The skirl of the pipes and the beating of the drums were heard at the worlds largest schools pipe band competition and our pupils shine.
The worlds largest schools pipe band competition was held last weekend and our pupils - led and tutored by the South of Scotland Piping and Drumming Academy - were 3rd in their highly competitive field. Due to success last year they were competing in a higher category. Also new for this year were kilts - don’t they look great and such excitement at the fittings . I recognise the SSPDA is a charitable organisation with a low budget - and through their skill and commitment they have tutored our young people from various schools to compete against very established school bands. These experiences can be life changing for young people Dumfries and Galloway Council 🎶🎼music making is a central part of many D&G communities - and the schools and our instrumental music service need and want to work together with local bands. We will hear them play at our spring and summer festivals. #thrivingcommunities We are so proud of our pipers and drummer ( and their families) and grateful thanks to SSPDA and their main funders #holywoodtrust #barfiltrust #sspdt