What a week! Not only did we launch the London Growth Plan, but last week saw London & Partner’s annual Staff Conference Day & Staff Festival Week🎉 Our Staff Conference is a day for colleagues to get together to celebrate the year passed, and look forward to the year ahead. All the while enjoying reuniting in person with our global markets teams, who were hosted by our wonderful partners at Park Plaza Waterloo. It was a packed event, filled with insightful sessions, laughter & connection. Here are our highlights: ✨ Our partners Convene hosted us at 155 Bishopsgate, the perfect fit for our event with delicious food to boot! ✨ London & Partners CEO Laura Citron OBE kicked off the day with reflections on our achievements in 2024 and set the scene for our 2025 ambitions. ✨ Howard Dawber, Deputy Mayor of London for Business and Growth and London & Partner’s Chair of the Board, joined us at his first Staff Conference Day for a fireside chat, hosted by Ellie Higson. ✨ We welcomed business founders and collaborative partners we’ve worked with across the company to speak on three fantastic panels about inclusive companies working with London’s communities, Placemaking & Frontier Innovation. A huge thank you to our guest speakers, Waleed Ahmed, Sadia Ramzan & Kimberly Malone Crossley. To Mark Williams & Jace Tyrrell. To Dominique Kleyn & Esra Demir. And to our hosts, Andrew Tibbitts, Angela Kukula, Simon McCaugherty & Vanesa Perez Sanchez. ✨ Colleagues enjoyed London & Partner’s rendition of Taskmaster, with Howard Dawber as our very own Greg Davies, and an energetic ‘Where’s Laura’ clues race, where staff got together in teams to decipher where CEO Laura Citron OBE was hiding in the local area. The day ended with a Q&A session with our Management Committee, and staff leaving reinvigorated and connected with both each other and the company mission and values. Thank you to the project team who made this all possible, and to our fabulous emcees, Lasya Rao & Guillermo Huertas Guillen. Until next year!