How do we #protect the #land? It's a question we hear a lot, so we added the answer to our FAQ page. We protect wildlife habitats by: ⛔ Preserving critical areas like watersheds; 🌲 Implementing buffer zones that won't be developed or disturbed; and, ✅ Following Idaho Fish and Game guidelines for land #stewardship. Our approach includes habitat restoration and creating wildlife corridors 🦨 to ensure connectivity, working closely with local biologists to adapt plans as needed to safeguard native species. Here's a link to our FAQ page if you'd like to learn more:
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Thrilled to see USDA Secretary Vilsack issue a forward-thinking policy memo regarding wildlife conservation this morning. The memo, entitled "Conserving and Restoring Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Connectivity and Corridors in the United States" is a comprehensive approach to public and working lands conservation efforts that spans the USDA Forest Service, USDA-NRCS, and other agencies under the Department's purview. The land-use planning components are tantalizing, and the Working Lands for Wildlife section will likely guide significant conservation capacity toward more strategic landscape conservation efforts. While we often talk about wildlife corridors in the context of ungulate migrations, this directive is broader and will allow innovative approaches to connectivity conservation across the East, West and Midwest. The intended result: healthy and resilient wildlife populations, science-informed public lands management, and stronger support for agricultural producers who want to do good for wildlife while growing food for our country. This is the beginning - not the end - of putting together better policy and practices for wildlife on the move and we're looking forward to supporting next steps in the process.
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#DidYouKnow that Canada’s Banff National Park contains 44 wildlife road crossing structures, the most in any single place in the world? These structures have benefited elk, grizzly bears, and countless other creatures for almost 30 years now, reducing collision mortality rates and opening up corridors for migration. Wildlife corridors, or land areas that connect fragmented habitats, can make movement and resources more accessible for animals. Congress is considering the bipartisan Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act (H.R.8836), which would support efforts that improve habitat connectivity. Swipe to learn more about the importance of wildlife corridors for conservation and environmental policy 🦊 For more information, check out the sources at this link: #Wildlife #Conservation #Migration #WildlifeCorridors
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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has proposed to protect Monarch butterflies as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. This is a great first step to secure populations of this one of a kind insect. However, this government regulation is only one piece of a complex story. From an inclusive conservation approach, we need to secure collaboration with and among all relevant a decision-makers on the ground (landowners, farmers, conservationists, and everyday citizens) to safeguard critical habitats along their unique 4,000+ kilometer migratory route. By securing protected and conserved areas throughout the migratory route and restoring landscapes and milkweed populations we can collectively secure Monarch butterflies!
The news that one of the most recognizable and beloved insects needs our help is humbling. Fortunately, we know how to help it recover. By providing access to pesticide-free milkweed and wildflowers, along with overwintering habitat, this resilient species will continue to grace grasslands, backyards, and other habitats across North America for generations to come. Follow the link to learn more about the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposal to list the monarch butterfly as threatened under the Endangered Species Act: #USFWS #monarchbutterfly #endangeredspecies #pollinator
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📣 📑 COMMENT LETTER: Notice of Preparation for the State Route 25 Corridor Improvement Project 📣 📑 To California Department of Transportation (District 5) Read the full letter at The Notice of Preparation (NOP) identifies potential impacts to federally and state-listed species (e.g., California tiger salamander), nesting birds, wetlands, riparian habitats, and wildlife migration corridors. While the planned studies and consultations are commendable, the EIR must include the following: 1. Clear Criteria and Measures of Success for Mitigation; 2. Fish Passage and Wildlife Migration Corridors; 3. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 4. Agency Consultations. . . . #sierraclub #sierraclublomaprieta #lomaprietachapter #wildlifeprotection
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Today, we celebrate the incredible diversity and beauty of our planet's wildlife. Let's take a moment to appreciate these magnificent creatures and their vital role in our ecosystems. 🌍 🐾 What steps can we take to protect and conserve wildlife for future generations? Share your thoughts below. #NationalWildlifeDay #WildlifeConservation #Nature"
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Sometimes the peak season for construction coincides with times when wildlife is more active. In construction, the chances of encountering such wildlife are greatly increased on new development sites close to areas that are (or were until recently) natural habitats. Take a look at our toolbox talk for some tips on staying safe around wildlife.
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On December 12, 2024, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) officially proposed the monarch butterfly for listing as a threatened species. This change brings important updates to how projects are evaluated for potential impacts on this iconic pollinator. Our team is staying ahead of these changes to guide clients through new regulatory requirements effectively, ensuring compliance while minimizing project delays. To learn more about how these updates may affect your project, read the full article here: #FisherAssociates #EnvironmentalGuidance #MonarchButterfly
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Pop Quiz Answer: Wildfires have a profound impact on wildlife habitats and populations. From displacement and habitat loss to direct injury and mortality, the effects of wildfires on wildlife can be devastating. Join us in raising awareness about the importance of protecting our natural ecosystems and supporting wildlife recovery efforts. Together, we can work towards a more resilient and sustainable future. #WildfireImpact #WildlifeConservation #HabitatLoss #SpeciesProtection #EcologicalRecovery #WildlifeSurvival #EcosystemHealth #FireEcology #Biodiversity #ConservationEfforts #ClimateChange #ProtectWildlife #HabitatRestoration #WildlifeRescue #EnvironmentalAwareness
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#Didyouknow? #TigerCorridors are vital strips of land connecting habitats, facilitating the movement of #tigers, prey, and other wildlife. Without them, habitats become fragmented, isolating tiger populations and increasing the risk of local extinction #GlobalTigerDay
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in addition to the benefits of these mangroves they play a great role in carbon sequestration and through photosynthesis they absorb the excess carbondioxide in the atmosphere and hence ensuring that the atmosphere is clean and overcome the effects of climate change.
🤔 Did you know? Mangroves improve water clarity? Or that they absorb energy from waves? 👉 Here are just a few reasons why we need to protect mangrove habitats for humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. #Mangroves #ClimateMitigation
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