Today is the UN’s International Day of Zero Waste - and our Director of Operations, Emily Compston CMgr FCMI summed this week up beautifully ♻️👇
I’ve had many reasons to reflect on the idiom ‘one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure’. Firstly, I am beyond excited to announce that Little Village has been shortlisted for the Awards for Excellence in Recycling and Waste Management’s brand-new Social Value Within a Community category. We are up against some big players and it’s the first time that a baby bank has been recognised for their contribution to sustainability. Great timing…. This week we launched our 2024 Impact Report, which showed that last year we redistributed 128 tonnes of pre-loved children’s items, which might otherwise have ended up in landfill. Including: · 1,551 safe places for children and babies to sleep, including Moses baskets, cots, and toddler beds. · 14,163 pairs of shoes, so that children can make strides in well-fitting and weather-appropriate footwear · 17,499 books, to stimulate children’s learning, development, and sense of adventure. · 6,752 coats, so that children can stay warm, snug, and dry Then on Tuesday I caught up with the incredible team at WRAP. As signatories of the Textiles2030 agreement, Little Village has been interviewed as a case study. It turns out that we are a Circular Business Model. I know – obvious to some people – but until last year I think we were busy thinking about our social impact and how we support families living in poverty, so we didn’t even realise that we are a ‘green’ employer. Earlier this week team members paid a neighbourly call to the Western Riverside Waste Authority depot. They spotted the Groundwork Rework team recycling project based on site. No sooner had someone dumped their trash, then it was picked out and inspected. If it can be repaired and reused, it will be. Good work Groundwork. Also, in the news this week Environment Secretary Rt Hon Steve Reed OBE MP set out his vision for the UK’s Circular Economy Strategy. He unveiled the government’s ambitious vision to transform the UK economy and end our throwaway society. Very on brand for Little Village! Finally, it’s the UN’s International Day of Zero Waste this Sunday. This year, for the first time, the day will be observed under the theme “Towards zero waste in fashion and textiles”. Not such a rubbish week. Happy Friday! #beatwastepollution #zerowasteday #sustainablefashion #circulareconomy #AFE2025 #sustainability #unitednations #zerowaste