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Transforming Foundation Industries

Transforming Foundation Industries

Research Services

Supporting the UK foundation industries to become internationally competitive, secure more jobs and grow sustainably

About us

UK Research and Innovation’s £66 million Transforming Foundation Industries (TFI) Challenge delivered by Innovate UK is helping the UK’s cement, metals, glass, chemicals, paper and ceramics sectors become internationally competitive, secure more UK jobs and grow in an environmentally sustainable way. The UK’s foundation industries are essential for the manufacturing and construction sectors and so form the building blocks of our economy. TFI is working with partners in industry and academia to facilitate innovation and has provided funding to kickstart projects across the country.

Research Services
Company size
5,001-10,000 employees
Government Agency
cement, metals, glass, paper, ceramics, chemicals, construction, manufacturing, sustainability, decarbonisation, women in leadership, innovation, funding, and foundation industries



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