Meil on au olla teerajajad sellistes projektides, mis viivad ehitusvaldkonna uuele tasemele! Koostöö partneritega, kes jagavad samu põhimõtteid kvaliteetse ja innovaatilise ehituse suunal, teeb iga projekti eriliseks. Suur tänu usalduse eest – liigume koos edasi! 💪 #EhituseInnovatsioon #Koostöö #KortermajadeRenoveerimine #ModulaarneEhitus #EestiEhitab
📽️ ... from ugly duckling to beautiful swan: the power of industrial renovation 🏗️ , take two 🎬 This time we bring You timelapse from an apartment building that was insulated in just 13 working days. 45 families are now living in warm apartments with modern ventilation, this is something that was originally missing in soviet time buildings as ventilation was designed through window jambs and frames. ⭐ This remarkable assembly speed is the result of our long-term development, a 🦄 patent pending fixing system that makes it all possible ⭐ 📜 Key facts: + 5 floors, 3 entrances, 45 apartments + Insulated façade area 1921 m² + Building closed net area 3439 m², apartments 2629 m² + Energy label value 119 kWh/m²·y + Expected heat consumption drop min 55% + Fresh air via heat recovery ventilation system added (noise level max 25 dB) 🤝 Credits to our partners: main contractor Balti Vara Ehitus OÜ, timelapse input SALALUX AS. ** ❓ What is industrial renovation? ▶️ Renovating façades with external wall panels that are prefabricated in the factory, including already finished exterior, insulation, windows and ventilation system ◀️ Prefab façade elements are more and more used in the reconstruction of apartment buildings in order to achieve energy efficiency and a better indoor climate. This allows to renovate external façade within just weeks while the residents can live in their apartments. 🔎 Find out more at #industrialrenovation #prefab #renovation #retrofit #seriellesanierung #constructioninnovation #safetyinconstruction #smartengineering Zehnder Baltics OÜ