Heading the ball and the precautionary principle.
There is more and more evidence that regular heading of a football can cause dementia.
According to the article professional footballers are three and a half times more likely to get dementia than other people.
If the precautionary principle were applied by the game’s administrators they’d now temporarily ban all heading in football while research was continued until it was proven that it’s actually safe or a protocol was invented where individual players might choose voluntarily but knowingly to take the risks of heading or a safe level of heading was developed. Lots of possibilities.
Not applying the precautionary principle means you just carry on allowing heading until a movement against heading builds up enough steam to force action from the game’s administrators.
If you asked a senior FA or Premier League official, face to face, as an individual, what’s more important, the wellbeing of players or avoiding the risks of impairing the business of football, they’d surely say player wellbeing is much more important.
But somehow the institutions are happy to allow the practice to continue.
This thing about institutions being toxic even while the individuals working there are mainly decent people (Post Office Horizon scandal) - I can’t my head around it. How does it happen?
#football #heading #precautionaryprinciple #mentalhealth