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Got a great green idea? Want to see if it can evolve into a successful startup? Get the knowledge and skills you need to do just that - apply now for ClimateLaunchpad! Don’t worry if you don’t have a business plan just yet, or if your idea is still on the back of a napkin. Be sure to apply before the UK deadline on 5 May: ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition - Undaunted at Imperial College London and The Royal Institution runs the UK stream. Our mission is to unlock the world’s cleantech potential that addresses climate change. We fill a gap in developing a pipeline of early-stage climate ventures and provide a platform for those ideas to flourish. ClimateLaunchpad is part of the Climate KIC Entrepreneurship offerings of Climate KIC. #ClimateInnovation #GreenIdeas #ClimateChange Imperial Enterprise Lab Imperial Enterprise Grantham Institute - Climate Change and the Environment CO₂RE - The Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment (CGFI) London Sustainable Development Commission Mayor's Entrepreneur Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK) Climate Entrepreneurs Climate Investment Challenge