

Oil and Gas

London, England 3,694,906 followers

Reimagining energy for people and our planet

About us

We believe the world wants and needs a better and more balanced energy system that delivers secure, affordable and lower-carbon energy. We're playing our part by investing in today's energy system, which is mainly oil and gas – and, not or – in our transition and the energy transition. While today we’re mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon & other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023. Increasing investment in these engines is a sign that bp’s wider transformation is underway. Check out our commenting guidelines 👉 bp.com/CommentsGuide

Oil and Gas
Company size
10,001+ employees
London, England
Public Company
Upstream – Oil & Gas Exploration & Production, Subsurface, Wells Subsea, Mechanical, Electrical, Process, Civil, Drilling,, Completion & Intervention Engineers, Geoscientists, Professionals in Finance, Business Development, and Procurement, Communications etc.


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    Podróżujących trasą A2 zapraszamy do odwiedzin niedawno otwartych stacji autostradowych bp MOP Ostrów Kania Północ oraz bp MOP Ostrów Kania Południe. Na stacjach bp MOP Ostrów Kania Północ i Południe (wyposażonych w instalację fotowoltaiczną) do dyspozycji jest otwarty 24/7 sklep oraz nasza kawiarnia Wild Bean Cafe w formacie autostradowym. Stacje wyposażone są w 4 dystrybutory MPD (dwustronne), 1 dystrybutor LPG (dwustronny), odkurzacz i kompresor, 3 dystrybutory TIR ON, 3 dystrybutory AdBlue oraz wiatę TIR. Do zobaczenia na trasie! #bpPolska #bpOtwarcia

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    🆕 Helena Tomazio, responsável pela Comunicação e Assuntos Externos da bp Portugal, participou no webinar sobre Segurança Rodoviária, organizado pela Direção-Geral de Educação (DGE). 🛣️ Na sua intervenção, Helena Tomazio salientou a importância da segurança para a bp, nomeadamente a segurança rodoviária, referindo o desafio bp Segurança ao Segundo como um dos principais projetos que a bp apoia em Portugal nesta área. O bp Segurança ao Segundo é uma iniciativa da bp Portugal, em parceria com a Forum Estudante, que pretende ajudar a inverter os dados da sinistralidade entre os jovens portugueses, envolvendo e sensibilizando os futuros condutores, através da criatividade, para o cumprimento das regras do Código da Estrada e para a necessidade da adoção de comportamentos defensivos. 🔝 👉🏼 O webinar contou com a participação de José Carlos Sousa, da Direção Geral da Educação, de Pedro Ladeira, da ANSR - Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária, de Gonçalo Gil, da Forum Estudante, de Miguel Barbosa, piloto do bp Ultimate Adventure Team, e do Professor Paulo Calhau do Agrupamento de Escolas de Albergaria-a-Velha. 👀 Assista ao webinar completo em https://lnkd.in/d9Cf59wy.

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    As tech heats up, curious how data centres will keep their cool? Our engineers tackle tough questions to co-develop innovative solutions. See how they are making liquid the new air in hardware cooling - helping lower energy use in the data centres that power our tech-driven lives. Learn more - on.bp.com/4hfYYL8  -- While today we’re mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon & other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023.

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    📅 Op 17 januari waren wij trots standhouder tijdens de open dag van STC Brielle! Het was een geweldige gelegenheid om studenten en hun ouders te informeren over onze mogelijkheden en passie voor ons vakgebied. We hebben enthousiaste gesprekken gevoerd en kijken ernaar uit om toekomstige talenten te verwelkomen in ons team! 💼✨ Bedankt aan iedereen die langskwam!

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    🎉✨ Op 15 januari hebben we met trots ons gloednieuwe Maintenance Training Center geopend! Dit markeert een belangrijk hoofdstuk in de professionele ontwikkeling van ons team. 🚀 In de wereld van techniek en elektriciteit is een sterke basis cruciaal. Daarom biedt dit training center onze technici en elektriciens de kans om de benodigde vaardigheden en kennis op te doen vóór hun werkzaamheden in de raffinaderij. Hier kunnen ze in een veilige en ondersteunende omgeving oefenen, experimenteren en leren. 🔧💡

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    You shouldn’t live in the past, but it’s a good place to start… As the motor industry expanded in the early 1900s, the demand for fuel and need for its speedy delivery became a high priority, requiring a compact kerbside solution. ⛽Join us as we delve into a petrol pump history, seeing how convenience has evolved over the decades. 💚From the first fuel pump in remote Shetland to self-service payment at the pump, we’ve innovated, adapted, and delivered for our customers – right through to today’s familiar forecourts, providing both EV Pulse charging and top-quality fuel.    If you're interested in the history of bp, learn more here ➡️ on.bp.com/4heA6U9

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    We're proud to announce a major milestone in Mauritania and Senegal 🇲🇷 🇸🇳    Together with our partners, we have begun safely flowing #Gas from Greater Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA), one of the deepest and most complex gas developments in Africa.    Once fully commissioned, this project is expected to produce around 2.3 million tonnes of #LNG per year, with both countries having the potential to become an important LNG production hub.    GTA has started a multi-million-dollar social investment programme focusing on the areas of community health, economic development, environmental awareness and education - that aims to enhance local quality of life and create long-term opportunities for local development.    Congratulations to our bp team and partners on this landmark achievement.    Learn more – on.bp.com/3PoLbWQ

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    Dziękujemy za akcję Szlachetna Paczka! Dzięki niej i Wam 😊 tysiące ludzi doświadczyło dobra, dając je lub otrzymując. Spokojnych Świąt. #bpPolska #PartnerzySpołecznibp

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    Jak dobrze, że jest bp! ❤    ...bo w prosty sposób pozwala robić dobro. Na większości stacji można bowiem kupić limitowany kubek z logo Szlachetnej Paczki, a cały zysk z ich sprzedaży wesprze nasze #dobredziałania 👏    W drodze do celu dobrze mieć sprawdzonego towarzysza podróży 🥰 

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