

5,899 ratings
Geological Landforms
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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10.906 MB
5 Mar, 2022 @ 2:10pm
27 Feb @ 9:16am
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Geological Landforms

In 2 collections by m00nl1ght
m00nl1ght's Mods
4 items
m00nl1ght's Essentials: Medieval World [1.5]
36 items
Adds 43 landforms to the game, which generate biome-independently.

You can see an example of each landform in the image gallery on this workshop page.

The goal of this mod is to make map generation more interesting and varied, compared to the vanilla experience of having either a cliff or a coast on one edge of your map.

Some of the landforms significantly affect gameplay and can make the game both easier or much more challenging in various ways. For example, Islands and Archipelagos are very remote but provide very little stone and ores, and Canyons and Rifts are very easy to defend and have plenty of ores, but provide very little natural resources like food, light, wood, and space to grow plants or keep animals.

Landforms of the selected world tile are listed at the bottom of the world map "Terrain" tab. Each landform only generates on tiles within its appropriate temperature range, rainfall amount and other conditions.

The landforms are optimized for the standard map size (250x250). Using a larger map size is also fine, but the landforms might not generate correctly if the map is too small.

Direct downloads for non-Steam users are available here: GitHub Releases[github.com]


Biome Transitions: Generates maps with multiple biomes on them when you settle at the border between two or more biomes on the world map.

Creating your own landforms

Pretty much everything about the landforms provided by this mod is fully configurable, including where and how often they appear on the world map, and how exactly they affect map generation. This mod includes a node-based landform editor that can be accessed from the mod settings.

If you would like to create new landforms, this is also possible. If you don't know how the internals of RimWorld's map generation and the math behind it work yet, I recommend using one of the existing landforms as a template, so you can play around with the values and see what they do.

Landforms are stored as xml files, so if you want to share a landform you created, simply upload its file to a filesharing service and post the link. You can find the landform files by clicking the "Open custom landform data directory" button in the mod settings.


> How is this mod different from other map generation mods?
Geological Landforms does not add or modify any biomes, and instead adds a separate layer to map generation that can then independently be applied to any biome, including ones added by other mods.

> How do events and raids work on islands?
All landforms (should) always leave at least one part of the map edge walkable, which allows events and raids to happen normally. For islands specifically, at least one side will always have shallow water to allow entering and leaving the map.

> Can I add this mod to an existing save?
Yes, it can be added at any time. Of course existing colony maps will not be affected, only new ones generated after the mod was added.

> Can I safely remove this mod from an existing save?
Yes, unless you have settled on an impassable mountains tile, which is not supported by vanilla. In that case, move to a normal tile before removing the mod.

> How can I easily find a specific landform on the world map?
Select any tile, open the "Terrain" tab and click the "Search for landform nearby" button. Alternatively, you can install Prepare Landing which allows filtering all world tiles based on selected criteria. Geological Landforms contains an integration patch that adds a filter for landforms, you can find it in the "Terrain II & Temp" tab.

Recommended Mods

  • Map Preview: Adds a map preview to the world map. It shows you the map that will generate if you settle on the currently selected world tile.

  • Prepare Landing: Allows filtering all world tiles based on selected criteria, including specific landforms, so you can find your perfect starting spot.


  • Biomes! Islands: Compatible, and there is an integration feature that allows the plants and animals from Biomes! Islands to spawn on coastal landforms.

  • ReGrowth Collection, Alpha Biomes and other biome mods: Compatible, landforms will generate in any biome as long as its requirements (temperature, rainfall, etc) are fulfilled.

  • Map Designer and [KV] Configurable Maps: Compatible, but not all settings from those mods will still apply if there is a landform present, and some will override landforms.

Geological Landforms provides a XML DefModExtension that authors of biome mods can use to control which landforms are allowed to spawn in their biomes. More details and an example are available on the Wiki page[github.com].


This mod uses Harmony[github.com], thanks to Andreas Pardeike for creating this awesome patching library.

The landform editor uses the C# library "Node Editor Framework" by Seneral, a flexible and modular framework for creating node based displays and editors in Unity.

Landform ideas:

Included translations:

This mod is inspired by multiple great mods from earlier versions which unfortunately seem to be abandoned. Geological Landforms does not use any content or code from these mods though.



Popular Discussions View All (4)
15 hours ago
PINNED: Bug Reports
10 Jan @ 2:21pm
PINNED: Suggestions and Ideas
m00nl1ght  [author] 12 Mar @ 4:10pm 

Please create a full HugsLib log (press Ctrl + F12 in game) and post it in the Bug Reports section, so I can take a look at the error.
Thoramyr 12 Mar @ 3:58pm 
Could custom landforms cause the map to fail to load? It seems like every custom landform I make can't be loaded.
>54M 7 Mar @ 8:04pm 
by "coming from an old version of real ruins" I mean as in the player has Real Ruins up to date but has been using Using real ruins for several months (provably since Rimworld 1.4<) but has never reset their Real Ruins settings or Cleared his map Cache. Just making that point clear.
>54M 7 Mar @ 8:02pm 
I seem to have figured out what's the deal with your mod and Real ruins making the player get stuck at Map Generation:

If the player comes from an old version of Real ruins -I dare say game version 1.4 or below, but probably it has more to do with a major update for Real ruins along the way-, and installs your mod the player gets stuck at world Generation.
Going into Real Ruins mod settings, pressing the "Reset Settings to Defaults" button and Clearing Cache fixed the issue for me.

I hope this helps, it's apparently 100% and error on Real Ruins side but for whatever reason it gets worse when your mod is there too.
Thanks to @Mitch for stumbling upon a fix that worked for me.
m00nl1ght  [author] 3 Mar @ 7:50am 
@Mitch Dux

Alright, in any case, thanks for your efforts, and glad to hear it works for you now. My best guess is that maybe one of your other mods received an update which fixed it.
Mitch Dux 3 Mar @ 6:39am 
Alright wild. After a week of not being able to launch the game, removing your mod let me play. So I added it back in to create a crash log for you. It played no problem. So I cleaned all my configs and install to create a crash log for you. Readd all my mods, including Geo. It also launched no problem. So I got zero clue why it fixed itself, So I cant be of any help to you.

Thanks! Good mod. One of my favorites, love to use it!
m00nl1ght  [author] 3 Mar @ 3:50am 
@Mitch Dux

Please share your log file, without it, there is no way for me to know what went wrong. Also, which other comments are you referring to? I don't see any comments from the last months that mention any crash during game loading.
m00nl1ght  [author] 3 Mar @ 3:45am 

I have tested with Real Ruins and it works fine for me.
Again, please post your log.
delzaron 27 Feb @ 6:25pm 
I confirm : in all my mod list, Real ruins is the only one causing the problem. Without it, everything is fine, including with worledit.
delzaron 27 Feb @ 6:24pm 
I think I identifiedd the problem : it"a a conflict with the mod Real ruins.