Disputes Education Center

American Express has your back with information, insights and solutions to help you prevent disputes and stay focused on your business.

Disputes Education Center

American Express has your back with information, insights and solutions to help you prevent disputes and stay focused on your business.

Understanding Disputes

In 2023, less than 0.035% of US Card Member transactions turned into Disputes that reached merchants.1


And what’s more…

There was an increase in the number of transactions made by American Express® US Card Members, but a decrease in the percentage of disputes that reach a merchant.2

Illustration for increased transactions and decreased disputes

Disputes 101

Learn about the types of disputes, tools and best practices to help you be ready if a dispute comes your way.

Reference Guides

Understanding Disputes PDF thumbnail

Understanding the Disputes Process

Amex Disputes Solutions Explained PDF thumbnail

Amex Disputes Solutions Explained

Disputes Reference Guide PDF thumbnail

Disputes Reference Guide


Understanding the Disputes Process

Common Dispute Prevention Tips

Fraud Prevention Tips


B2B Disputes Management

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Disputes Summer Prevention

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Insights to Help Prevent Common Disputes

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Understanding the Disputes Process

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Blue Box
Don't Do Business without it

1 Internal American Express data comparing January – December 2023 vs January – December 2022.

2  Internal American Express data comparing January – December 2023 vs January – December 2022.

3 Except for these dispute categories: 1. Goods/services not received. 2. Goods/services returned/canceled. 3. Redisputes. In these instances, the timeframe can extend slightly.

4 Data based on the success results of 887,417 Substitute Receipts sent to US Card Members for ‘Does Not Recognize’ disputes between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. This capability is available for all American Express merchants.

5 Merchants who implemented Digital Receipts had an average 2021 net charge volume of $13B. Digital Receipts is only available on transactions of merchants who have enabled the capability.