European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - ECMWF reposted this
We were delighted to welcome yesterday the members of the Space Working Party 🚀 of the Council of the European Union as well as several distinguished guests to our European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - ECMWF Data Centre in Bologna 🇮🇹. It is home to one #exabyte 💾 of data, the largest archive in the world 🌍 for weather and climate, as well as to our powerful operational #HighPerformanceComputer. This was a great opportunity to showcase the pivotal role of ECMWF in the Earth Observation information value chain from weather prediction to climate and atmosphere monitoring. We work closely for this with EUMETSAT, European Space Agency - ESA and CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) and CGMS agencies. And, for the delivery of highest quality end-user services, we rely on a very wide network of science and operational partners and contractors in EU and ECMWF Member States.