

Ssparky's Additional Ores
Moisesjns 12 Jan @ 8:16pm 
Thank you for this mod. It was so annoying going through many biomes and Searching specifcally for Casserite or whatever when Low and having to search for just that 1 specific ore. Now i have more stuff to Mine and less time ignoring other stuf.
kellym 29 Dec, 2024 @ 8:30pm 
It took me a few months, but I found your mod extremely useful in my learning process. thank you. Your mod has helped me add gold silver and platinum as elements. And it helped me learn about the spawn zones and other things about items. You shall receive due credit for my treasure mod. Thank you sparky
ssparky  [author] 27 Dec, 2024 @ 2:39am 
-I am not aware of any changes that have happened that would make this mod no longer function.
-The mod just adds more options for the game to choose from when spawning ores; it does not increase the number or frequency of ores.
President_David 26 Dec, 2024 @ 4:10pm 
Hello, is this mod still fully functional for 1.7.7? Does this mod just modify the total types of ores, or does it also increase total ore spawning in the level?
kellym 15 Sep, 2024 @ 4:26pm 
thank you
ssparky  [author] 22 Aug, 2024 @ 1:50am 
Sure thing, go ahead
kellym 20 Aug, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
this is amazing. Permission to use this mod as a basis to add auriferous quartz for my gold mod?
ssparky  [author] 5 Sep, 2023 @ 12:16am 
This mod does not touch missions in any way. So, I can only assume your crash is caused by some other mod.
Alximik 4 Sep, 2023 @ 5:41am 
After the update, the company started crashing every time I try to start a level, the logs send me this:
Starting a new round...
Mission: Mining Langbeinite
There's been talk of deposits of Langbeinite along the way from Arid Troma Fields to Arid Troma Beacon. Bring back 6 samples of Langbeinite to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over 33%.
Mission: Activate beacon
According to the onboard navigation system, there should be a run-down beacon station nearby. Getting it back online will make the passage easier for other vessels to traverse, and help colonies to spread further.
Game mode: Campaign
Submarine: Herring
Level seed: Arid Troma112Arid Troma130
Mission: Mining [resourcename1]
Mission: Activate beacon
Round started.
Saving banlist
Shutting down the server...
JuST_MaN25 4 Sep, 2023 @ 5:38am 
Hello! With the latest update it seems that our seed got corrupted and the server crashes instantly because of it
Could you please provide the previous version of the mod?
Honey Boy 3 Sep, 2023 @ 7:18am 
Sulphurite cluster doesnt show up on mineral scanner, which i suppose is a bug since all other vanilla alien ores showed up.
ssparky  [author] 29 Aug, 2023 @ 12:52am 
@Jar Of Honey
Anomalous ore spawning in ruins is intended. I'll fix the sulphurite typo next update.
Honey Boy 28 Aug, 2023 @ 11:36pm 
i found the ore inside the alien ruin containers btw, is it intended?
Honey Boy 28 Aug, 2023 @ 11:35pm 
"Tried to deconstruct item "Anomalous ore" but couldn't find item prefab "sulpurite shard"!"
error popped up when deconstructin anomalous ore, i assume because "sulputire shard" is mistyped?
ssparky  [author] 24 Aug, 2023 @ 1:44am 
As far as I know, the amount of minerals you find is unchanged.
There are some materials you couldn't get before in some biomes that you can get with this mod (e.g. titanium in the first biome), though these materials are generally rare in these biomes.
In vanilla, the vast majority of materials are obtainable in every biome; some materials just become a bit more common in some biomes with this mod.
So yes, the balance of the campaign is altered by this mod, but not in any extreme way.
Zantza 23 Aug, 2023 @ 12:46pm 
Does this alter the balance of the campaign in any way? For example, are there more minerals in total? Can you get materials that you normally wouldn't be able to get at some point in the campaign?
Beware of the Nipples 22 Aug, 2023 @ 6:13am 
Here be the Ores, ARRR!
Dan Murphy 21 Aug, 2023 @ 8:49pm 
cool idea
ssparky  [author] 21 Aug, 2023 @ 1:10am 
As far as I know it should be absolutely fine to add mid-campaign.
blazrandom 20 Aug, 2023 @ 8:24pm 
I usually add mods mid game however it may crap up my campaign. Is this mod safe to add mid campaign?
ssparky  [author] 20 Aug, 2023 @ 5:11am 
It is what it is I suppose.
Lagmanor 20 Aug, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Yeah, but well, what else can we do if devs can't fix that weird unconvenience. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ssparky  [author] 20 Aug, 2023 @ 4:55am 
That would be a decent fix, but it would be strange compared to the other alien ores which don't need to be deconstructed.
Lagmanor 20 Aug, 2023 @ 4:54am 
My best solution I can suggest is to make an actual ore item that can be deconstructed/refined into pure shards. That basically relieves you from need to make the shard attachable, or even mod it in the first place.
At least that's what I did with my mod.

I also tried to make the ore item as <ItemContainer> that would give you oxygenite shards on interaction (like Alien generator gives you power cell without opening its interface). Don't exactly remember why I felt this solution unsufficient to me.
ssparky  [author] 20 Aug, 2023 @ 4:47am 
Yep, the OnImpact part of oxygenite/sulphurite shards indeed does not work anymore with this.
I'll try to see if there's any way to fix it, but chances are slim that I'll find one.
For me personally the loss of them exploding when thrown is a worthy sacrifice for being able to actually obtain them in reasonable amounts, but it is still definitely a shame.
Lagmanor 20 Aug, 2023 @ 4:17am 
Ah, finally, someone else noticed an unused oxyhenite and sulphurite ores in the game files! I made a mod that would add those too, but never got to publishing it.

I have to ask, what did you do with oxygenite shards? The problem is, if you make them attachable (that's how <LevelResource> work), they can no longer be thrown to make an explosion (status effect "OnImpact" stops working). Have you just ignored it, or there's solution for this that I've missed? Or that was simply fixed by the devs themselves?
RustedRegime 20 Aug, 2023 @ 3:57am 
Can you add an ore called Unobtainium? :bigjohn:
AngeL 19 Aug, 2023 @ 9:13am 
Finally. sulphurite.
RustedRegime 19 Aug, 2023 @ 4:54am 
Hell yeah!