Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft

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100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Tomb Raider I-III Remastered
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Work in progress: work on this guide is still ongoing. Maybe now it looks like just a list of achievements, but it will not be so for long. Very soon, I will update each achievement with a detailed description and a screenshot or video explaining how to unlock it.

Thank you for you patience!
Achievement Info
Lara Croft is back in a remastered version of her 3 first adventures! Play the original three Tomb Raider adventures: dive deep into ancient tombs of long-forgotten civilizations, find mysterious artifacts from the past, avoid traps and dangerous enemies, solve riddles and save the world from ancient threats.

Remember how the great game series began and lead Lara Croft through unforgettable adventures that turned her from a young crypt seeker into a sexy tomb raider to unlock all steam achievements!

More Games — More achievements.
This remastered edition includes the first three original Lara Croft games and also one expansion pack for each game, including all the secret levels:
  • Tomb Raider I + Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business DLС
  • Tomb Raider II + Tomb Raider II: Golden Mask DLC
  • Tomb Raider III + Tomb Raider: The Lost Artifact DLC
This is very convenient because all achievements are divided by game and DLC, so you can focus on one of them and then gradually move on to the next part.

Classic 100% All Games
Each of the three games requires you to take a similar approach to obtaining all the achievements. First of all, you need to complete the game in its entirety, but also collect all possible secret and collectible items in it.

In addition, in each part of the game there are achievements that are associated with gameplay conditions, so be prepared to replay certain levels of the game or its stages with certain conditions.

Explore the whole games, go into all the corridors and look into all the corners because there may be something waiting there that will help you get an achievement or part of the progress for it. Get ready to complete all three games at 100%.

Dark Souls Of Our Childhood
I want to remind you that the original Tomb Raider games are not easy. Often the challenges that players have to go through are extremely hardcore and difficult, so long time ago many avid gamers broke lots of controllers against the wall.

Although Lara Croft is a brave adventurer, but still she is just a fragile girl who very often finds herself in completely unequal conditions. Be prepared for the fact that the games themselves will be quite difficult, but some achievements will make you sweat a lot before you hear the coveted sound and icon of the completed achievement.

Time For Business - Time For Fun
Currently the game has about 269 achievements. This is an extremely huge number, but it is not surprising, because we get three games. It is very important to understand the number of achievements for each game and the estimated time to obtain them.

I did a little analysis and this is what I can say:

Tomb Raider I + DLС
Exploring everything in detail in the original game requires about 21 hours total + plus 10 more hours for DLC.
Tomb Raider II + DLC
Exploring everything in detail in the original game requires the same 21 hours total + plus 10 more hours for DLC too.
Tomb Raider III + DLC
Exploring everything in detail in the original game requires in average 24-26 hours total and still I add 10 hours more to finish DLC

Knowing this, it will take about 80 hours to complete all three games. But this will not be enough to get all the achievements, because some of them will require replaying the game on NG+ or under the time, as well as replaying certain parts of the levels many times, so I believe that getting all the achievements should not take more than 200 hours.

Spoiler Alert.
Even though the original games were released almost 30 years ago, a huge number of gamers were simply not familiar with them. That is why I must warn that there will be a lot of spoilers in the guide, but they will not necessarily relate to the game story. For the most part, I will have to talk about the conditions in the level, the location of objects, ways to complete the level or defeat the boss, which in general can ruin your experience of the game.

If you are sensitive to such information and want to play through the game on your own first, then leave this guide immediately and return when you are ready to use the guide.

With this in mind, I will be removing any claims about spoilers in the guide without any explanation or discussion. No offense, I warned you. Thanks for understanding!

Achievement Info
  • Difficulty level of achievements: Hard.
  • Total achievements: 269.
  • Offline achievements: 269.
  • Online Achievements: 0.
  • Estimated time to complete all achievements: 100+ hours .
  • Minimum number of passes for 100%: 2-3 per game.
  • Glitchy achievements: None.
  • Missable Achievements: Yes.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: None.
  • Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None.
Guide Roadmap Disclaimer
Hallo, Sweethearts! I write the vast majority of my guides myself and alone, only in exceptional cases using third-party sources from the Internet, solely for the purpose of greater comfort for those who need information on how to get achievements. This is a colossal amount of work in creating a unified style, visual design, writing text, and so on. Even though I get access to some materials even before the game is released, this may not be enough to complete the guide when the game is released here on Steam. Due to the fact that many guides are in progress and lack of time, I am publishing a Content Roadmap that indicates the approximate time frame for completing work on the guide. I may have missed these deadlines, but you should understand that it takes me a lot of time to find reliable information in the game, take screenshots and add them to the guide. The guide will be completed in any case. Please don't ask me why the guide is not complete or why some achievement descriptions, graphic elements, etc. may be missing. Insults, reproaches and comments like “first complete the guide, and then publish it” do not help me in my work, but on the contrary, only hinder me. The best support from you is patience, and only then thumbs up, adding to favorites and rewards. I do not force anyone to use my guide and therefore if you are unhappy that some information has not yet been added, then feel free to use any other sources. I hope with this message I was able to open your eyes a little and keep you from adding angry comments. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Xealeen
🏺 Hard Boiled

Lara's basic pistols are available from the very beginning of the game. To unlock this achievement, you must complete the main game from start to finish using only them. As far as I can tell, you can still pick other weapons, but you can't switch to them and shoot cause this will ruin the achievement.

I Only Play for Sport!

Another missable achievement that will be locked if you take too long to complete the game.
Before this achievement, I advise you to have a good understanding of the controls, because platforming and battles with enemies can take a lot of time if you are not skilled enough to control Lara properly.

I have already written that the average time to complete the game is about 20 hours, but this time can be significantly reduced if you try to complete it as quickly as possible and do not search for secrets.

As far as I know, pausing the game does not count towards the progress, unlike game cutscenes and cinematics, so you can skip them to save yourself some time.

Peru Chapter
Level 1: The Caves
After losing her companion to wild wolves Lara enters the caves in search of the hidden artifact.
Level 2: City of Vilcabamba
Working her way through the caves Lara descends upon the City of Vilcabamba.
Level 3: The Lost Valley
Enter into the lost valley with ancient temples, hidden secrets and huge dinosaurs!
Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec
Hidden inside the tomb is a piece of the Scion. Find it and make your way out again.

Greece Chapter
Level 5: St Francis’ Folly
Find the four keys from the four rooms of the Gods while avoiding being sniped by Pierre DuPont.
Level 6: Colloseum
Fight lions and gorillas in the ancient Colosseum. You’ll also find some Magnum guns here.
Level 7: Palace Midas
Find the control room to open the doors which are hiding the lead bars. It’s rumored here that it’s possible to turn lead into gold!
Level 8: Cistern
Find the keys, flood the cistern and make your way to the exit while watching out for crocodiles and sewer rats.
Level 9: Tomb of Tihocan
Work your way through the passageways to the tomb. Here you’ll have your final confrontation with Pierre DuPont.

Egypt Chapter
Level 10: City of Khamoon
Lara travels to Egypt to find the final piece of the Scion.
Level 11: Obelisk of Khamoon
Locate the four artifacts and take them back to the Obelisk.
Level 12: Sanctuary of the Scion
Enter into the giant Sphinx.

Atlantis Chapter
Level 13: Natla’s Mines
Lara was apprehended by bad guys but managed to get away. Recover your weapons and take down each of the bad guys.
Level 14: Atlantis
Make your way to the top of the Great Pyramid.
Level 15: The Great Pyramid
Get ready for the final battle!

Tomb Cleaner

It Like You Did on a Console in 1996

Not sure even can I call it missable cause you have to complete the game saving less then 86 times in one run. Just save at the moments you really have to and beat the game to unlock the achievement.

After Us the Deluge!

This achievement requires to destroy all floor panels in one single run. This maybe sounds insane, but fortunatelly it's not that hard, cause each level can have only few of these panels to break, so just follow the video to find all breakable panels.

Hardy Raider

For this achievement you are not allowed to use any medpacks. They can only be used through the item menu, so try not to pick them up during your playthrough, try to save often and not waste your HP. At the start of each level, you start with a full health bar.
The Unfound Tomb of Qualopec

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after cinematic.
  • Level 1: The Caves
  • Level 2: City of Vilcabamba
  • Level 3: The Lost Valley
  • Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec

Look Over Us Kindly, Tihocan

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after cinematic.
  • Level 5: St Francis’ Folly
  • Level 6: Colloseum
  • Level 7: Palace Midas
  • Level 8: Cistern
  • Level 9: Tomb of Tihocan

Little Vacation Riot’s Over

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after finishing the last level.
  • Level 10: City of Khamoon
  • Level 11: Obelisk of Khamoon
  • Level 12: Sanctuary of the Scion

The Cataclysm of Atlantis

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after finishing the last level.
  • Level 13: Natla’s Mines
  • Level 14: Atlantis
  • Level 15: The Great Pyramid

Leave Them Sucking Wind

There are 294 enemies total to kill in the game. To unlock this achievement you need to kill every single enemy present in the game in one walkthrough so you if missed one then you'll have to load your previous save files or to start from the beginning.

At the end of each level you can see level stats info. The number of kills must match what is listed below. If everything is correct, then feel free to save the game and move on. If you killed less, you will have to replay the level from the beginning.

Peru Chapter
Level 1: The Caves
14 kills
Level 2: City of Vilcabamba
29 kills
Level 3: The Lost Valley
13 kills
Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec
8 kills

Greece Chapter
Level 5: St Francis’ Folly
23 kills
Level 6: Colloseum
27 kills
Level 7: Palace Midas
43 kills
Level 8: Cistern
34 kills
Level 9: Tomb of Tihocan
17 kills

Egypt Chapter
Level 10: City of Khamoon
15 kills
Level 11: Obelisk of Khamoon
16 kills
Level 12: Sanctuary of the Scion
15 kills

Atlantis Chapter
Level 13: Natla’s Mines
3 kills
Level 14: Atlantis
32 kills
Level 15: The Great Pyramid
6 kills
Consolidate the Material

New Game+ becomes available after you beat the game without using any cheats. If you used any cheats during you playthrough before, then you need to load a save pre-cheats or start the game from the beginning.

New Game+ mode differs from base game:
  • All weapons available from the start
  • All MedPacks are changed to ammo
  • Manual save function is disabled
  • 72 Crystals are the only save and healing points
  • Level skip and all weapons cheats don't work
  • Enemies' HP and damage are increased
  • Obstacles' and traps' damage are lethal

Beat the game with these settings to unlock the achievement.
Welcome to My Home!

Not So Late for the Prize Giving!

You will fight Pierre during Level 9 — Tomb of Tihocan.
Defeat him with any kind of weapon to unlock the achievement.

Pain in Your Brain!

You will fight Larson during Level 12 — Sanctuary of the Scion.
Defeat him with any kind of weapon to unlock the achievement.

It’s Personal Now!

You will fight Cowboy during Level 13 — Natla’s Mines.
Defeat him with any kind of weapon to unlock the achievement.

Yes, I’m Firing at You!

You will fight Scater during Level 13 — Natla’s Mines.
Defeat him with any kind of weapon to unlock the achievement.

Cheese! / Shell Sucker!

Both achievement can be unlocked during your fight with Bald Boss in the end of Level 13 — Natla’s Mines. Deal a last hit with shotgun to unlock these two achievements.

Kind of Evolution on Steroids

You will fight New Breed during Level 15 — The Great Pyramid.
Defeat him with any kind of weapon to unlock the achievement.

Curses, Like Chickens, Come Home to Roost / Yes, I Can!

You will fight Jacqueline Natla in the Level 15 — The Great Pyramid. She is the final boss of the game. Defeat her with any kind of weapon to unlock Yes, I Can! achievement.

Curses, Like Chickens, Come Home to Roost achievement can be unlocked for killing her with Magnum pistols.

Codex of Peru

There are 44 secret collectible items during Peru Chapter.
At the end of each level you can see how many of them you found.

Level 1: The Caves — 7 Collectibles

Level 2: City of Vilcabamba — 13 Collectibles

Level 3: The Lost Valley — 16 Collectibles

Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec — 8 Collectibles
Codex of Greece

There are 110 secret collectible items during Greece Chapter.
At the end of each level you can see how many of them you found.

Level 5: St Francis’ Folly — 19 Collectibles

Level 6: Colloseum — 14 Collectibles

Level 7: Palace Midas — 23 Collectibles

Level 8: Cistern — 28Collectibles

Level 9: Tomb of Tihocan — 26 Collectibles
Codex of Egypt

There are 91 secret collectible items during Egypt Chapter.
At the end of each level you can see how many of them you found.

Level 10: City of Khamoon — 24 Collectibles

Level 11: Obelisk of Khamoon — 38 Collectibles

Level 12: Sanctuary of the Scion — 29 Collectibles
Codex of Atlantis

There are 111 secret collectible items during Egypt Chapter.
At the end of each level you can see how many of them you found.

Level 13: Natla’s Mines — 30 Collectibles

Level 14: Atlantis — 51 Collectibles

Level 15: The Great Pyramid — 31 Collectibles
Do Uzi This One?

Secret Door

You Corner Bug!

Can be unlocked during Level 7: Palace Midas.

Pharming Health

Can be unlocked during the Level 1: The Caves.

Lethal and Loaded


Can be unlocked in Level 15 — The Great Pyramid.

Au Revoir!

This can be unlocked in Level 8 — Cistern. As soon as you run into the Cistern Switch ahead you’ll be greeted by Pierre who will try to kill you. In the same room you can find Magnum pistols, so pick them and take him out with a few shots to make him run away.

Midas’ Touch

Can be unlocked in Level 7 — Palace Midas. Find ruined Midas Statue and simply stand on its broken hand to turn into a golden figure. By the way this is the one of the ways to die for Deadline achievement.


Here you can find all 36 ways to die for the achievement. For more details use video guide.

Falling in Swan Dive
Falling objects
Damocles Sword
Lava or Fire
Thor's Lightning
Thor's Hammer
Wall Darts
Swinging Axe
Metal Spike Trap
Floor Spikes
Midas Hand
Killed by T-rex
Killed by Raptors
Killed by Cat Mummy
Killed by Panter
Killed by Wolf
Killed by Rat
Killed by Bear
Killed by Bat
Killed by Lion
Killed by Alligator
Killed by Gorilla
Killed by Mutant
Killed by Flying Mutant
Killed by Centaur
Killed by Lara's Doppelganger
Killed by Pierre
Killed by Larson
Killed by Cowboy
Killed by Skater
Killed by Bald
Killed by Legless Mutant
Killed by Natla

Raid Not Kill / T-Rextinct

Both achievement can be unlock in Level 3 — The Lost Valley. At this level you will meet a giant T-Rex who wants to feast on you. Both achievements are mutually exclusive, so in order to get both you will need to load a save or get one now, and the second during New Game+.

T-Rextinct achievement unlocks when you kill T-Rex in any possible way. Raid Not Kill achievement requires from you to finish level without killing T-Rex, so ignore him and try to evade all attacks. Raptors are still allowed to kill on this level.

Clever Girl

Raptors can be found on Level 3: The Lost Valley and Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec.
This achievement require from you to evade all possible damage from these enemies. Kill them fast, don't let them get closer and finish both levels like that. Save often to have a possibility to load back if you got bited at least once.

Mummy, I’m Scared!

Shoot one of the Mummies in the Level 4 — Tomb of Qualopec in the same room with treasure.

So Salacia

Can be unlocked in Level 5 — St Francis’ Folly. Jump into the water and find key to proceed or simply wait until Lara's breath bar completely end and your health start to decrease. At this moment you need to surface and the achievement will be unlocked.

I Am No Heracles

Unlocks on Level 5 — St Francis’ Folly

You Are Really Loki

Can be unlocked in Level 5 — St. Francis’ Folly.

Dionysius’ Wisdom

Can be unlocked on Level 5 — St Francis’ Folly. In Damocles Room you may notice some swords hanging from the roof. So here you have to let only one make damage to you. Slow down, don't run and be prepared to jump back when you see the sword is falling. Pass the room like that to unlock the achievement and remember to make a save before entering the room.

Tempered Lara

Good place to put Lara on fire and then jump to a water can be found in Level 7 — Palace Midas.

Shelley's Encore

To make Lara scream 2 times or more you just need to fall from a very high height. A good place for it can be found in the start of Level 15 — The Great Pyramid. Jump right into the pit to unlock the achievement.

The Apex Predator

This achievement can be unlocked naturally during the first levels. To unlock it you have to shoot the wolfes when jumping. Lasthitting the wolf when it jumps to attack you when you're jumping too triggers the achievement.

Dances With Wolves

An unpleasant achievement that can be obtained on Level 4 — Tomb of Qualopec. Stock up on medkits and don't kill the wolves you meet on your way. Instead of it lead them to a large room with 4 Toltec monuments.

Ave, Lara!

Can be done in Level 6 — Colloseum.

Only the Brave Deserve the Fair

Quite easy achievement that can be unlocked even on Level 1. Find the room with two wooden bridges and swan dive to the ground, you have to survive after this. To swan dive press W+Space+Alt on modern control settings (Forwar+Jump+Walk buttons) at the same time.

Exaggerated Threat

To unlock this one you have to trigger all Damocles Swords without taking any damage. Use Walk button to move slowly and watch the ceiling to see the places where these sword call fall on your head.

Kong's Fate

Lure Gorilla to the hight point at the right sode of emreror's box and kill it to unlock the achievement.

Enter the Crocodile

Suitable place for this achievement can be found on Level 11 — Obelisk of Khamoon.

Be Like Prince

The Lara copy is first encountered in the Atlantis level. When you reach the Doppelganger room first you have to pull the lever to open a hatch. Then reach the opposite side you the room to make your Doppelganger fall without taking any damage from it.

Thor’s Mercy

I’m Not Falling for This Trick

Watch Your Step

Can be unlocked on Level 14 — Atlantis

It’s About Time!


Unlocks on Level 14 — Atlantis. Just climb on every 3 thrones to unlock the achievement.

Circus of Vilcabamba

Can be unlocked at the Level 1 — The Caves. Find the pit with the bear, climb down the edge and wait the moment it stands on his legs to unlock the achievement.

Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?

Unlockes at Level 2 — City of Vilcabamba. At the beginning of the level run away form the wolfes and jump into the water. Swim to the left to get to the room with 4 snake statues. Watch them to unlock the achievement.

May They Rest in Ukhu Pacha

First mummy can be found in Level 1 — The Caves and the second in Level 4 — Tomb of Qualopec.
Just look at them to make it counts for the achievement.

Feast Your Eyes on This!

Unlocks at Lara's Home at the exercise area. When you start the level go to training fround insode the manore and find in behind the boxes in the left tunnel. Simply watch on thie treasure to unlock the achievement.

On Incredible Tales

Pet This Cat


There’s So Much to Remember Here

Press F3 to open Photo Mode. The achievement should unlock the same moment you enter it.

Like Dorothy

To use skip level cheat code:
  • One step forward (hold walk button)
  • One step back (hold walk button)
  • Turn around 3 times
  • Jump forward
Remember that using cheat codes blocks the achievements, so you have to start a new game for it.
Gifts of Wonderland

Emergency Escape


Complete Return to Egypt and Temple of the Cat levels to unlock this achievement.
Business Is Finished

Complete all four DLC levels to unlocks this achievement:
  • Atlantean Stronghold
  • The Hive
  • Return to Egypt
  • Temple of the Cat
Not Too Late

Level 1 - Atlantean Stronghold: 31 kills
Level 2 - The Hive: 41 kills

Schmitty’s Leap

Roll, Action!

Atlantean Stronghold:
- 1 boulder at start, not missable
- 3 boulders at the big open area

The Hive:
- 24 boulders with laser dance music, one boulder will stay, it has no trigger

Return to Egypt:
- 1 boulder after the spike area
- 7 boulders on the 3 slope area
- 2 boulders at the end, there is another achievement related to those

Temple of the Cat:
- 6 boulders at the first open area
- 1 boulder triggered by lever
- 2 boulders at the secret area

Bastet’s Stash

To Arms
Codex of Cat

Codex of Hive

How Do I Get It?

On Tiptoes

Down the Rabbit Hole

Alone in the Dark

I’m Not a Pin

Cat’s Cunning

Crocodile Rock



Leap of Faith

Lucky Diver

Jaws of Death

Let’s Stretch Together

To make a handstand press Walk (Alt) and Jump (Space) towards the edge. When Lara is holding for the edge press Walk (Alt) and LMB.

Like Alice

That Belongs in a Museum!

No Feline Vision


I See Goals, I Don’t See Obstacles

Not the First Raider Here

Behind Cat’s Eyes

Very Hard Boiled

Lara's basic pistols are available from the very beginning of the game. To unlock this achievement, you must complete the main game using only them. As far as I can tell, you can still pick other weapons, but you can't equip and shoot with them cause this will ruin the achievement.
Starring One More Time

New Game+ becomes available after you beat the game without using any cheats. If you used any cheats during you playthrough before, then you need to load a save pre-cheats or start the game from the beginning.

New Game+ mode differs from base game:
  • All weapons available from the start + 12 Harpoons
  • All MedPacks are changed to ammo
  • Cheats don't work
  • Flares are burning for 30 seconds
  • Enemies' HP and damage are increased
  • Obstacles' and traps' damage are lethal
  • Aggressive monks from the start in Level 12 — Barkhang Monastery

Beat the game with these settings to unlock the achievement.
Souvenirs From Around the Globe

I Only Play for Sport! Still!

Another missable achievement that will be locked if you take too long to complete the game.
Before this achievement, I advise you to have a good understanding of the controls, because platforming and battles with enemies can take a lot of time if you are not skilled enough to control Lara properly.

I have already written that the average time to complete the game is about 21 hours, but this time can be significantly reduced if you try to complete it as quickly as possible and do not search for secrets.

As far as I know, pausing the game does not count towards the progress, unlike game cutscenes and cinematics, so you can skip them to save yourself some time.

China Chapter
Level 1: The Great Wall
Lara is dropped off by the Great Wall. You must find your way into the guardhouses and through a difficult obstacle course into the caverns below.

Venice Chapter
Level 2: Venice
Ride on a speedboat through the canals of Venice!
Level 3: Bartoli’s Hideout
Enter into the secret hideout and blow it to bits.
Level 4: Opera House
Find your way into the Opera House and then work your way behind the stage to escape on a light plane.

Offshore Chapter
Level 5: Offshore Rig
After escaping the Opera House on a plane Lara is captured and taken to the Offshore Rig.
Level 6: Diving Area
Explore the rig to find a submarine that will take Lara to the bottom of the ocean.
Level 7: 40 Fathoms
Find the wrecked ship at the bottom of the ocean before you drown.
Level 8: Wreck of the Maria Doria
Explore deeper into this wreck and reach the ship’s bridge.
Level 9: Living Quarters
Continue into another section of this great ship. You’ll discover the engine room, theatre and underwater caves.
Level 10: The Deck
The deck has come to rest in a large undersea cavern. Lara must find the Seraph and then make her escape.

Tibet Chapter
Level 11: Tibetan Foothills
Ride snowmobiles through dangerous and slippery ice caverns.
Level 12: Barkhang Monastery
Break into the Monastery and find the five prayer wheels.
Level 13: Catacombs of the Talion
Make your way through the caverns and find the secret Tibetan Mask.
Level 14: Ice Palace
Find the gong and ring it to find the Talion artifact, just watch out for the giant Yeti!

China Chapter
Level 15: Temple of Xian
Find the Dragon Seal and then escape from the temple.
Level 16: Floating Islands
Find the two mystic plaques and then enter the emperor’s tomb.
Level 17: Dragon’s Lair
It’s time to face the dragon and retrieve the sacred dagger.

England Chapter
Level 18: Home Sweet Home
The adventure’s not over yet. Lara is attacked in her own home!

These Doors Are Waiting

Complete Level 1 — Great Wall to unlock this achievement.
Via Caravelli, Venice!

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after finishing the last level.
  • Level 2: Venice
  • Level 3: Bartoli’s Hideout
  • Level 4: Opera House
We Are Searching the Right Place

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after finishing the last level.
  • Level 5: Offshore Rig
  • Level 6: Diving Area
  • Level 7: 40 Fathoms
  • Level 8: Wreck of the Maria Doria
  • Level 9: Living Quarters
  • Level 10: The Deck
Lara Stamps Out Yeti!!!

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after finishing the last level.
  • Level 11: Tibetan Foothills
  • Level 12: Barkhang Monastery
  • Level 13: Catacombs of the Talion
  • Level 14: Ice Palace
To the Sins and Fortunes of Marco Bartoli!

Complete these levels to unlock the achievement. This should pop up after finishing the last level.
  • Level 15: Temple of Xian
  • Level 16: Floating Islands
  • Level 17: Dragon’s Lair
I Think I've Seen Enough

Complete this level to unlock the achievement.
  • Level 18: Home Sweet Home
Codex of China

Codex of Italy

Codex of Bartoli

Codex of Maria Doria

Bartoli Stash

The True Dettox of Evil

Who’s the Cat and Who’s the Mouse

Hero of Reaching Unreachable Supplies

Crane Dive
I’m Not Climbing the Walls for This
Extinct Is Extinct
I’m Not Your Tourist
Let’s Saddle Up
No Time for the Plague
Cooler Than Moonraker
Emergency Exit
Pollen Allergy
Moving Doesn’t Change Who You Are
Like Father Like Son
With Respect for Cultural Heritage
Gold Digger
Fight off the B's
Don’t Even Need to Wet My Feet
In a Rush

Like Caesar
Nervous Wreck
Attentiveness Rewarded
No Unnecessary Moves
10/10 + 20/10

No Fish Soup Today
Fire Safety
A Land Walk
Tibetan Osteopathy
Public Service
The Tibetan Express
An Unexpected Visit
The End Doesn't Justify the Means
Per Aspera Ad Astra
And I Want It Now!
Snowballs Champion
Recess Bell
Silk Cave
Wipeout Master

On Equal Terms
No Grill Today
I Really Think I've Seen Enough!
Let’s Dance
No Crazy Golf

Better Not Slip Here


Anger Management

Delivery People Have Finally Arrived

Ready to Raid!

Crime and Punishment

Fun fact: this achievement was leaked by developers even before the game release.

Comrade Croft

Complete all these levels to unlock the achievement.
  • Level 1: The Cold War
  • Level 2: Fool's Gold
  • Level 3: Furnace of the Gods
  • Level 4: Kingdom
That’s Just a Nightmare

When you finish Level 4: Kingdom the credits roll. If you found all 12 secrets in the four Golden Mask levels, you may now play this bonus level. At the final stats screen, press Enter twice to access the passport. Turn one page to the 'Select Level' screen. You now have the option of choosing any level, including Nightmare in Vegas.

Codex of Melnikov

Each of these levels contain 3 secret items. You don't have to collect any other pickups.
  • Level 1: The Cold War
  • Level 2: Fool's Gold
  • Level 3: Furnace of the Gods
  • Level 4: Kingdom
  • Bonus Level: Nightmare in Vegas

Capitalist Accumulation

Gold Rush/Planned Economy

The Nightmare Just Got Worse
Snow March
Ordered to Be Shot
Solve the Problem of Deficit
We’ll Surpass You. And We’ll Go Forward.
Defensive Capabilities
The Dissolution
Legitimate Repression
Victory Over the Bourgeoisie
Harvest Plan Implemented
Lucid Dream
1980 Summer Olympics
Na Zdorovye!
True Komsomol Member
Denouncing the Enemy
Kakie Vashi Dokazatelstva?
The Motherland Calls
Incredibly Hard Boiled
I Only Play for Sport! Always!
The Adventures Are Getting Harder
Infada Stone
Element 115
Ora Dagger
The Eye of Isis
This Place Has a Busy History
All Hallows
Codex of India
Codex of Nevada
Codex of Polynesia
Codex of England
Codex of Antarctica
Flying Fox
Snake Charming
Rocket Science
Underwater Garage
Gone With the Wind
Largest Assortment
Crystals Are Forever
At the Speed of a Meteor
Evolutionary Superiority
Her Airness
Amphibian Woman

Lost Souls Are Forgiven
I'm Not Very Sociable
Limbo Master
Resourceful Attorney
The Quick and the Dead
From the Flanks
In the Forefront
Frog Jumps
It’s Not Much, but It’s Nice
Fire Support
Wilderness Instructor
Fossil Trap
Captive to Curiosity
No Time to Rollerblade
Faceless Death
I’m Just a Local
Photo Finish
The Silent World
Who Goes There?
Pest Control
By Experience
Unconditional Sense of Rhythm
The Deep
Get to the Choppa!
Welcome to My Humble Abode!
Train Hard, Fight Easy
Crushin' Krishna
I Want to Believe
Free Willy
Like a Naive Child
In Your Next Life!
So There Was A Fifth...
Codex of Scotland
Codex of Tunnel
Codex of France
Willard’s Disarming
Veni, Vidi, Tulit
Heaven Express
Underground Pool
Abandon Hope
Do Not Abandon Hope
Callanish Way Out
Stephenson's Rocket
Capsule Pipelines
Now It’s a Job for Archaeologists
Monsters, SLInc.
Another Mystery Solved
Planet of the Raids
Extraordinary Form of Animal
He Is Doing Swell
ᴋʀᴢʏs 27 Jul, 2024 @ 12:25pm 
Hey, cool guide. However, "monkey temple" trophy from TR3 is missing
(  ̄ω ̄.) 25 Jul, 2024 @ 1:34am 
nice guide, thank you
kae! 28 Mar, 2024 @ 4:14am 
kinda wish you put the achievements in order of when you can get them, i ended up missing TR:UB That Belongs in a Museum! because you put it at the bottom even though it was in Return to Egypt
aho. 27 Mar, 2024 @ 1:40am 
TR:UB Bastet’s Stash and TR:UB Gifts of Wonderland bugged after update, unobtainable
XEALEEN  [author] 13 Mar, 2024 @ 10:19pm 
mowsie2k, you are free to choose any level and replay it after beating the game at least once.
mowsie2k 13 Mar, 2024 @ 9:47pm 
first of all thank you so much for your time and effort on this guide! its greatly appreciated.

quick question, you said "so be prepared to replay certain levels of the game or its stages with certain conditions", i'm just wondering, is there a level select after you beat the games, or do we have to use the level skip code to replay missions?
Pendji 💙 3 Mar, 2024 @ 11:51pm 
Maybe if you focused less on graphics and AI softcore porn you'd have a readable guide lol
Debosy 2 Mar, 2024 @ 6:00am 
If you have problem with "Deadline" achievement. So you die in all 36 ways and still dont have achievement try to be killed by Croc odile and rat but NOT in the water.

If animal kill you in the water there is still drowning animation and you lose all air instantly so my guess is it incorrectly count as drowning.

At least for me that was the case. My missing way to die was a rat even if i die from rats 3 times earlier in the water.
GenSec39 28 Feb, 2024 @ 11:38am 
Don't know about meds, but pistols only can't be cheesed via skip level. At least in TR2. This is something I checked after I failed 'hard boiled' first time. Had no choice, currently in the middle of another pistols only run.
xRaiden 27 Feb, 2024 @ 8:59am 
Everyone who unlock the skip level achievement before the No medikit + pistols only run are Noobs & destroy the value of the achievement itself.