer, but just to let all my devoted followers there will be an update soon. Detailed Outskirts was made to bring smoother transitions to the Detailed Cities mod in conjunction w...
Detailed Towns
Created by Dex
Detailed Towns is my third graphical enhancement modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Giving each town a more vibrant feel. Detailed Townes primarily uses assets already in the scene to have as little effect on load times and performance as possib...
Digitigrade Khajiit + Argonian Raptor Feet
Created by artifex
Digitigrade Khajiit gives Khajiit unique, paw-like feet, while Argonian Raptor Feet gives Argonians velociraptor-style claws. If you'd like to use these two mods together, subscribe to this mod instead of either individual mod. --Argonian Raptor Feet-- I f...
Distant Detail
Created by Goodtime Charlie
-- NOTICE 10/25/2016 -- Unfortunately, I don't have time to continue offering further support/updates for my mods. I am unaware at this time how mods like this one will work with the Skyrim Remaster which is due out in a few days, but I am posting this as ...
DNCL - Day/Night City Lights
Created by JoyTrooper
                                         In a world where fires burn for eternity and all the lands forests are laid to ashes,              one mod rises against the tyranny of wasteful energy. Introducing DNCL, disc...
Dovahkiin Sanctuary
Created by iadamzx
The Dovahkiin Sanctuary This playerhome was designed with the intention being a fairytale/fantasy style home. With all the necessities that the Dovahkiin needs. The entrance to The Sanctuary can be found at Clearspring Tarn in the Rift region of Skyrim. Th...
Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor
Created by Kurmudge
The expert in battle would first make himself invincible, then wait for his enemy to expose his vulnerability. -- Sun Tzu Dragonbone Ebonsteel heavy armor is a stand-alone set combining the raw strength of dragonbone with the more malleable resilience of e...
Draugr Retexture by Andre7890
Created by Andre7890
Have you ever wondered how a dead body is, when it stay a lot of years in a polar climate?! Based on some researches I have created my own retexture for the vanilla's Draugr, their armours and hair. See the screenshots for more detail. ...
Dynamic Fires
Created by woodbyte
Allows one to ignite and extinguish fires by using fire and frost spells, respectively. It also puts out fires that have been running for some time. (**update** - torch bashing now lights up fires too) This initial release features all campfires. Other fir...
Enchanted Visual Effects
Created by Starfall Leyline
I created this mod mostly for myself a while back because I liked the idea of elemental visual effects. I hadn't publshed a mod before (this is my first one), so I figured I would share this with others. It adds the effect rings to the Riverwood Trader ven...
[OUTDATED]Enhanced Blood Textures 3.6b
Created by BakaKemono
NEW VERSION HERE: You need to make a "clean save" to use the new version. Uninstall the mod by following the instructions, load your game without the mod installed, save, then install the ne...
EzE's Colored Map Markers
Created by ChampagneAndOj
Colors your map markers! - Compatible with Skyrim 1.8 and up This mod colors your map markers, and colors the markers on your compass too. Places you haven't found yet are black (like normal) Updates will be released as needed Alternate versions of this mo...
Filthy Rich Merchants
Created by The Reaper
Dragonborn, are you tired of lugging around all that junk you picked up from that decrepit hole you emerged from? Are you frustrated by the fact that when you decided to unload, you are denied a chance to sell them to the nearest greedy merchant because th...
Followers can Relax
Created by King Coin
4/25/15 -- No I am not going to charge for this. UPDATE: If you'd like to be able to tell Serana to relax as well, use this patch file in addition to this mod: As always, if you do not see the ...
Greener Aspenforest
Created by [NEO] J-man
This is a little mod which makes the aspenforest near Rifton greener. It changes the color of: -the trees,(for a Only-Tree-Version of this mod click here: -the grass, -the ground-textures -the sh...
HD Armored Circlets
Created by johnskyrim
Check out my newest mod: The Godswords of Gielinor (Runescape)! If you want a Higher Quality version, visit Steam won't allow for me to upload the full 4k textures version. Includes: - Iron - Steel - Dwarven - Glass -...
HD Plants + Herbs
Created by Dartanis
UPDATE: I am Playing ESO as Dartanyss, I am new to game and would love tips, guild invites, or group invites! I made this for you. Please "Like" it. :) Some of those color splotches on the ground of skyrim are supposed to be flowers, so I made them look li...
Created by Hectrol
*** IMPORTANT! 4K Version available on Because of the restriction of 100 MB of Steam WorkShop *** DESCRIPTION: =========== This texture set recreates a realistic and beautiful caves, adding new graphics with more res...
Hermit's Stump
Created by Dimonoider
A small house in Morrowind style. Hermit's Stump is located in the marvelous Hermit's Cave near the Hillgrund's Tomb (On the way to Ivarstead). Look for map marker when you start game. Features: Unusual design; All crafting stations; Planters; Common conta...
HQ Skyrimmap
Created by Rulin
This mod changes the maps seen on walls and tables. Texturereplacer for the battlemap01/ Import from my skyrimnexus mod ( Same version but only the one with the highest resolution. Artwork by G...
HQ snow texture
Created by Erik1988
There is a new version for Special Edition available here (Nexus): Make sure to check it out! ------ I was hoping to get a more crystallized look on the snow and make it feel more cold. You sould try...
HQ Workbench and Grindstone
Created by Zappoo
This Mod adds new High Quality Textures for the Workbench and Grindstone. The Textures are in 2048x2048px and they are fully compatible with the High-Res Texture Pack (but can be used without HighRes Textures for sure). It´s just a retexture, but you may f...
Immersive Interiors
Created by SomeWelshGuy
Immersive Interiors is an ambitious, total lighting overhaul for interiors. Latest Update: Version 0.2.5. Adds Amren's House and Uthgerd the Unbroken's house which were accidentally omitted from the previous release. Improves weather and imagespace detecti...
Immersive Saturation Boost
Created by Aplestormy
Immersive Saturation Boost By Aplestormy Features No Performance Loss Almost doubles game saturation, getting rid of the "Washed out" visuals Compatible with nearly every Lighting Mod Makes Colours brighter, and more vibrant Doesn't change interior lightin...
Improved Interior Lighting (For Realistic Lighting Mods)
Created by Sovereign
This Mod updates certain interior spaces with more realistic lighting solutions to better mimic ambient lighting caused by smaller enclosed spaces. Also adds a few personal stylistic alterations to improve visual interest in certain areas. REQUIREMENTS Thi...
Kill Moves - No Blur
Created by ThirteenOranges
Removes most of the Blur effects from finisher moves. See your kills more clearly than ever. Simple. ------- Sep 2012 Update - Now more universal removal of blur from kill moves to account for moves added post launch. - Better title image. - Less changes t...
Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One
Created by manny_gt
Mannygt's Mods * LANTERNS OF SKYRIM * the "All In One version" is here :) Version 1.1 * CHANGELOG * v1.0 - Initial release v1.1 - Remove unnecessary references in mod - On the Nexus there are the ESM version and the 2x brighter too * OVERVIEW * As many of ...
Lanterns of Skyrim - Around Cities
Created by manny_gt
* OVERVIEW * This mod add some lanterns along roads to the main cities Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm, Markarth, Riften and Winterhold. * NEW VERSION * Light of the lanterns now have increased distance view Better lighting Script free Light lit from 5pm to 8...
Lanterns of Skyrim - Bridges
Created by manny_gt
* OVERVIEW * This mod add lanterns per bridge around Skyrim. Just for eyecandy and maybe helpful to recognize bridges during night. * NEW VERSION * Light of the lanterns now have increased distance view Better lighting Script free Light lit from 5pm to 8am...
Lanterns Of Skyrim - Villages
Created by manny_gt
* OVERVIEW * This mod add lanterns in the villages around Skyrim and they lit from 5pm to 8am next day. No BSA file required Just for eyecandy and maybe helpful to recognize villages during night * VILLAGES * - Riverwood - Karthwasten - Ivarstead - Rorikst...
Left Hand Rings
Created by duggelz
Left Hand Rings by duggelz, version 1.5 Adds rings that are worn on the left hand. You can wear two rings at once, one on each hand. These rings can be crafted, enchanted, bought from merchants, and found randomly as treasure. == How It Works == This mod a...
Lightning during Thunder Storms.
Created by 🅼inty
Main Lightning mod and COT patch mods are also available from Skyrim Nexus. Please Rate or Favourite this mod if you like it ;o) Works best along side the following mods:- Real Rain:- http://sk...
Lightweight Potions and Poisons
Created by JustinOther
Drops the weights all of potions and poisons from 0.5 to 0.1. Currently supports *only Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Skyrim installations. Revision 5: Added Czech support. Dawnguard potions reweighed if SKS...
Lockpick Pro
Created by Dilloid
Mod created by Kenney Vleugels for Skyrim Nexus. Uploaded to Workshop by Dilloid. IMPORTANT: The official home of this mod is Skyrim Nexus Mods, this version is known to be working!! Download it here: If you are he...
Lockpicking Measurement Vision
Created by DasMatze
This is a simple texture modification that helps you picking more difficult locks by adding glowing lines. If it looks too futuristic to you, download these instead: I won't change a thing about it! No...
Milky Way Galaxy Texture
Created by THyRoID
This mod simply replaces the original Skyrim galaxy texture with an actual image of our own Milky Way galaxy. The rest of the sky elements (stars, auroras, moons) remain vanilla and function as they normally do. This mod should also work with any other mod...
More Argonian colour (color) tints
Created by Tereus
Adds a few new colours to male and female Argonians. I only added more colour tints and did not touch the original textures so I believe it should work with any texture replacers. changes: made colours less saturated added green and orange/gold and red...
More Dragon Loot
Created by Vony256
This little mod makes dragons drop more loot. You should allways get something enchanted to make it worth while dragon hunting. This mod should also now be compatible with the Deadly Dragons Mod....
More Hair Colors
Created by Evil4Zerggin
Adds 42 natural and 20 dyed hair colors to the game. Will probably not work with other race modification mods, even those that don't affect hair color. The natural colors come in 7 hues: 2 reddish, 3 blondish, and 2 brownish. Each hue has 6 brightnesses. T...
More Hair Colors!
Created by Slipcoc
What this mod does, is it adds 17 more hair colors to each race! Now, you can have a yellow beard, or you can even be a ginger that has no soul! The possibilites are endless! Please let me know what you think about this mod... To change an already existing...
More Village Animals
Created by Eidgenosse
AMore Village Animals is now divided into 3 ESP for better Compatibility with other Mods and i have reworked all places. Read the Installation how to update or install More Village Animals. Check my Channel for the other Additional Areas! What is it? =====...
Morrowind-Colored Soul Gems
Created by davidbrasher
This mod changes soul gems to be colored like they were in Morrowind. Instead of having all the soul gems be the same color, they use different colors for ease of recognition and because they are more interesting to look at that way. Mod: Morrowind-Colored...
no hood for serana
Created by borr
eliminates hood, very easy, you have to redefine textures and rebip objects, that is all...
No Snow Under the Roof
This mod adds new 3d anow in structures un snowy areas And fir farmhouses that have a pirticullis also removes the snow under the roof . Plus 3d snow over roofs . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was si...
Open Face Guard Helmets
Created by BlaQNYC
Always wondered what the guard complaining about an Arrow in their knee looks like? Now you can find out! This mod changes all of the Guard Helms and Stormcloak Helmets to open face versions, so now you can see their pretty face! If you like it, please sup...
Plant Trees
Created by NickB
Update v0.5: * NEW TREES: Four types of Aspen trees are now available to plant. * NEW ITEM: The Staff of Efflorescence. "Paint" flowers across the land to decorate your forests. Flowers are not persistent, so go wild! * Sloping and floating trees should no...
Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar
Created by Azar
This mod adds some new ponytail hairstyles for your female characters. This is a stand-alone mod and will not conflict with any other hair mods you're using. These hairs were designed primarily for human females. They can be used on males and other races, ...
Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar 2
Created by Azar
This mod adds some new ponytail hairstyles for your female characters. This is a stand-alone mod and will not conflict with any other hair mods you're using. These hairs were designed primarily for human females. They can be used on males and other races, ...
Pottery Retexture
Created by Treguld
I got sick of the pottery in game soooo. I changed them. ^_^ If you are a modder too, you may use these as you wish. ;)...
Project Reality:Climates Of Tamriel - Lite Version
Created by jj.con
COMPLETE WEATHER & LIGHTING OVERHAUL FOR SKYRIM: -Adds 506 new weather systems -Adds 2024 new and unique days, night, dawn and dusk -Adds a massive library of new cloud visuals -Adds fork lightning visuals and new thunder sounds -Adds natural and fantasy l...
Pure Waters
Created by Laast
This is a pure, clean, and natural water, as it should be in the cold mountains of Skyrim. This mod provides water with complete overhaul: - Colors enhancement: natural, wild and various water colors. - Realistic transparency: big shorelines improvement. -...
Real Glaciers V2
Created by Osmodius
DONT FORGET TO RATE AND COMMENT =) A new replacer for the glacial ice in Skyrim. The textures are 4096x4096 in size and the design is unlike any other ice mod out there. This mod may cause a performance hit, but it shouldn't be problematic seeing as though...
Real Rain CoT
Created by PlayerTw0
Makes rain heavier and more natural looking. Made to work specifically with Climates of Tamriel. Only use this version if your using Climates of Tamriel B...
Realistic Paper
Created by AdRy
Finally the best paper mod for Skyrim available on Steam Workshop! This mod replaces the paper of books and notes with a more realistic and high res texture. Nice side-effect: Higher resolution text in books and notes. Compatible with all mods that don't c...
Realistic Piercing Arrows
Created by Coffee Break
Archery can be a lot of fun in skyrim, but the way skyrim handles landed arrows is very weak for pc gamers. Now with my mod, you can actually see the wrath you unleash on an enemy with a hail of arrows. This mod changes fired arrows so that a total of 25 a...
Remove Interior Fog V2
Created by Rapha_VibeAloha
DESCRIPTION This mod removes the interior distant fog in all interiors of the vanilla game, Dawnguard and Hearthfire, and is intended to replace the old Remove Ambient Interior Fog, that can be considered outdated and abandoned now after 10 months of inact...
[ VoidCraft ] Optic Nature Pack
Created by Saint Void
Have too many graphic mods that you just can't live without? Why not use a combo pack? *** Attention *** I did not create the mods in this combo pack, I am merely combining them into one all-in-one mod. I have the utmost respect for the creators of these m...
ZX Hands (Vanilla)
Created by Zardoz Xerxes
Tweet me @ZardozXerxes Ever think the hands in Skyrim get too blurry looking in first person? I made this mod to make them look like real hands! These hands are so detailed you might worry about leaving fingerprints when killing old ladies in orphanages! N...
ZX Hands
Created by Zardoz Xerxes
Tweet me @ZardozXerxes Update: Now features all races hands! Ever think the hands in Skyrim get too blurry looking in first person? I made this mod to make them look like real hands! Not just a smoothed out Vanilla texture with a noise effect and some hand...
Worthy Noble Furniture
Created by AdRy
FINALY ON STEAM WORKSHOP: The worthiest textures for noble furniture in skyrim! Painstakingly handcrafted textures with double the high res dlcs resolution!...
Watery Eyes
Created by Banjack
THIS MOD WILL NEVER COST YOU MONEY When you swim underwater, your vision becomes blurred temporarily. This is a small mod intended for immersion. I've been using this mod privately for a while, and decided now to share it with you guys (as I probably won't...
Vurt Flora Overhaul (Redux) - Purple grass
Created by ReDragon
All credits go to Vurt and his wonderful skyrim mod Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Look at this url: As template I took his SFO v1.5 and made my own special edition, which can be used in combination with Skyrim - Nicer shrubs... This ...
Riften Marketplace Firepit
Created by infcted
I got tired of the dark blank pit in the middle of the Riften Marketplace, So I created this mod that adds a burning firepit to the center of the marketplace! If you enjoy dont forget to rate! The only mods that might interfere with this are ones that add ...
Rocks2K Special Edition (New Rock Textures)
Created by Leviathan
This is a texture to replace the rock and mountains. You can also find this mod on the Nexus site, under rocks4K. Pannonian - is me, the creator....
Shadow Striping Fix (Indoor/Outdoor)
Created by TheRealJSON
This is a small and simple mod that will fix those annoying and disgusting shadows in houses and other areas. Basically the main cause of these radial shadow defects is a low shadow depth bias, which ironically, states in the Creation Kit Wiki that a low (...
Skyrim - Landscape
Created by ReDragon
This mod overwrites all plain vanilla textures inside the folder ''landscape'' and subfolder ''roads''. It was published here to get a good Skyrim feeling without installed ENB-mod. All textures (bump maps also) have a size of 1024x1024 except of 'roaddeta...
Skyrim - Nicer Shrubs, plants & grass
Created by ReDragon
Shrubs are these plants in skyrim which you see all the time. This new version is based on Vurts Flora Overhaul, HDplants+Herbs and 2K Texture pack by Bethesda. I mixed all that together in one handy mod. Most of these files were edited by myself in colour...
Skyrim Fishing
Created by RichWebster
Ever wanted to spend time fishing in Skyrim? Well now you can! Visit a Blacksmith Forge to craft your very own fishing rod using 2 x Firewood and 1 x Iron Ingot, grab some bait (insects), find your favourite fishing spot and start fishing! HOW IT WORKS Fin...
Skyrim New And Improved Music & Main Menu
Created by DarkSeeker117
This Mod Changes Both The Music And The Visuals Of The Main Menu To Something Much More Epic! Animated Snow And A Kickass Cover Of The Themes Of Morrowind, Oblivion And Skyrim Are All Combined To Give A Completely New Feel To The Start Of The Game. FOR THO...
Skyrim Weather Beautification
Created by koncertejo
This mod overhauls the weather across Skyrim, adding more pleasant weather. Including less rainstorms, fewer snowstorms, more auroras, and the presence of occasional "godly" skyboxes. Please note that this mod is incompatible with any other weather changin...
Solitude Texture Pack by Osmodius
Created by Osmodius
If you like the mod, please rate and comment. Your feedback improves my mods. This is a hi-res texture replacer for Solitude. Built for a dark and gritty setting, I have been working on this mod a little at a time for the last month. I hope you understand ...
Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization
Created by Cliffworms
Civilization focuses on adding 223 new sound effects to cities, villages, farms and remote locations where civilization is present. In cities, you can hear the sound of a hammer being used by a villager repairing something, children playing, dogs barking o...
Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons
Created by Cliffworms
The Dungeons includes 115+ sound effects to add life to the dungeons. The enemy type that inhabits a dungeon will make itself heard. At dungeons’ entrances, you also hear the exterior weather. If there’s a thunderstorm raging outside, you’ll hear the thund...
Unread Books Glow
Created by duggelz
Unread Books Glow by duggelz Books which you have not read yet will have a visible glow. When you read a book for the first time, its glow will disappear. All copies of the same title are considered the same book, so once you've read one "Cats of Skyrim", ...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Winterhold
Created by matthieu6839
Add many details to Winterhold and make it beautiful! If you enjoy this mod, please rate, subscribe and favorite it . Now avalaible : Enhanced Cities: Morthal Enhanced Cities: Dawnstar Enhanced Cities: Winterhold Enhanced Cities: Inns Enhanced Cities: Mark...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Windhelm
Created by Aplestormy
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Windhelm Make Windhelm beautiful! Features Adds over 1500 new items to Windhelm, including: Trees (Featuring new models thanks to GKB Trees) Shrubs Alchemist Plants General Flora Light sources Architecture Clutter Seating Anima...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Whiterun Exterior
Created by Aplestormy
Please check out my other Mod (Towns and Villages Enhanced), that Adds new levels of detail to towns and villages around skyrim! :) (Similar to this one, but for whole villages!) Follow me on t...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Villages Redux
Created by Aplestormy
Make Skyrims Villages Beautiful! ==================================================== A redux of the popular mod, Towns and Villages Enhanced: Villages. ==================================================== Adds many items to the villages around Skyrim! . N...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Solitude
Created by Aplestormy
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Solitude Make Solitude beautiful! Features Adds over 1500 new items to Solitude, including: Trees (Featuring new models thanks to GKB Trees) Shrubs Alchemist Plants General Flora Light sources Architecture Clutter Seating Anima...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Riften
Created by Aplestormy
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Riften Make Riften beautiful! Features Adds over 1500 new items to Riften, including: Trees (Featuring new models thanks to GKB Trees) Shrubs Alchemist Plants General Flora Light sources Architecture Clutter Seating Animals Eff...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Pro - Whiterun
Created by Aplestormy
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Pro First Edition - Whiterun A new take on the popular mod series, Towns and Villages Enhanced. Enjoy a rockier, wilder Whiterun - with incredible detail! Features Adds over 1500 new items to Whiterun (and other cities in futur...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Morthal
Created by matthieu6839
Add many details to Morthal and make it beautiful! If you enjoy this mod, please rate, subscribe and favorite it . **************************************************** Adds to the city: • Furniture • Containers • Insects and Animals • Light sources • Trees...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Markarth Exterior
Created by matthieu6839
Add many details to the exterior of Markarth and make it beautiful! If you enjoy this mod, please rate, subscribe and favorite it . Now avalaible : Enhanced Cities: Morthal Enhanced Cities: Dawnstar Enhanced Cities: Winterhold Enhanced Cities: Inns Enhance...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Inns
Created by matthieu6839
Add many details to the Inns of Skyrim and make them beautiful! If you enjoy this mod, please rate, subscribe and favorite it . Now avalaible : Enhanced Cities: Morthal Enhanced Cities: Dawnstar Enhanced Cities: Winterhold Enhanced Cities: Inns Enhanced Ci...
Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds
Created by Cliffworms
The Wilds focuses on adding sound effects in Skyrim's wilderness. With the 115 new sound effects, the purpose of The Wilds is to audibly enlarge Skyrim's fauna with the addition of various animals, birds and insects that play according to weather, time of ...
Spells Give Off Light
Created by Moredekai
I DID IT!!!!!!! well, kind of. I fixed the shadows not being lit up. it is a simple ini tweak, go to skyrimPrefs.ini and under change "bDeferredShadows=1 to 0. now spells will light up shadows. Also, this mod i have found is EXTREMELY incompatible with mor...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Falkreath
Created by Aplestormy
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Falkreath Make Falkreath beautiful! Features Adds over 1500 new items to Falkreath, including: Trees Shrubs Alchemist Plants General Flora Light sources Architecture Clutter Seating Animals Effects Experience a new, super detai...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Dawnstar
Created by matthieu6839
Add many details to Dawnstar and make it beautiful! If you enjoy this mod, please rate, subscribe and favorite it . Now avalaible : Enhanced Cities: Morthal Enhanced Cities: Dawnstar Enhanced Cities: Winterhold Enhanced Cities: Inns Enhanced Cities: Markar...
Towns and Villages Enhanced: (Markarth+)
Created by Tek
Towns and Villages Enhanced - Riverwood
Created by Aplestormy
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Riverwood Make Riverwood (more) beautiful! Features Adds over 1500 new items to Riverwood, including: Trees Shrubs Alchemist Plants General Flora Light sources Architecture Clutter Seating Animals Effects Experience a new, supe...
The Lookout
Created by flashyraccoon
Latest Version: 2.2 1) Description 2) Q&A 3) My other mods 4) Change log ***** this mod was cleaned with TES5Edit v. 3.1.1 ***** ************************************************** 1) DESCRIPTION: Own the best view in all of Skyrim! - realistic acquisition ...
The Reserve II
Created by Lithxe
+++++++++++++++++++++++++ SHORT DESCRIPTION +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Located a short horseride east of Whiterun, The Reserve II is a player home meticulously designed for convenience and extravagant living. Featuring three main wings all branching from th...
Thanatos Dragon
Created by Satyr
This mod replaces Odahviing with a new high resolution dragon made from scratch. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you apreciate my work and wish to donate, you ca...
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Created by Brumbek IMPORTANT: Load Order Compatibility The SMIM .esp file (StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp) must be loaded BEFORE (ABOVE) any water mods you are using, otherwise you'll most likely get an ugly water se...
Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers
Created by Turn_on_a_Dime
This simple mod adds quest markers to all 24 of the Stones of Barenziah (Unusual Gems) that you need to find/collect for the "No Stone Unturned" quest. The markers are only added after you take an "Unusual Gem" to Vex, and she gives you the objective to fi...
Badehaus - V1.4.
Created by Lexy 😝
Mal was zur Entspannung.... Hier, in diesem Badehaus kann sich euer Held mal entspannen bis es weiter geht, zu neuen Abenteuern :). Es liegt etwas östlich von Weißlauf. Wenn euch dieser MOD gefällt, bitte bewerten. :D Und schaut euch auch meine anderen MOD...
No Spinning Death Animation
Created by BakaKemono
This will simply remove the spinning around dance animation that they do before dying they will now just ragdoll when killed. Works for kills and dying from a high fall. It will not affect killmoves. Removed certain creature death pause animations which ca...
Obsidian Mountains Texture
Created by Osmodius
If you like the mod, please leave a rating and give me some feedback, it means a lot. This is a Hi-Res 4K texture replacer for the rocks and mountains in Skyrim. It is not meant to be lore friendly, it is only meant as a cool alternative to the low res mou...
Realistic Lighting and Colors -Final-
Created by VACBAN
Please Subscribe and Rate :D Works better with The Goddess ENB Configuration: (You don't need to download ENB presets to run this mod.But you can use it,it will gives a sightly better result) Wintertide - Fantasy ENB:h...
Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger
Created by AManOfGlory
This is an amazing little portable camping mod that gives control over setting up your campsite exactly how you want. It comes with two types of tents, many extra features, and includes custom models for setting up the camp. THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE WITH FRO...
Real Rain Extended
Created by PlayerTw0
V5 Update 7/15/12 Fixes problem with raindrops when users were enabling ENBs and not seeing Rain/RainRipples. V4 Update 7/4/12 Made rain a bit thinner and faster. Rainripples were also changed to be a tiny bit more visible. Also changed Riften and The Coll...
Real Trees and LOD - Distance
Created by RavenKZP
You too dont like the ugly bad textured and skinny trees? If yes, i have a really good mod for you! What it do?: This mod change the meshes and textures for trees on Skyrim, and add really detailed LOD for trees. So it add to game more realism. ;) This par...
Real Trees and LOD - forest
Created by RavenKZP
You too dont like the ugly bad textured and skinny trees? If yes, i have a really good mod for you! What it do?: This mod change the meshes and textures for trees on Skyrim, and add really detailed LOD for trees. So it add to game more realism. ;) Full ver...
Real Trees and LOD - snow
Created by RavenKZP
You too dont like the ugly bad textured and skinny trees? If yes, i have a really good mod for you! What it do?: This mod change the meshes and textures for trees on Skyrim, and add really detailed LOD for trees. So it add to game more realism. ;) Full ver...
Real Trees and LOD - swamp
Created by RavenKZP
You too dont like the ugly bad textured and skinny trees? If yes, i have a really good mod for you! What it do?: This mod change the meshes and textures for trees on Skyrim, and add really detailed LOD for trees. So it add to game more realism. ;) Full ver...
Realistic Lighting
Created by kurtcop
The newest release of Realistic Lighting without Post-Processing! Weathers re-added after some work and an update to the CK. If you want customization - go here -> A patcher is including on the nexus w...
ZFixed Lights
Created by ZoCks
It corrects some of the missplaced lights to a more correct and realistic place.. starting in whiterun and future versions expanding... I was bothered by some of the Lights in Game being missplaced, so it looked unrealistic for me to be dark around a torch...
Fur Hoods HD
Created by Northborn
Brave the harsh Skyrim weather and keep warm with your trusty fur hood. 1.5b now released. To craft your hoods, read the instructions below! Now wearable with circlets and available in all armor types, three different colors, with and without scarves. This...
More Dynamic Shadows with Striping Fixed
Created by PuuLoo
"The best graphics mod for Skyrim!" - Nexus Forums "The recommended visual mod for Skyrim!" - Steam Workshop Users "Visual revolution in Skyrim!" - Dark Side Of Gaming 1.DESCRIPTION This mod adds more shadow-casting lights to all interiors, adds day/night ...
Shadow Striping Fix - DISCONTINUED
Created by WillB
DISCONTINUED If anyone wishes to take this and add on to it they can, but there are already other mods that fix many more locations. I recommend Realistic Lighting Overhaul if you want a really good lighting experience. You can get that mod at Skyrim Nexus...
This Simple Mod simply deploys the Dragonborn new Oceanic Waves along proper places on the Skyrim Coast ... All waves are placed with logical sense , you will not find oceanic waves around island with waves coming from inland , you won't find waves among i...