With global geopolitical developments moving more rapidly than seen in decades, the role of the supply chain in driving economic growth and national security through the defence industrial base was brought into sharp focus last week, as the Defence Supply Chain Capability Programme (DSCCP) welcomed the Rt Hon Maria Eagle MP (Minister for Defence Procurement and Industry) at one of its regular industry engagement events.
The Minister gave a Keynote speech and was part of an insightful UK Ministry of Defence and Industry Panel, made up of Maj Gen Phil Prosser (Director Joint Support), Samira Braund (ADS Defence Director), Didde Bjerglund-Martin (Hellios JOSCAR Sector Manager) and Jayne Planitzer (Thales Procurement Director).
The delegates heard that the Minister is “incredibly impressed” with what DSCCP had delivered in just 7 months, including:
· Supporting the design and establishment of the new Defence Industrial Joint Council (DIJC). The DIJC will incorporate the breadth of the defence sector and will serve as the MOD’s primary mechanism for collaborating with sector partners to shape and deliver the Defence Industrial Strategy.
· Supporting the first MOD/industry ‘wargame’ from 2-3 December 2024, which explored how industry and MOD could sustain people on the frontline when faced with intense fighting and supply chain disruption.
· Launching a Supply Chain Architecture pilot with a strategic programme team and industry, to help identify the design principles for its future supply chain.
· Testing and refining proposals for change in 2025 with over 70 MOD and Industry participants at workshops in Shrivenham and Gloucester.
Min DPI relayed the government’s support for Defence industry going faster, further, with a mix of supplier types critical to our collective success. DSCCP advocates from industry explained what these changes mean for the Defence industrial base including: access for SMEs to MOD opportunities, the collective creation of best practice, creating a joined up data and digital picture to support market decisions, and the importance of Industry as a vocal tool to amplify the impact of this work.
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