Arma 3
79 ratings
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer
Scenario Map: VR
Meta: Dependency
File Size
729.155 KB
24 Jan, 2020 @ 7:04pm
28 Mar, 2020 @ 5:32pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Arsenal created for the Brazilian clan Silver Squadron, at the request of Mr. Lima. Silver Squadron is a group of friends with long dates, who like to play on Saturday nights, the goal of this group of players is to be as realistic as possible in both techniques and tactics, within the Arma3 platform.

Grateful to everyone and we extend this arsenal to the entire arma3 community so that they use it the way they want, have fun!



Arsenal criado para o clan brasileiro Silver Squadron, a pedido do senhor Lima. O Silver Squadron é um grupo de amigos de longas datas, que gostam de jogar aos sábados a noite, o objetivo desse grupo de jogadores é ser o mais realista possível tanto nas técnicas quanto nas táticas, dentro da plataforma Arma3.

Grato a todos e extendemos esse arsenal a toda comunidade de arma3 para que usem da maneira que desejarem, divirtam-se!


É uma questão ética simples e a única coisa que peço em meus materiais é, usem a vontade e de forma livre, contudo sempre coloquem ou disponibilizem para terceiros a fonte, ou seja o link de onde foi baixado no workshop, é um trabalho artístico e todo autor deve ser valorizado e respeitado.

It is a simple ethical question and the only thing I ask in my materials is, use your will and freely, however always put or make available to third parties the source, that is the link where it was downloaded in the workshop, it is an artwork and every author must be valued and respected.

[FEAR]Papaxot4_04 24 Sep, 2021 @ 6:21pm 
Já vai entrar em atilização na próxima semana .
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 28 Mar, 2021 @ 5:44pm 
I thank you all and I hope that the compositions are being useful and fun, keep everyone safe.
BOXER 28 Mar, 2021 @ 1:58pm 
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 23 Jan, 2021 @ 2:05pm 
saudações...amigo no link tem 3 arquivos, um deles é um html que dá para o usuário importar todos os mods com dois clicks no lançador do arma3...já expliquei em tópicos anterioes os por ques, não estarei dando mais satisfações sobre esse assunto, quem quiser tem os meios para baixar os mods é só usar os dedinhos.

Contudo, muito obrigado por disponibilizar os links para todos.


greetings ... friend on the link has 3 files, one of them is an html that allows the user to import all mods with two clicks on the arma3 launcher ... this subject, whoever has the means to download the mods just use their fingers.

However, thank you very much for making the links available to everyone.
kMaN 18 Jun, 2020 @ 6:33am 
Really, really awesome. I know that took you quite a long time to build that. Thank you for sharing it with the community.
O'Seven 20 May, 2020 @ 9:18pm 
Nichols 3 May, 2020 @ 8:34am 
Does anyone have a modlist for this composition? I like the way these are but I end up having to strip about 2/3 of the stuff out because so much is typically not relevant to anything the units in my missions have available. So I'd like to have an idea of what I'm going to need to go download first before I try to load this and then start stripping it down.
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 17 Apr, 2020 @ 9:29am 
In theory everything is compatible with multiplayer, however we are talking about arma3 ... so when using mods to create something the possibilities for slowness and crashes increase.