Charlemagne: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Primary sources

In reconstructing Charlemagne’s career, historians must work with a wide range of source materials written during his lifetime or shortly after his death, including annals and chronicles, capitularies, enactments of church councils, charters granting land or privileges, letters, biographies, and poems. The Latin versions of most of this material have been edited and published, especially in a series called the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH). Convenient guides to editions of these sources are provided by the biographies of Charlemagne, cited below. Two of these texts are especially important in providing the basic outlines of Charlemagne’s personality and activities. One is Einhard, Vita Karoli Magni: Life of Charlemagne, Latin text with new English translation, introduction, and notes by Evelyn Scherabon Firchow and Edwin H. Zeydel (1972; reissued 1985). Another translation of Einhard’s biography, to which is joined a lively anecdotal sketch of the king’s activities written about 884 by a monk at St. Gall named Notker the Stammerer, can be found in Einhard and Notker the Stammerer, Two Lives of Charlemagne, translation with introduction by Lewis Thorpe (1969, reissued 2003). The other prime source is translated in Carolingian Chronicles. Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard’s Histories, trans. by Bernhard Walter Scholz with Barbara Rogers (1970; reissued 1972), pp. 2–21, 46–97, a year-by-year account of Charlemagne’s reign, part of a compilation called the Royal Frankish Annals, which was a quasi-official record of royal activity from 741 to 829. English translations of important texts related to Charlemagne’s regime are included in two excellent anthologies: H.R. Loyn and John Percival (compilers), The Reign of Charlemagne: Documents on Carolingian Government and Administration (1975); and P.D. King (ed. and trans.), Charlemagne: Translated Sources (1987).

Biographies and general studies

Robert Folz, “Charlemagne and His Empire,” in Vaclav Mudroch and G.S. Couse (eds.), Essays on the Reconstruction of Medieval History (1974), pp. 86–112; Donald A. Bullough, “Europae Pater: Charlemagne and His Achievement in the Light of Recent Scholarship,” The English Historical Review 85:59–105 (1970); and Richard E. Sullivan, “The Carolingian Age: Reflections on Its Place in the History of the Middle Ages,” Speculum 64:267–306 (1989), are reflections on some of the major issues on which modern scholars concerned with Charlemagne have focused. Donald Bullough, The Age of Charlemagne, 2nd ed. (1980), provides a balanced, engagingly written, profusely illustrated treatment of Charlemagne’s career. Roger Collins, Charlemagne (1998), is more recent, but its highly selective treatment neglects many facets of Charlemagne’s career. A fuller recent treatment in French, stimulating in its interpretations of key events in Charlemagne’s career, is Jean Favier, Charlemagne (1999). Other well-written, balanced accounts are Jacques Boussard, The Civilization of Charlemagne, trans. from the French by Frances Partridge (1968); and Josef Fleckenstein, Karl der Grosse, 3rd ed., rev. (1990).

Many studies of Charlemagne’s reign are organized around major themes, treating in succession such matters as his military ventures, his efforts at governance, his religious reform, his cultural revival, and his coronation as emperor. Such an approach compartmentalizes his accomplishments in a way that makes each sphere of activity considered by itself seem relatively uncomplicated. When his career is treated chronologically in a way that reveals the complexities facing him at any given moment during his reign, his achievements loom much larger. A massive recent study, Dieter Hägermann, Karl der Grosse, new ed. (2003), succeeds remarkably well in this respect. An older study that attempted the same thing is Richard Winston, Charlemagne: From the Hammer to the Cross (1954, reissued 1969), but it is marred by some untenable, even bizarre interpretations of Charlemagne’s actions. Still worth reading is a seminal work that stimulated Carolingian studies during much of the 20th century, Henri Pirenne, Mohammed and Charlemagne, trans. from the French by Bernard Miall (1939; reissued 2001).

Special topics

Basic to any serious study of Charlemagne is Wolfgang Braunfels (ed.), Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, 3rd ed., 5 vol. (1967–68), a massive collection of essays treating various aspects of his career and policy, each written by a leading authority. Although not easy to use, a rich storehouse of information on Charlemagne is provided in the articles in Rosamond McKittrick (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History (1995– ); the work also has an extensive, up-to-date bibliography. A good treatment of daily life in the age of Charlemagne is Pierre Riché, Daily Life in the World of Charlemagne, with expanded footnotes, trans. from the French by Jo Ann McNamara (1978; reissued 1988). Siegfried Epperlein, Leben am Hofe Karls des Grossen (2000), provides an engaging description of court life. Charlemagne’s system of government is the subject of two collections of studies by one of the most important Carolingian scholars of recent times: François L. Ganshof, Frankish Institutions under Charles the Great, trans. by Bryce and Mary Lyon (1968); and François L. Ganshof, The Carolingians and the Frankish Monarchy. Studies in Carolingian History, trans. by Janet Sondheimer (1971). Charlemagne’s role in religious life is clearly described in Émile Amann, L’Époque carolingienne: Histoire de l’Église depuis les origines jusqu’à nos jours, vol. 6, ed. by Augustin Fliche and Victor Martin (1947), pp. 49–200. Although written from a papal perspective, Thomas F.X. Noble, The Republic of St. Peter: The Birth of the Papal State, 680–825 (1984), is invaluable in understanding Charlemagne’s relationship with the papacy. Economic and social conditions during Charlemagne’s reign are treated in Renée Doehaerd, The Early Middle Ages in the West: Economy and Society, trans. by W.G. Deakin (1978, originally published in French, 2nd ed., 1971). Provocative remarks on the nature of the Carolingian Renasissance are given by John J. Contreni, “The Carolingian Renaissance,” in John J. Contreni, Carolingian Learning, Masters, and Manuscripts (1992), chapter 3; and Janet L. Nelson, “On the Limits of the Carolingian Renaissance,” in Janet L. Nelson, Politics and Ritual in Early Medieval Europe (1996), pp. 49–67. Still the best study on the Carolingian Renaissance is Erna Patzelt, Die karolingische Renaissance (1965). A provocative treatment of the imperial coronation of 800 is Robert Folz, The Coronation of Charlemagne, 25 December 800, trans. by J.E. Anderson (1974; originally published in French, 1964). Rich in insights into the import of the imperial title in the Carolingian world is Louis Halphen, Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire, trans. by Giselle de Nie (1977; originally published in French, 1947, reprinted with updated bibliography, 1995).

Richard E. Sullivan

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Add new Web site: Warfare History Network - Charlemagne: Warlord of the Franks. Oct 15, 2023
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Add new Web site: Live Science - Who was Charlemagne, the Carolingian Emperor of Europe? Jun 28, 2023
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Add new Web site: Christian History Institute - Life of Charlemagne. Nov 06, 2014
Add new Web site: Age of the Sage - Transmitting the Wisdoms of the Ages - Biography of Charlemagne. Dec 12, 2013
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Added new Web site: The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Charlemagne. Nov 10, 2006
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