Pleased to share that Kate Levick, ITPN Founding Director, has joined the Transition Finance Council Steering Group. We look forward to following the Council's work on credible #transitionfinance.
We are delighted today to publish the Terms of Reference for the Transition Finance Council and announce our Strategic Steering Group members. The Steering Group will work to help shape the future of #TransitionFinance under the Council, which was co-launched by UK Government and the City of London Corporation. The challenge ahead is significant, but as a leading financial centre, the UK is well positioned to finance this transition while creating opportunities for UK businesses. The #TransitionFinanceCouncil will enable a sustainable flow of finance towards transitioning high-emitting sectors, driving forward the roadmap set out in the #TransitionFinanceMarketReview last year. The Terms of Reference set out more detail on the Council's focus areas, governance and intended outputs. To find out more about the Steering Group Members, and read the Terms of Reference, click here: Danny Alexander, Mani Atwal, Clara Barby, Emmanuelle Bury-Lucas, Vanessa Havard-Williams OBE, Julia Hoggett, Kate Levick, Katie Murray, Rain Newton-Smith, Alistair Phillips-Davies, Rt Hon Chris Skidmore, Mark Versey, Faith Ward, Joel Kenrick, Richard Knox, Ryan McLaughlin, Sacha Sadan #sustainability #ClimateFinance #TransitionFinance #NetZero