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Automated Customer Service

Automate your customer service tasks to eliminate unnecessary manual processes — so you can focus on helping your customers.

  • Provide customer support on live chat, email, Facebook & more

  • Seamlessly switch between channels

  • Give your team the full context on every customer interaction

  1. Automated customer service that deepens relationships.

    As you grow, personalized and timely resolution to customer problems start to diminish, and service interactions become siloed.

    Built on a foundation of unified customer data, Service Hub offers automation that humanizes your team instead of digitizing them. Empower customer service agents to craft scalable, personalized experiences, and provide unprecedented visibility across all your internal teams.


  1. Work better together with unified data.

    As teams grow, they adopt disparate systems, and end up with messy data. HubSpot’s automation engine is built on one unified CRM platform, connecting data across the business and integrating with favorite apps like Jira and Slack. Teams work from one source of truth and can finally collaborate with ease.
  2. Automate support to stop tickets from falling through the cracks.

    When service processes are manual, you risk missing customer issues that should be communicated across multiple teams. Automating customer service ensures the highest priority tickets get resolved. Then, set up triggers to create a deal or enroll customers into nurture sequences, all based on support tickets.
  3. Streamline feedback in one connected system.

    When customer feedback lives in a siloed system, your front-line agents miss the opportunity to learn and act. With all your customer feedback in Service Hub, insights can actually lead to action. Follow up with customers automatically based on their NPS response, surface key product insights, and build social proof.
  4. Satisfy customers with seamless handoffs.

    Slow, manual handoffs break deals and compromise campaigns. Don’t let chats get lost with the wrong team. Align marketing, sales, and service with automation that keeps your teams talking — and your customers delighted. With automated routing and workflows for conversations, you can trigger notifications, set reminders, and generate tasks for the right teams.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 857-829-5060

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Automated customer service involves managing customer inquiries through an automated system, like a chatbot or help desk for ticketing. Rather than eliminating service agents, it empowers them to prioritize the most important work. Key features of automated customer service in Service Hub include ticket routing, ticket automation, conversation routing, conversation automation, and automated feedback.

  • You can get started with Service Hub for free. If you want more advanced features to help automate and scale your support operations, HubSpot offers premium features with Starter, Professional, and Enterprise editions.

  • Absolutely. There is no programming required to start using Service Hub. We've created Service Hub with automation and contextual guidance built right in so you can start scaling your support operations in minutes — not months. And if you're looking for more customization and expertise, our solutions partners offer specialized support to help you get the most out of HubSpot.

  • You'll find more than 1,000 custom integrations in our App Marketplace. From Jira to Slack to Facebook Messenger, it's easy to connect HubSpot to your service team's favorite tools in just a few clicks. We want you to spend less time toggling between different tools and more time working hands-on with your customers.
