Norges Vel Tanzania’s cover photo
Norges Vel Tanzania

Norges Vel Tanzania

Civic and Social Organizations

We work to create a forward-looking and sustainable food sector in East and Southern Africa

About us

Norges Vel Tanzania has been present in Tanzania since 2007 and established a country office in 2008 with a vision of creating thriving local communities through rural wealth creation and the transformation of subsistence farmers into smallholder commercial farmers, for a future-proof and sustainable food sector. We are a unique partner for local economic development and value creation, Idea generation, entrepreneurship, cooperation and commercialisation are key aspects of our development work in Tanzania. Our goal has always been to help develop independent commercial players that contribute to further growth in their local communities. Norges Vel Tanzania is a subsidiary of The Royal Norwegian Society for Development (Norges Vel), an independent Norwegian nonprofit organization established in 1809, with our international work beginning in 1978. All our activities are carried out on a not-for-profit basis, and all the values created through our efforts will thereby be used to benefit various local players.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Dar es Salaam
Entrepreneurship and collaborative solutions , Local Food, Value chain development and networking , Knowledge transfer from R&D to industry , and Knowledge transfer from Research and Development to industry


  • Primary

    Mwaya road, Masaki

    Indian Ocean Apartment - Block C

    Dar es Salaam, TZ

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Employees at Norges Vel Tanzania


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