

Tasarım Hizmetleri

Your communication partner to achieve the SDGs.


We2 is an award-winning communication studio designing engaging information for a sustainable world.

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2-10 çalışan
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Graphic Design, Branding, Strategy, Content Writing, Identity Design, Campaign, Digital, Video, Web Design, Audio, Humanitarian, Report Design, Infographics, Illustrations, E-Learning ve Events


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  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    Looking for top marketing agencies driving sustainability across all aspects—from environmental efforts to social impact? 🔍💚 This article spotlights the best sustainability marketing agencies of 2024, perfect for brands aligning with the SDGs or seeking ethical growth, curated by Akepa. "A sustainable marketing agency is different from a traditional marketing agency as sustainability is at the core of what they do. There’s a higher knowledge base surrounding the complex topic of sustainability, a specialisation in sustainability marketing, and an accustomed practice to working with the niche market of sustainable brands." As We2, we’re super proud to be featured alongside agencies making a real difference through innovative strategies and impactful campaigns! 🎉 Whether your focus is green initiatives or broader sustainable development, these agencies have you covered! Read now 👉 https://lnkd.in/ddssDzRC #sustainability #sustainablebrands #SDGs #marketing #marketingagency #we2

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  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    This World Humanitarian Day, celebrating humanitarian workers is not enough. We need those in power to act now to ensure protection of civilians, including humanitarians, in conflict zones. 2023 was the deadliest year on record for humanitarians. In 2023, 280 humanitarians were killed, most of them were national staff working to help their own communities. 2024 could be even worse. So far this year, more than 170 humanitarians have been killed. At least another 150 have been injured or abducted. To those in power; you committed to protects civilians in war, to protect humanitarian workers, to support the lifeline they provide. How much more do you need to see before you act? #ACTFORHUMANITY and help pressure parties to conflict and world leaders to take action. Source: worldhumanitarianday.org Ambulance photo: © Palestinian Red Crescent Society Hospital photo: © World Health Organization School photo: © UNICEF/UN026941/Basha #worldhumanitarianday #whd #humanitarian #humanitarianaid #notatarget #reallifeheroes #unitednations #we2

  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    You don’t always need a thick, heavy report to convey a message that could easily be expressed on a single page—provided that it’s carefully designed. The concept of ‘less is more’ is a well-known principle, especially in communication design. When we took on the task of designing a leaflet for IOM Iraq, we leveraged our design expertise to ensure that this single page would be as impactful as a full-length report, if not more. The focus of this leaflet was on Addressing the Needs of Self-Demobilized Individuals. We recognized that our design needed to create a sense of organized support and progression—key elements in the reintegration process. For individuals who have been self-demobilized, the concept of “home” holds deep significance, symbolizing safety, support, and a return to normalcy. To reflect this, we used a house-shaped graphic as the central element of our design, to represent the themes of stability and rebuilding. This shape wasn’t just a visual anchor; it also helped us intuitively organize the information to convey the ideas of progression and support—two critical messages in community stabilization efforts. We were intentional in our use of color within the house, as we opted for a blend of warm and cool tones. This choice was informed by color psychology — cooler tones evoke feelings of calm and trust, while warmer tones suggest energy and action. Each section within the house represented a specific step in the reintegration process, with the colors reflecting the intensity of the actions individuals would take—from receiving initial support to becoming active members of their communities. Often, leaflet designs can become cluttered, trying to pack as much information as possible onto a single page. We took a different approach. Our layout was clean, with ample white space that allowed each element to stand out. Key messages were strategically placed within the house graphic to support the metaphor of building safety and community support, while additional details were highlighted in blue circular callouts. These surrounding circular elements & icons, highlighted the program’s critical components—community safety plans, policing forums, and inclusive forums. To further emphasize these concepts and their impact, we included images within the circles, providing visual cues that directly tied the ideas of community involvement and safety to the overall message. Our approach was rooted in culturally sensitive and psychologically informed design. We helped achieve IOM Iraq’s objectives of supporting the broader mission of reintegration and community stabilization by making complex ideas more accessible, emotionally resonant, and actionable. What are your thoughts on clean, minimal leaflet designs? #leafletdesign #communciationdesign #iom

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  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    When working on reports for UN organizations, we often come across topics that require tailored communication. Beyond attractive covers and clear layouts for readability, reports need a strong narrative that resonates deeply with readers. For us, custom illustrations are a key part of this process. We create visuals tailored specifically to the report’s content and present key messages in a way that leaves a lasting impression. For instance, the MHPSS and Livelihood Integration Project Report for IOM Iraq focused on the impact of the MLI approach on mental health in vulnerable communities. Given the sensitivity of the topic and the extensive research involved, we felt custom illustrations were essential for conveying the stories and results impactfully. The process began with a detailed review of the report to identify sections where illustrations could add value. We then developed descriptive concepts for each potential illustration, detailing how they would enhance the associated text. Next, we translated these concepts into initial thumbnail sketches, integrating feedback to refine their composition and elements. Finally, we fine-tuned the illustrations with color adjustments to ensure they effectively conveyed the intended impact and aesthetic. With this process, instead of using generic images, our team created illustrations that closely mirrored real-world scenarios and aligned perfectly with the report’s themes. These visuals helped simplify and humanize complex concepts about mental health and livelihood support, making the information more accessible to a broad audience. As you can see in the images below, the illustrations provide emotional depth similar to photographs and reflect the real experiences and emotions that IOM wanted to highlight. While numbers and statistics are important in UN reports, they can sometimes feel impersonal and fail to engage readers. Custom illustrations add a personal touch, making the data more relatable and easier to understand. By opting for custom designs, we also ensured that the visuals matched IOM’s branding, enhancing the report’s authenticity, credibility, and professionalism. What do you think about using custom illustrations in UN reports? #mentalhealth #mhpss #reportdesign #illustrations

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  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    Today marks World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, a reminder of our collective responsibility to eradicate human trafficking and protect human dignity. Featuring one of our recent collaborations with IOM Türkiye, a brochure that serves as a guide to understanding and combating human trafficking, emphasizing its severe impact on human rights and its potential to affect anyone. It outlines key indicators, high-risk sectors, and the responsibilities of individuals and authorities in Türkiye, underscoring the critical importance of reporting and providing comprehensive support to victims. #humantrafficking #worlddayagainsttrafficking #humantraffickingawareness #informationdesign #brochuredesign #iom #we2

  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    Berrin Adıyaman, you sure know how to tear us up. We love you, loved the time we had together, and wish you a fulfilling and exciting journey ahead!

    Berrin Adıyaman, grafik adlı kullanıcının profilini görüntüleyin

    Student at Tobb ETU

    Değerli bağlantılarım, Bugün, uzun ve anlamlı bir dönemin sonuna geldiğimi sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum. 4 ay boyunca staj deneyimi yaptığım ardından 6 ay boyunca part-time olarak çalıştığım We2 ailesi ile yollarımızı ayırma kararı aldık.  Bu süreçte edinmiş olduğum deneyimler ve anıların benim için her zaman çok özel bir yeri olacak. We2 kültürünü deneyimleyebildiğim için kendimi çok şanslı hissediyorum. Kariyerimin bu aşamasında burada tanışmış olduğum patronlarım Ezgi Connard ve Ross Connard 'a, amirim Muhammed Ammash 'a, her zaman desteğini hissettiğim Anıl Adadıoğlu 'na ve Oyku Koyagasioglu, Alper San, Atahan Fırıncılar başta olmak üzere tüm tasarım ekibine teşekkür ederim. Sizlerle çalışmak sadece profesyonel anlamda değil kişisel anlamda da bana çok şey kattı. Burada edinmiş olduğum tecrübeler, bilgi birikimleri ve anılar hayatımın ilerleyen aşamalarında da benim için yol gösterici olacak. Hepinizden öğrendiğim her şey için minnettarım. Gelecek, belirsizliklerle dolu bir yolculuk. Umarım yollarımız bir gün tekrar kesişir. Her birinize çok güzel yollar diliyorum. 🤞🏼🤍 ------- Dear Connections, Today, I would like to share with you that I have reached the end of a long and meaningful chapter. After completing a 4 month internship and then working part-time for 6 months, I have decided to part ways with the We2 family. The experiences and memories I have gained during this time will always hold a special place in my heart. I feel incredibly fortunate to have experienced the We2 culture. At this stage of my career, I am deeply grateful to have met my bosses, Ezgi Connard and Ross Connard, my supervisor Muhammed Ammash, and for always feeling the support of Anıl Adadıoğlu. I would also like to extend my thanks to Oyku Koyagasioglu, Alper San, Atahan Fırıncılar, and the entire design team. Working with you all has enriched me not only professionally but also personally. The skills, knowledge, and memories I have gained here will continue to guide me in the future stages of my life. I am grateful for everything I have learned from each of you. The future is a journey filled with uncertainties. I hope our paths cross again someday. Wishing each of you a wonderful journey ahead. 🤞🏼 🤍

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  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    📢 We are thrilled to announce that We2 has become an ally in AMIN Worldwide, a global network of independent marketing communications agencies spanning 27 countries! 🎉 AMIN Worldwide helps us to “punch way above our weight”, providing access to a diverse pool resources with a network of 57 agencies and over 5.5K professionals. 👊🏼 We learn from each other’s industry experience, help the nuances of our native countries, increase capacity through collaboration, and enhance our ability to amplify our clients’ impact. Cheers to a partnership that lights the way to
a brighter future! 🥂 #aminworldwide #ally #creativenetwork #globalnetwork #communicationagency #amplifyimpact #SDGs #brighterfuture

  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    🔔 We2 is looking for #freelancers! How would you like 2 change the world? It’s time that creativity is used for what really matters. We’re looking for talented #GraphicDesigners who want to make a positive impact on the world, can craft strong visual concepts and layouts, and are experts on Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. ✅ Freelancer and remote position. 👉🏼 Apply now! we2.co/linktree #freelance #remote #work #career #graphicdesigner #joinus #we2

  • We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    When World Vision Iraq held their 10th year celebration event, they wanted to highlight their impact on society over the period of their existence, and We2 was hired to help them communicate it effectively. We were responsible for design throughout all their communication in the event - right from the video to the standees and tote bags. With so many messages being communicated across so many formats, it was our job to unite their communications with the power of design. To achieve this, we utilised a key element from World Vision's logo: the shining star, a symbol of hope and the organization’s mission to improve lives in Iraq. We abstracted the star into various segments, using these in title sequences, name cards, and to highlight key achievements in the video. On banners and tote bags, the abstracted segments emphasized the event's significance and underscored World Vision's message of 'Life in all its fullness.' As people moved through the event, the recurring presence of the star would serve as a consistent visual anchor, reinforcing World Vision's message. This subtle design choice was intended to gently prompt and inspire attendees to form a deeper connection with the organization's mission and actively participate in their initiatives. World Vision Iraq's 10th-year celebration was more than just a milestone; for us, it was also a testament to the power of cohesive visual communication in amplifying the impact of their work. Through our designs, we helped weave a story of progress and promise, leaving a lasting legacy of inspiration and change. Read more about this project here - https://lnkd.in/g3ViqCeN #worldvision #communicationdesign #eventdesign #UN

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    We2, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

    1.706 takipçi

    What gets read, creates impact. As a small think tank, how many of your readers actually read your reports & publications till the end? More importantly, how do you make universities, governments, and other stakeholders understand the value of your research? At We2, we have worked on 300+ reports for UN agencies around the world, and think tanks as well. This free-to-download document covers some of the strategies that we as a design agency use to increase the impact of communication in publications. Download the guide by clicking the button below.

    Download your free guide here

    Download your free guide here


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