Lights on and first two theatres handed over at Friarage Hospital’s new Surgical Hub 🥼 We’ve been on site delivering the flooring package for this critical NHS facility, where precision is non-negotiable. Floors were prepped to SR1 to support specialist equipment, and every finish had to be spot on. Proud to be playing our part in getting these spaces ready for the teams who’ll be using them. #ActiveFlooringSolutions #HealthcareProjects #OperatingTheatres #FriarageHospital #NHS #FlooringDoneRight #IHP Kevin Storey Andrew Lomas Nick Roebuck Ed Greenhough Richard Fell Andy Lawrence Oliver Stocks-Fryer Andy Currie
Lights on and first 2 theatres cleaned at the South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Friarage Hospital Sugical Hub. Great effort from the team. Keep up the good work: Dalkia UK, Brebur ltd, Howell Cummings Joinery, Active Flooring Solutions Limited, Gradus Limited, Laminform Limited, Hygenius #IHP Sir Robert McAlpine