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CPW are proud to be a delivery partner on this scheme being delivered on behalf of Arc Partnership
Director of Green Growth, Investment and Assets at Nottinghamshire County Council | ADEPT Environment Board | Arc Partnership Board Director | Scape Group Board Director
It isn’t very often you build a new HQ and this building does it all! BREEAM Excellent, cost efficient, built for modern ways of working and the catalyst of a new community in the centre of Nottinghamshire with 800 new homes now underway! The culmination of some incredible hard work by many different skilled teams across Nottinghamshire County Council and Arc Partnership, and I’m extremely proud of them all. To complete a £20M build in just over 12 months is rare in the construction industry and my thanks to the whole project team and Morgan Sindall Construction for making that a reality. Modern fit for purpose buildings and offices mean more money protected for services and the added bonus of being able to anchor regeneration where it is most needed. The first Full Council meeting today at Oak House marked a significant moment and the sun ☀️ even came out! Jonathan R Marriott BSc (Hons) PG Dip Mgt MRICS James Lewis Emily Leverton Matthew Antill