Old World

Old World

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Dale's Old World Mods
Collection containing all of my mods for Old World.
Items (19)
Automation From The Start
Created by Dale Kent
This Mod enables automation for Scouts and Workers from the start of the game....
Byzantine Empire
Created by Dale Kent
The Byzantine Empire, often called the Eastern Roman Empire or simply Byzantium, existed from 330 to 1453 CE. With its capital founded at Constantinople by Constantine I (r. 306-337 CE), the Empire varied in size over the centuries, at one time or another,...
Created by Dale Kent
Discovery mapscript! Discovery map script creates a number of large continents, where all nations begin the game in the east. To the west is an unexplored continent/s occupied by tribes and barbarians ready to be exploited. When starting a new game select ...
Eastern Orthodox Religion
Created by Dale Kent
The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox Catholic Church, is the second-largest Christian church, with approximately 230 million baptised members, comprising 80% of all Orthodox Christians. It operates as a communion of autocephalous churches, ...
More Turn Scales
Created by Dale Kent
More turn scales mod allows you to choose Seasons and Months for turn scale. When setting up a new game go to Advanced Settings and modify the turn scale....
More Turns
Created by Dale Kent
More Turns mod gives you more options for turn timer. Just select the turn limit you want and play a longer game. - Exposes turn timer victory in advanced game setup - Gives options for 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 turns - Turn on only one turn timer, if multi...
Music From The Start
Created by Dale Kent
Music From The Start simply removes the requirement to research Drama to start in game music....
Proper Family Trees
Created by Dale Kent
Proper Family Trees: This mod replaces the default Family structure with one that properly represents a family tree. In vanilla Old World family characters are generated on an "as needed" basis. There is no family structure. This mod will: - Replace the in...
Raze City
Created by Dale Kent
Raze City Mod This mod adds an event on city capture, allowing the player to choose whether to occupy, raze or raze and scorch the city. This event only occurs for cities, not barb/tribe camps. - Occupy is the default where you take over control of the cit...
Religion Victory
Created by Dale Kent
Religion Victory Adds a new Victory type to the game: Religion Victory. IMPORTANT: After downloading and activating this mod, when starting a new game go to Advanced Setup and turn the toggle for "Religious Victory" to ON. To obtain a Religion Victory you ...
Settle Anywhere
Created by Dale Kent
Settle Anywhere This mod allows settlers to found a city anywhere. This mod does not change initial city placement or the initial player settler functionality. ** This mod is pretty much guaranteed to break something in the game. **...
Steel Manufacturing and Use
Created by Dale Kent
Steel Manufacturing and Use adds the entire steel process chain to the game. This is a demonstration mod to show how production chains can be done within Old World. ** Features: - All new content enabled by researching link(TECH_STEEL) technology - Adds ne...
Old World Asset Template
Created by Dale Kent
OW Asset Template ** This is NOT a playable mod, this is a template to show modders how to add custom assets to Old World. This mod contains all that is required to add custom assets to the game. It replaces the Assyrian portrait and crest with custom asse...
Automation From The Start
Created by Dale Kent
This Mod enables automation for Scouts and Workers from the start of the game....
Super Huge Mapsizes
Created by Dale Kent
Super Huge Mapsizes! This mod adds new map sizes to the game. This mod will also raise the max VP cap to 1000 and add a new Victory Point level of Ludicrous +100% VP to win. Conquistador: 12,100 tile (110x110 tiles on a square map) Super Huge: 15,625 tile ...
More Events
Created by Dale Kent
This mod is the next in my "Ludicrous" range of mods. More Events adds two new Event Levels: - Very High: 150% event probability modifier + 2 turn check - Ludicrous: 200% event probability modifier + 1 turn check Overall maximum events possible per turn is...
Gender Limited Roles
Created by Dale Kent
This mod allows for the gender limitation of roles within your Empire. In game advanced setup, the Succession Gender dropdown now includes new options: Agnatic - Male Generals: Only Male descendants can inherit; Only Males can be Generals Agnatic - Male Al...
Stray-yun (Translation Template)
Created by Dale Kent
This is a template to use for making translations. Demoed language is Stray-yun....
One Turn Undo
Created by Dale Kent
This mod's only change is to store a single turn of Undo data in save files (vanilla is 5 turns). This will reduce save file size....