AgriQuest Africa Network (AQAN)’s Post

*AQAN Food Systems Summit 2024* *Theme:* " *Building a Resilient Food System in Nigeria: Outlooks, Trends, and Future"* *Date:* Thursday, 24th October 2024 *Location:* Ibadan, Nigeria *Welcome Address* Distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and fellow advocates for Nigeria's food security, We are honored to host the AQAN Food Systems Summit 2024, a pivotal gathering of thought leaders, policymakers, farmers, and private sector innovators. This summit convenes to address the complex challenges facing Nigeria's food systems and explore transformative solutions for resilience, sustainability, and prosperity. *Summit Focus Areas* 1. Climate-Smart Agriculture 2. Food Waste Reduction and Recovery 3. Youth Engagement and Empowerment 4. Innovative Technologies and Business Models 5. Policy and Regulatory Frameworks *Summit Objectives* 1. Analyze trends and outlooks shaping Nigeria's food systems 2. Identify innovative solutions for resilience and sustainability 3. Foster public-private partnerships for food system transformation 4. Inform policy and regulatory frameworks supporting food security. *Registration*: *Contact* Agriquest Africa Network T: + 2348130922107 WA: +2349047996213 E: #aqanfoodsystems #aqan #foodsystems #climatesmartagriculture

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