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Dumfries and Galloway Council

Dumfries and Galloway Council

Government Administration

About us

Dumfries and Galloway Council is responsible for the delivery of all local authority services to nearly 149,000 people living in the urban and rural areas of the region. We also play a key role on the Dumfries and Galloway Community Planning Partnership and, with our partners, are working to make the region the best place to live, learn, work, visit and grow.

Government Administration
Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Public Company


Employees at Dumfries and Galloway Council


  • The skirl of the pipes and the beating of the drums were heard at the worlds largest schools pipe band competition and our pupils shine.

    View profile for Gillian Brydson

    Executive Director Education Skills and Community Wellbeing at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    The worlds largest schools pipe band competition was held last weekend and our pupils - led and tutored by the South of Scotland Piping and Drumming Academy - were 3rd in their highly competitive field. Due to success last year they were competing in a higher category. Also new for this year were kilts - don’t they look great and such excitement at the fittings . I recognise the SSPDA is a charitable organisation with a low budget - and through their skill and commitment they have tutored our young people from various schools to compete against very established school bands. These experiences can be life changing for young people Dumfries and Galloway Council 🎶🎼music making is a central part of many D&G communities - and the schools and our instrumental music service need and want to work together with local bands. We will hear them play at our spring and summer festivals. #thrivingcommunities We are so proud of our pipers and drummer ( and their families) and grateful thanks to SSPDA and their main funders #holywoodtrust #barfiltrust #sspdt

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  • Getting help to people fast through our D&GCarezone Collaborative #ThrivingCommunities #SaveALifeScotland #DH9

    View profile for Gillian Brydson

    Executive Director Education Skills and Community Wellbeing at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    Our D&G CARezone Collaborative ❤️💔❤️ Around 100 people a year in Dumfries and Galloway suffer an Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Sadly, some of these recently have been very close to home - colleagues, friends and family. The survival rate depends on the time taken to get help and in rural areas that’s not always easy. Privilege to establish the D&G CARezone Collaborative with the Scottish Ambulance Service, Dumfries and Galloway Council NHS DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY Rodger Hill SaveALifeScotland - we hope others will join us. More information on what this means, how folk can help and what support is available is now being collated - watch this space on how to spread the word. CARezones bring communities, data and skills together to support first responders and the ambulance service when people have a cardiac arrest out of hospital when time to defib is critical to survival. We have so many wonderful and resilient communities - and so much already in place. Our CARezone collaborative will coordinate and use our joint local knowledge to provide and promote CPR training in all our schools and communities; signpost people to the GoodSam App; make sure our defibrillators are registered to The Circuit so emergency services know where they are and that we use the PAD tracker to know where new defibrillators will make most impact. We know our communities in D&G will rally round to Save A Life

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  • Dumfries and Galloway Council reposted this

    View profile for Carla McKay

    Youth Development Worker at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    So proud to be part of this new initiative! The young women’s mentoring programme was developed to give our young women in Dumfries and Galloway positive female role models, allowing them to develop knowledge and confidence and give them power when it comes to making choices in their own lives! 💪🏼 Happy international women's day! #IWD2025 #Mentoring #DGYoungWomen

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  • Dumfries and Galloway Council reposted this

    View profile for Gillian Brydson

    Executive Director Education Skills and Community Wellbeing at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    Its Scottish Apprenticeship week- timely to congratulate our Dumfries and Galloway Council colleague Scott Brown for his Graduate Apprenticeship achieved earlier this year. Scott is a brilliant example of the apprenticeship route - coming to work for the council straight from school as a modern apprentice now completing his honours degree - all while working for the education HQ team It’s a win-win way to study - as employers we benefit from supporting existing staff to build their skills and qualifications, and graduate apprentices achieve a degree while still being able to earn from full time work. Well done Scott we are really proud of you !

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  • Congratulations to all the finalists at the D&G life awards last night - described as a ‘colourful celebration of the vibrancy and worth of the people of the region’ . The common thread in all the nominations, it was said, was ‘deep and unreserved human kindness’. So much talent, with so much strength and togetherness on show.

    View profile for Gillian Brydson

    Executive Director Education Skills and Community Wellbeing at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    Congratulations to Lesley Watson for winning the Education Hero of 2024 award DgLife last night. Lesley has 42 years service ( though that is hard to believe) in leadership at all levels in schools across D&G and roles with our regional colleagues across the Ayrshires as well as with HMIe. The judges highlighted that she has ‘spent her whole career supporting children, families, teachers and school leaders in our region and has led the way with many national initiatives putting Dumfries and Galloway at the forefront of educational thinking’. Lesley is such a brilliant colleague and I was fair chuffed and proud to be her guest thanks to all for such a great night Andrea Thompson DL Derek Crichton

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  • Dumfries and Galloway Council reposted this

    View profile for Gillian Brydson

    Executive Director Education Skills and Community Wellbeing at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    I am so proud of these inspiring educators who have been nominated and are now finalists as Dumfries and Galloway’s education heroes 2024. We know there are committed teachers who are unwavering in their determination to support children and families across our schools day in, day out. It is wonderful to see some these people recognised by our communities. Looking forward to the final in November ! Thank you Dumfries and Galloway life and all those involved and sponsors Joanna Campbell Dumfries and Galloway College Andrea Thompson DL Derek Crichton

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  • Dumfries and Galloway Council reposted this

    View profile for Mark Molloy

    Passionate about delivering excellent public services.

    ‘Through Young Eyes’ gives us all the chance to listen to the powerful voices of young people and hear about their experiences of Poverty in a rural part of Scotland. This week I attended the 2 launch events in Stranraer and Dumfries of ‘Through Young Eyes’ which is a short film made by young people in Dumfries and Galloway to allow them to tell the story of Child Poverty from their owned lived experiences and to push us all to do more. The Young People and Youth Workers who made the film have really challenged all organisations to ask themselves this question- are we doing enough to tackle the Child Poverty in our region? There needs and must be more we can do together. I am really proud of our Youth Work Team for working on this over the last few months and huge credit needs to go to Laura Kiltie and Zoe Nix for leading it. Thanks to all the panelist’s (especially the young people) who took part in the discussion including Valerie White Alan Webb Also huge credit to Martyn Robertson and the team at Urbancroft Films for supporting us to make the film. You can view the video at: https://lnkd.in/e4KcBZq7 #challengepoverty #youthwork #CPW24

    Youth Work Dumfries and Galloway | Poverty


  • Dumfries and Galloway Council reposted this

    View profile for Gillian Brydson

    Executive Director Education Skills and Community Wellbeing at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    I was at the initial showing and panel discussion for this short film earlier this week #challengepovertyweek24 Now it is available to share. Please watch, listen and think about what our young people are telling us about living in poverty in our region. The themes will be familiar to people throughout Scotland and also affect people of all ages. I’m so proud of our youth work team as they challenge us all to do more. If child poverty is our priority we must look more ways to increase family incomes and reduce their costs of living. Over 26% of our D&G children live in poverty. Crushed, isolated, hopeless and stigmatised. Please watch ⬇️

    Youth Work Dumfries and Galloway | Poverty


  • Dumfries and Galloway Council reposted this

    View profile for Gillian Brydson

    Executive Director Education Skills and Community Wellbeing at Dumfries and Galloway Council

    All our headteachers together today working with the wonderful Steve Munby and his messages on the importance of Imperfect Leadership. The pace and pressure is so great across the system we needed time to focus on our purpose and gather our thoughts to support our leaders and each other. Hearing Steve’s experiences reminded us about balance, that asking for help is a strength, showing up with hope, courage and pragmatism. A roomful of talented, authentic leaders and role models for children - #knowingwedontknoweverthing #doingtherightthing Dumfries and Galloway Council

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