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All NEMO Committee

All NEMO Committee

Non-profit Organizations

The All NEMO Committee facilitates the cooperation among NEMOs for all common European tasks.

About us

NEMO stands for a Nominated Electricity Market Operator. A NEMO is an entity designated by the competent authority to perform tasks related to single day-ahead or single intraday market coupling. In other words, NEMOs are the organisations mandated to run the day-ahead and intraday integrated electricity markets in the EU. NEMOs are cooperating on a contractual basis (i.e. no joint venture, pooling arrangement, principal/agency relationship, partnership or formal business organisation). The All NEMO Committee facilitates the cooperation among NEMOs for all common European tasks necessary for the efficient and secure design, implementation and operation of single day-ahead and intraday coupling. The All NEMO Committee is a contractual decision making body without legal personality, formed by the appointed representatives of each NEMO.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
1 employee

Employees at All NEMO Committee


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