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Development Bank of Wales

Development Bank of Wales


Wrexham, Wales 15,951 followers

Ein busnes ni yw helpu ariannu'ch un chi. It's our business to help finance yours.

About us

Rydyn ni eisiau datgloi'r potensial yn economi Cymru trwy gynyddu'r ddarpariaeth o gyllid cynaliadwy, effeithiol yn y farchnad. Cyllid hyblyg ar gyfer busnesau yng Nghymru o £1,000 i £10 miliwn. Benthyciadau ac ecwiti. Wedi'u diogelu a heb eu diogelu. We want to unlock potential in the economy of Wales by increasing the provision of sustainable, effective finance in the market. We offer flexible finance for businesses based in Wales from £1,000 up to £10 million. Loans and equity. Secured and unsecured.

Company size
201-500 employees
Wrexham, Wales
Privately Held


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    Unit J, Yale Business Village, Ellice Way

    Wrexham, Wales LL13 7YL, GB

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Employees at Development Bank of Wales


  • Mae Sophie Mason a Merryn Roberts-Ward yn lansio ap i helpu sefydliadau i fonitro a gwella amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant. Mae'r Ap ThinkEDI, a ariennir yn rhannol gan fenthyciad micro gennym ni, yn darparu data i helpu busnesau i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus. Gyda phrofiad personol o oresgyn gwahaniaethu a thuedd anymwybodol, mae Sophie a Merryn wedi datblygu datrysiad sy'n ei gwneud hi'n haws i fusnesau barhau i gydymffurfio a chefnogi gweithwyr a chwsmeriaid. Roeddent yn weld y cyfle am ateb digidol-yn-gyntaf sy'n cefnogi unigolion ac yn ei gwneud yn hawdd i gyflogwyr a darparwyr gwasanaethau gydymffurfio. ‘Fel defnyddiwr cadair olwyn symudol a gweithiwr rheoli newid AD proffesiynol, rwy’n deall rhwystrau yn y gweithle o safbwynt cyflogai a chyflogwr,’ esboniodd y Cyfarwyddwr Sophie Mason. ‘Bydd ap ThinkEDI yn dod ag enillion ariannol a chymdeithasol ar fuddsoddiadau i sefydliadau.’ ‘Mae Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant wedi’i weld yn y gorffennol am roi pobl mewn bocs, nid ydym yn ei weld felly. Rydyn ni i gyd yn unigolion ag anghenion a phrofiadau unigryw. Mae angen ychydig o ddealltwriaeth a chefnogaeth ar bob un ohonom ar adegau’ ‘Mae’r cyllid gan y Banc Datblygu wedi ein galluogi i ddatblygu offer newydd a chyffrous ar gyfer yr ap, yn barod i fod o fudd i’n marchnad. Mae Merryn a minnau’n ddiolchgar am y gefnogaeth ac yn gyffrous ar gyfer cam nesaf ein taith’. Darganfyddwch fwy am yr ap ThinkEDI newydd: #MicroFenthyciad #HelpoddBancDat ThinkEDI . Caerphilly County Borough Council . Caerphilly Observer . Caerphilly Business Club . Busnes Cymru / Business Wales . Business News Wales

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  • Sophie Mason and Merryn Roberts-Ward, are launching an app to help organisations track and improve diversity and inclusion. The ThinkEDI App, part-funded by a micro loan from us, provides actionable data to help businesses make informed decisions. With personal experience in overcoming discrimination and unconscious bias, Sophie and Merryn have developed a solution that makes it easier for businesses to stay compliant and support both employees and customers. They recognised the opportunity for a digital-first solution that supports individuals and makes it easy for employers and service providers to be compliant. ‘As an ambulatory wheelchair user and HR change management professional, I understand workplace barriers from both an employee and employer perspective,’ explained Director Sophie Mason. ‘The ThinkEDI app will bring organisations financial and social returns on investment.’ ‘Diversity and Inclusion has been seen in the past about putting people into a box, we don’t see it that way. We are all individuals with unique needs and experiences. We all need a little understanding and support at times’ ‘The funding from the Development Bank has enabled us to develop new and exciting tools for the app, ready to benefit our market. Both Merryn and I are grateful for the support and are excited for the next stage of our journey’. Discover more about the new ThinkEDI app: #MicroLoan #DevBankHelped ThinkEDI . Caerphilly County Borough Council . Caerphilly Observer . Caerphilly Business Club . Business Wales / Busnes Cymru . Business News Wales

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  • We’ve invested £35,000 in RAW Adventures, a mountain activity company run by husband and wife, Ross and Kate Worthington. The micro-loan is the second investment from us in the company, having previously supported the business during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our latest investment is being used to invest in further developing their Charity Partner Programme, additional storage for equipment, and to help fund the application process for B Corp Certification. The office team of five are all qualified leaders and instructors, regularly working with individuals as well as charity and corporate groups of all ages and abilities. RAW also supports all aspects of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Expedition section and Gold Award Duke of Edinburgh residential weeks. ‘We would not have survived the pandemic ourselves without the support from the Development Bank during that period, let alone be growing the business and taking further steps to manage and improve the positive impact we have on our environment and community,’ explained Director Ross Worthington. ‘This latest loan will enable us to really move forward and continue to lead the way in outdoor adventures. It’s a great boost for us all and we really appreciate the vote of confidence in what we do.’ Find out more about the Brynrfail-based business: #DevBankHelped #MicroLoan RAW Adventures . Business Wales / Busnes Cymru

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  • Rydym wedi buddsoddi £35,000 yn RAW Adventures, cwmni gweithgareddau mynydd sy’n cael ei redeg gan ŵr a gwraig, Ross a Kate Worthington. Y micro-fenthyciad yw’r ail fuddsoddiad gennym ni yn y cwmni, ar ôl cefnogi’r busnes yn flaenorol yn ystod pandemig Covid-19. Mae ein buddsoddiad diweddaraf yn cael ei ddefnyddio i fuddsoddi mewn datblygu ymhellach eu Rhaglen Partner Elusennol, storfa ychwanegol ar gyfer offer, ac i helpu i ariannu’r broses ymgeisio am Ardystiad B Corp. Mae tîm y swyddfa o bump i gyd yn arweinwyr a hyfforddwyr cymwys, yn gweithio'n rheolaidd gydag unigolion yn ogystal ag elusennau a grwpiau corfforaethol o bob oed a gallu. Mae RAW hefyd yn cefnogi pob agwedd ar adran Alldaith Gwobr Dug Caeredin ac wythnosau preswyl Gwobr Aur Dug Caeredin. ‘Ni fyddem wedi goroesi’r pandemig ein hunain heb gefnogaeth y Banc Datblygu yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw, heb sôn am dyfu’r busnes a chymryd camau pellach i reoli a gwella’r effaith gadarnhaol a gawn ar ein hamgylchedd a’n cymuned,’ esboniodd y Cyfarwyddwr Ross Worthington. “Bydd y benthyciad diweddaraf hwn yn ein galluogi i symud ymlaen yn wirioneddol a pharhau i arwain y ffordd mewn anturiaethau awyr agored. Mae’n hwb mawr i bob un ohonom ac rydym yn gwerthfawrogi’n fawr y bleidlais o hyder yn yr hyn a wnawn.” Dysgwch fwy am y busnes ym Mrynrfail: #HelpoddBancDat #MicroFenthyciad RAW Adventures . Business Wales / Busnes Cymru

    • Raw Adventures
  • Ar gael wythnos nesaf? Cofrestrwch i gael cymorth busnes am ddim yng Nghlinig Busnes Sir y Fflint Free next week? Sign up for some free business support at the Flintshire Business Clinic 👇

  • Mae’r rapiwr Goldie Lookin’ Chain, Graham Taylor, a’r nofelydd a’r darlledwr, Gary Raymond, yn defnyddio benthyciad cychwynnol gennym ni i rannu eu hoffter o recordiau finyl yn Nhrefynwy gydag agoriad Grinning Soul Records. Mae’r micro-fenthyciad wedi’i ddefnyddio i ariannu’n rhannol ailwampiad o’r siop newydd ar Stryd y Priordy, Trefynwy, ac i brynu stoc. Ar ôl bod yn ffrindiau agos ers eu dyddiau ysgol yng Nghasnewydd, roedd gan Graham Taylor o’r grŵp rap Cymreig, Goldie Lookin’ Chain a chyflwynydd ac awdur y BBC Gary Raymond uchelgais plentyndod i agor siop recordiau. ‘Daw dilynwyr cerddoriaeth o bob rhan o’r byd i ymweld â Threfynwy fel cartref Rockfield Studios, stiwdios recordio chwedlonol Cymru. Cafodd Bohemian Rhapsody ei recordio yma ac eto doedd dim siop recordiau yn y dref,’ eglurodd Gary, ‘Bydd Grinning Soul Records yn rhoi’r cyfle i bobl leol ac ymwelwyr brynu recordiau finyl traddodiadol a wnaed yma yn Nhrefynwy. Dyma wireddu breuddwyd ein plentyndod, a wnaed yn bosibl gan y benthyciad gan y Banc Datblygu’. Darganfod mwy am yr unig siop recordiau yn Nhrefynwy: #HelpoddBancDat #MicroFenthyciad Monmouth Town Council . Monmouth Borough Council . Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy . Business Wales / Busnes Cymru . Business News Wales

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  • Goldie Lookin’ Chain rapper, Grahamn Taylor, and novelist and broadcaster, Gary Raymond, are using a start-up loan from us to share their love of vinyl records in Monmouth with the opening of Grinning Soul Records. The micro loan has been used to part-fund the kit out of the new shop on Priory Street, Monmouth, and to purchase stock. Having been close friends since their school days in Newport, Graham Taylor of Welsh rap group, Goldie Lookin’ Chain and BBC presenter and author Gary Raymond had a childhood ambition to open a record shop. ‘Music fans come from all over the world to visit Monmouth as the home of Rockfield Studios, the legendary Welsh recording studios. Bohemian Rhapsody was recorded here yet there was no record shop in the town,’ explained Gary, ‘Grinning Soul Records will give local people and visitors like the opportunity to buy traditional vinyl records that were made here in Monmouth. This is our childhood dream come true, made possible by the loan from the Development Bank’. Find out more on the only record shop in Monmouth: #DevBankHelped #MicroLoan Monmouth Town Council . Monmouth Borough Council . Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy . Business Wales / Busnes Cymru . Business News Wales

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  • Fe wnaethom gefnogi Regenaderm, clinig gofal croen blaengar a sefydlwyd gan y Doctor Sanvir Singh a aned yng Nghanada, gyda benthyciad micro i helpu i ariannu stoc ac offer cychwynnol yn rhannol. Gan harneisio pŵer triniaethau adfywiol naturiol ar gyfer gofal croen, colli gwallt, ac atebion gwrth-heneiddio, mae'r clinig hwn sy'n cael ei redeg gan feddyg ar genhadaeth i ailddiffinio safonau harddwch. Ers symud i Gymru yn 2018, mae Dr Singh wedi parhau â'i waith hanfodol fel Meddyg Teulu GIG wrth ddilyn yn angerddol ei freuddwyd o wneud estheteg o ansawdd uchel yn hygyrch i bawb. ‘Rwy’n credu bod pawb yn haeddu mynediad at estheteg ddiogel, o ansawdd uchel sy’n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth a dyna pam roeddwn i eisiau sefydlu fy nghlinig fy hun,’ meddai. Awydd plymio i'r stori ysbrydoledig hon? Dysgwch fwy am genhadaeth Regenaderm: #HelpoddBancDat Cardiff Council . Cardiff Business Council . I Loves The 'Diff . Business Wales / Busnes Cymru . Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy . Business News Wales

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  • We supported Regenaderm, a cutting-edge skincare clinic founded by Canadian-born Doctor Sanvir Singh, with a micro loan to help part-fund initial stock and equipment. Harnessing the power of natural regenerative treatments for skincare, hair loss, and anti-aging solutions, this doctor-run clinic is on a mission to redefine beauty standards. Since moving to Wales in 2018, Dr. Singh has continued his vital work as an NHS GP while passionately pursuing his dream of making high-quality aesthetics accessible to all. 'I believe that everyone deserves access to safe, high quality and evidence-based aesthetics which is why I wanted to set-up my own clinic,’ he says. Curious to dive into this inspiring story? Learn more about Regenaderm's mission: #DevBankHelped Cardiff Council . Cardiff Business Council . I Loves The 'Diff . Business Wales / Busnes Cymru . Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy . Business News Wales

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