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HubSpot User Groups FAQs for Potential Leaders

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About HUGs

HUGs are a free, educational events and meet ups for HubSpot customers and users to learn about the HubSpot platform and methodologies. They serve to educate and inspire customers and users to be more successful by providing support, community and product education. 

HUG members share their product and business success stories, take part in discussions, and network with others to build a strong HubSpot community in their local city (e.g. South London HUG) or around their topic of interest (e.g. Video HUG).

The majority of our HUGs are hosted virtually but a few have started to come together in person. Check out events.hubspot.com to learn more. 

To run a successful and valuable HUG, the HUG Leader should commit about 5 hours per week to maintaining the group. This includes updating the HUG website, engaging with members to keep them up to date, planning event content and logistics, and promoting upcoming meetups.

Anyone directly involved in our HubSpot community can lead a HUG. This includes employees from our Solution Partners, Academy Professors, Community Champions, HubFans and Advocates, and even direct customers. 

However, we do require that HUG Leaders be certified in our core methodologies and software. 

HUGs are not to be used as a direct method to drive leads or traffic to your website. For more information on who can apply, check out our HUG guidelines.

Each HUG has a single designated Leader. Members of your internal team may help support your efforts, but HUGs may not be co-led by multiple agencies. 

HubSpot will help you promote your HUG through a variety of ways, including monthly email sends and our HUG Directory. We will also provide you occasional HubSpot speakers and presentation resources to help with your events and meetups.

No worries! We have interest, skill, and topic-based HUGs as well as regionally based groups. You could consider leading a HUG based on a specific skill, interest, or industry that you are passionate about, instead of the city. 