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Dedicated IP Address

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Control your individual sender reputation by delivering marketing emails using a dedicated IP.

  • Take total ownership of your organization’s email deliverability.

  • Automatically warm up your dedicated IP address.

  • Monitor your IP to make sure you keep a high sender score.

  1. Take charge of your email deliverability and reputation.

    The success of your email marketing efforts may be influenced by the reputation of your shared IP. With a dedicated IP, you won't have to worry about your deliverability or sender score being impacted by other email senders.

  1. Gain control over your email sender score.

    The sender score of a shared IP is largely determined by the behavior and deliverability of the whole group. HubSpot's email deliverability team works hard to support best-in-class deliverability ratings for these shared IPs. Still, some users prefer to control their deliverability and sender score. With a dedicated IP, you have total ownership of your organization’s deliverability.
  2. Warm up your dedicated IP and monitor your sender score.

    A new dedicated IP address requires a gradual warm-up plan to set up a positive reputation. HubSpot will automatically warm up your dedicated IP based on how contacts interact with your email. With each send, it will optimize for deliverability to set up a good reputation for your IP.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 857-829-5060

Frequently Asked Questions

  • HubSpot's shared IPs have consistently high sender scores, but your organization may need complete control over your deliverability. You should consider purchasing a dedicated IP if you:

    • Have a permission-based, engaged lists of contacts
    • Need complete control over your sending reputation
    • Send more than 100,000 messages every month
  • You can purchase a dedicated IP as an optional add-on to Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise. Contact your account manager or sales representative to learn more.
