

976 ratings
Replace Stuff Mod Compatibility
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
399.950 KB
31 Oct, 2021 @ 6:55am
7 May, 2024 @ 5:32am
31 Change Notes ( view )

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Replace Stuff Mod Compatibility

A patch for Replace Stuff to introduce compatibility for various mods. Replace ship walls and reactors without having to remove them first. Source code found on Github[github.com]

Replace Stuff - Mod Compatibility is designed to be extensible by any Mod Author for either their own mods or mods that they use. For more information on how to create your own mod to integrate with Replace Stuff, check out The Wiki[github.com].

Mods included in this patch so far are:
Save Our Ship 2
  • Upgrade your Hulls, Solar Generators and Coolers without tearing them down and exposing your ship to the vacuum
  • Upgrade your Reactors without taking them offline and leaving you without power
  • Upgrade your Shield Generators without leaving yourself defenseless
  • Upgrade your heatsinks without removing all your heat capacity in case of an attack

Vanilla Furniture Expanded (Core)
  • You can now replace Campfires, Radios, End Tables, Dressers and the new Lamps
  • Vanilla Furniture Expanded items that attach to walls should no longer be removed when replacing walls

Vanilla Furniture Expanded (Security)
  • Replacing Sandbags with Barricades and Barriers now no longer leaves a hole in your line
  • Small Turrets can be replaced with other Small Turrets and Large Turrets can be replaced with other Large Turrets without reducing your firepower during the replacement
  • Upgrade from a Small Shield to a Large Shield without letting raiders take shots at your defences in the middle

Vanilla Furniture Expanded (Production)
  • When upgrade from the base game workbenches to their electric upgrades you can keep the bills that you painstakingly set up

Vanilla Furniture Expanded (Farming)
  • Want to go from planter boxes to hydroponics to ecosystems over your whole playthrough? There's no need to tear down your entire food supply, just replace them one by one instead

Vanilla Furniture Expanded (Spacer)
  • Remember the End Table and Dresser upgrades from the Core Furniture Module? Yup, the Illuminated versions are joining them in replacability
  • All new light lamps are interchangable with lamps from this game and other mods listed here
  • Massive new Sunlamp just plops ontop of your old one

Vanilla Furniture Expanded (Power)
  • You shouldn't have to leave giant holes in your power grid as you're upgrading from Solar or Wind or Watermill to their upgraded versions. If you had to deconstruct instead of just replacing, you might risk damage to your valuable Psychoid.
  • Same goes for Wood/Chemfuel/Helixien Generators. It's common sense, the power grid isn't meant to go down while you upgrade it
  • As above, so here as well: Your pawns shouldn't forget what a Workbench is for just because it's gone from using electricity to Helixien Gas
  • Why destroy one battery before plugging a more advanced one in? Just built the new one first then throw the old stuff in the garbage
  • New Gas Powered Sunlamp with the Great Replaceable Taste

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
  • Allow bridges to be upgraded. Heck, let's not even restrict it to this mod, all bridges from all mods should be interchangable

Armour Racks
  • Why should your colonist forget which rack belongs to them just because it got a small upgrade? Luther, get your damn suit on already!

LWM's Deep Storage
  • Keep your settings and storage while you replace Shelf/Double Shelf/Tall Shelves, Pallet/Pallet With Wrapping and Weapon Cabinet/Weapon Locker

Higher Power
  • More levels of power generation to not have to worry about putting holes in your grid while replacing

Vanilla Books Expanded
  • You've invented writing! So your pawns may as well write down the bills they need to do when upgrading to the typewriters table so they don't forget

Simple Utilities: Wall
  • Having both Simple Utilties: Wall and Replace Stuff used to break the ability to replace a wall underneath the Over-Wall cooler, but since I'm so nice I decided to fix this for you

Rim Effect
  • More Dressers? More Endtables? And now a wardrobe?
  • More power generation
  • A fabrication bench to upgrade to

Wall Light
  • You can replace the wall under the light without breaking the light

  • Upgrade from Sculpters Table to Laser Sculptors Table

Utilities Column
  • Replace all columns with each other
  • Light and Dark Columns are interchangable with other lights
  • Sun Column can replace Sun Lamps

Dubs Bad Hygiene
  • Fountains can replace basins
  • Replace your wooden latrines to toilets and smart toilets so you get less splinters while you poop
  • Upgrade from wash basins to showers to baths. Because baths are inherently better and only barbarians think showers are superior
  • Sick of smelling the stored up ♥♥♥♥? Replace your septic tank with sewage treatment!
  • Dubs Bad Hygiene Lite is also supported

Subsurface Conduit / Undergroup Power Conduits
  • Replace your power conduits with underground conduits from any of these mods without having to disconnect the entire line

  • Just bee happy that when you want to upgrade your beehouses you don't also have to be a busy bee re-injecting all those bee's back into their new shiny houses
Popular Discussions View All (2)
6 Nov, 2024 @ 8:47pm
Passive Cooler Advanced Error
-NQ- nick4fake 26 Feb @ 3:59am 
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ThingDef named ShipInside_PassiveCoolerAdvanced
ScarlettDarling 26 Jan @ 3:02pm 
seconding support for ReBuild: Doors and corners please!
CurtimusPrime92 25 Jan @ 2:15pm 
can you add support for Insulation (Continued) when replacing any wall with insulated walls any wall mounted items either gets minified or deleted currently
PatoPixelado 25 Jan @ 11:08am 
you can include the support for ReBuild: Doors and Corners?
CordialVillain 1 Jan @ 9:33pm 
It'd be pretty awesome if we got an update! Especially for the SoS2 module on my end.
TC_Bobberto B 22 Oct, 2024 @ 11:32pm 
Literally doesn't work and neither does the replace stuff mod. Game is actually so annoying to play without the mod. Awesome. Another one of my favorite games absolutely bungled by a single update.
Pasaway 13 Oct, 2024 @ 6:04am 
This mod throws errors for me:

Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ThingDef named ShipInside_PassiveCoolerAdvanced (wanter=items)
lonekyller 9 Oct, 2024 @ 6:18am 
needs something bugfix or update
Simboulis-PC 12 Aug, 2024 @ 5:18pm 
I dont know if I'm just stupid but I cannot get any luck with using the Replace stuff mod with SOS2 components even with this enabled as all it shows ingame for me is the vanilla materials and gives me no apparent way to replace SOS2 related structures or hulls or walls
AJarOfDirt 2 Aug, 2024 @ 3:38pm 
Is this for some reason incompatible with Rebuild? The lights get uninstalled still for me when replacing walls.