The 4th edition of 'Werkstatt des Wandels', our collaboration with the Bundespräsidialamt, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Energy Resilience Leadership Group and Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, took place in Stade, focusing on one of the BMW Foundation's key topics: Energy Transition. German Federal President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil, joined experts from business, science, and politics and society to discuss the necessary steps toward ensuring an environmentally friendly, sustainable, secure and stable energy supply. Thought leaders, including Kathrin Ballerstein (TenneT), Matthias Otte (Bundesnetzagentur), Wei Wu (Heatrix), Martin Schichtel (KRAFTBLOCK), Detlef Schulz (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg), Ciuchini Claudio, Julia S. Schlenz (both Dow), and Eliza Cloppenburg-Diekmann (Mayor of Coesfeld), shared innovations that are already reshaping the energy landscape. Our Member of the Board, Dr. Heba Aguib, highlighted the importance of a holistic view on the Energy Transition - recognizing the social, economic, and ecological impacts of energy system transformation. For the BMW Foundation, a socially inclusive transition is crucial, as we need the collective support of all citizens to drive the necessary changes. We are looking forward to the next steps towards the necessary changes for innovative economic systems and resilient societies! 📷 Isadora Tast #WerkstattDesWandels #EnergyTransition #Sustainability #ClimateAction #Innovation #Tech #Economy #Society #Politics #Science
We are very proud to be represented of this exclusive group! The economy of the future needs formats like this to be discussed both on the top and the base of the public landscape.
Like always a great spotlight on interesting topics and people
Vielen Dank noch einmal, dass ich als Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Coesfeld dabei sein durfte und wir uns als Städte so aktiv einbringen und mitwirken können bei der großen Transformation. Und noch wichtiger: Wir zeigen Erfolgsgeschichten, wie unsere Beteiligung und Kommunikation beim Ausbau der Erneuerbaren, die Mut und Lust machen auf Mehr!
Großartiger Event mit phantastischen Teilnehmern. Danke, dass ich dabei sein durfte.
Thank you Dr. Aguib and all participants for a great interdisciplinary dialogue. With many challenges ahead of us, collaboration and learning from each other is critical for a successful transformation.
A very interesting and long-lasting event with creative and innovative makers. I'm very happy that I could contribute to this. Many thanks to all organizers and participants!
Tolle Nachrichten
Thank you for organizing this event! Just great to see how positive leadership can accelerate a transformation and, of course, energize the people.