Should probably point out, that I'm not offering welding services :-) But I did learn all types (Mig, Tig, Gas, Arc etc) of welding as a 17-year-old. It was part of a scheme run by the old EITB (Engineering Industry Training Board), and you learnt most of the practical engineering skills, you might need. Electrical maintenance, milling, turning etc, and you actually learnt by doing it, rather than just reading books and passing exams. I'm in favour of both practical and academic learning, in fact after completing the welding training, I did a degree and a PGCE. But I see too much nonsense (my opinion) on social media, based on those who went to university, versus those who didn't, and which one is supposedly better. Neither is! Life is short, and people are motivated by different things. I was watching some successful businessman on Youtube, saying that school and university were a waste of time, as he left school at 15, and was now a millionaire. Ok, that's great for him, but should he be telling impressionable people that is the right thing to do? As I said, everyone is different. We don't all want to become mathematics professors or small business owners.
Nice day for a bit of Mig Welding 😁. What are you doing today?