The #CallMeMaybeChallenge is officially open. 📣 We’re supporting Young Futures Org by funding their youth-led, innovative solutions to tackle the complexities of phone-use in schools. Starting today, Young Futures is inviting non-profit organizations and schools to apply for grants, ranging from $25,000 to $100,000, to bring their solutions to life in collaboration with students and local communities. 💡 Ready to share your ideas? Apply now through April 9:
🚀 $500K for Schools & Nonprofits—a new Young Futures Funding Challenge Launches Next Week!! Phones in schools are one of the most debated topics in education today. Some schools ban them outright, others have restrictive policies, and some fully integrate them into their schools—because of a pro-tech philosophy or a lack of funding for resources like chrome books. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution—the realities are varied and complex. What’s clear is that educators are on the frontlines of enforcement, no matter the policy—and they need support. And just as importantly, young people must lead the way. Their voices and experiences need to be at the center of these decisions, starting with the Youth Listening Tour that shaped this challenge, thanks to our partners at In Tandem. Here’s what we know: 📱Students crave agency—when they help shape phone policies, buy-in and outcomes improve. 📵 Policies and/or bans aren’t enough—without education on healthy tech habits, many young people struggle to self-regulate once phones are back in hand. 📊 We’re at a tipping point—schools are scrambling to set policies, and we have a rare window to make sure youth voices and real-world experiences shape those decisions. That’s why we’re launching The Call Me Maybe Challenge, a funding initiative seeded by Pinterest and supported by Pivotal Ventures and Susan Crown Exchange. 🎉 🔥We’re deploying $500K in rapid-response funding for up to 10 nonprofits (including schools!) scaling solutions that: ✅ Balance tech’s benefits with distraction-free learning ✅ Rebuild in-person social connection ✅ Give students a real voice in shaping school phone policies 📅 Applications open Wednesday, March 19! Check out the full RFP here: [] and help us spread the word. Know a nonprofit school or that should apply? Send this their way! 🙌 Dr. Kristine G. Sierra Malia F. Cassie Archdeacon Brooke Messaye Kathy Gu Kelsey Noonan Pivotal Ventures Kevin Connors Susan Crown Exchange Alise Marshall The Goodness Web (TGW) Celine Coggins Ph.D. Lisa Damour, PhD Jenna Bigham Ishea B. Abigail Baker Sarah Marshall Young Futures Org #YoungFutures #CallMeMaybeChallenge