🌟 (pre)ENNOH at the 10th Energy Infrastructure Forum! 🌟 Today, at the 10th Energy Infrastructure Forum, ENNOH Moderator Pieter van Artsen intervened at the High-level session titled “A fast-track to EU’s net zero energy infrastructure.” This high-level session, moderated by DDG Mechthild Wörsdörfer, featured distinguished speakers such as the EU Energy Commissioner, the Director of the Danish Agency, and high-level representatives from CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) ENTSO-E ENTSOG EU DSO Entity and the European Investment Bank (EIB) During his speech, Pieter van Artsen elaborated on: 📍 Preparing ENNOH: 37 (future HTNOs) have been working since January on an inclusive and dynamic foundational process. A political agreement on the main principles was reached last week, and a handover ceremony with the Commissioner was organised. 📍 Towards ENNOH foundation: The future HTNOs will hand over the draft articles of the association, the draft rules of procedure (including the rules of procedure for consulting stakeholders), and the draft list of members to ACER, and the European Commission for their opinion, before September 1st as required by the Hydrogen and Gas decarbonised Market Package. 📍 Building tomorrow’s Hydrogen Market: He referred to the ongoing efforts to provide additional certainty through ENNOH deliverables, as part of creating the EU Hydrogen market. 📍 ENNOH next steps: The future ENNOH members will take the next steps after the summer to start the preparatory work and building the team to deliver on ENNOH tasks planned for the coming years. Collaboration between ENNOH and existing entities (ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, and EU DSO Entity), and the involvement of stakeholders, will be essential. Many thanks to the European Commission for the invitation to participate. #HydrogenMarket #SustainableEnergy #ENNOH #EnergyInfrastructureForum2024 #HTNOs
ENNOH’s Post
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Ofgem has today given the green light to the Eastern Green Link 1. EGL1 is a join venture between SP Energy Networks and National Grid Electricity Transmission. The 2 billion project will transport clean energy to approx 2million homes. The subsea electricity cable (196km) will connect Torness in East Lothian (Scotland) to Hawthorn pit in County Durham. The new EGL1 will provide new green electricity from offshore windfarms to travel over the UK. EGL1 is a crucial part of the solution to achieve the Government’s 2030 target. The project is designed to significantly increase the UK’s capacity to transport clean renewable energy to consumers by improving the capability and resilience of the electricity transmission network between Scotland and England. This is obviously another positve step forward in the Net Zero journey. The approval of EGL1 is in line with government policies aiming to reach a carbon-neutral power system by 2030. Neil px Energy Solutions px Group #easterngreenlink #power #netzero #electricty #OFGEM For more details see link below… https://lnkd.in/eywUWuUB
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The culmination of almost six(!) years of policy development today, as the UK government announces the introduction of a mechanism to support the deployment of long-duration electricity storage (LDES). Following Drax’s acquisition of the iconic Cruachan Pumped Storage Hydro facility, toward the back end of 2018, I was introduced to Steve Marshall, and his wacky idea to “more than double” the generation capacity of site by building a new underground power station to sit alongside the existing one. On paper the project (known as the Cruachan Expansion) looked fantastic, it would increase the site’s generation and pumping capability by 600MW, enabling the site to be far more flexible to changes in supply and demand supporting the UK's renewable ambitions However, these projects are capex heavy, with long construction times, participating in an electricity market with wildly uncertain revenues. In short, it would require government intervention to make the project an investable proposition. As a result, we began to explore the possibility of government introducing a new mechanism to support the construction of LDES technologies, including pumped hydro. In 2021, the government agreed that this issue was worth looking at in further detail, and the issued a call for evidence inviting views on the barriers to deployment, and inviting potential solutions. We advocated for the introduction of a ‘cap and floor’ mechanism, where projects receive support in the event that revenues fell below a certain threshold (the floor) and pay back a share of revenues over a certain amount (the cap). This would enable LDES technologies to operate in the most efficient way possible, participating in wholesale market arbitrage, ancillary service markets, and the capacity market, while ensuring that developers would be able to recover the cost of capital employed via the floor price in the event market revenues weren’t as expected. This is based on the mechanism used to support interconnectors in the UK. In early 2024, DESNZ released a full consultation confirming their intent to introduce a mechanism to support LDES technologies, and their proposal that this mechanism be a cap and floor regime. Today we have seen the outcome of that consultation, with government giving the green light on a cap and floor mechanism and, subject to the finer details of the scheme, Ofgem will start to award contracts in 2025. I congratulate DESNZ for this important milestone. I also want to take a moment to thank my colleagues for their hard work in getting us to this position. In particular, Steve Marshall, Thomas Lilleyman, Matthew Young, Kamila Nugumanova and Ian Kinnaird, the majority of whom have been with me on this journey for the last six years. While there is still a way to go before contracts are awarded and investment decisions made, this is a significant milestone for LDES, Drax’s Cruachan Expansion, and the UK’s clean power ambitions.
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Press Statement: Endorsement of the Thessaloniki Declaration at the MENA-Europe Future Energy Dialogue 2024 (MEFED24) Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), as a proud member of the MEFED24 Advisory Group, is pleased to announce the endorsement of the Thessaloniki Declaration, presented during the second edition of the MENA-Europe Future Energy Dialogue (MEFED24) in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 8 September. The Thessaloniki Declaration highlights the need for enhanced collaboration between Europe and the MENA region in developing integrated energy infrastructure for electrons and molecules to facilitate trade. Increased cooperation is essential to accelerate the energy transition in the two regions. The development of cross-regional infrastructure requires cooperation in terms of regulatory frameworks and a coordinated approach to mobilizing financial resources, to bridge financing gaps and ensure the successful implementation of energy infrastructure projects. MEFED24 served as unique platform for dialogue and collaboration, bringing together about 300 high-ranking representatives from over 15 countries, including Ministers and key decision makers from MENA and European national governments, the energy sector, financial institutions, international and regional organizations, and European Union institutions. The discussions centered on how Europe and the MENA region can jointly tackle the challenges of the energy transition and work towards a more interconnected and resilient energy grids and corridors. For further details about the MEFED24 conference and its outcomes, we invite you to visit the official website at menaeurope-energy.com. The MEFED Advisory Group, composed of a diverse array of experts and stakeholders from the private and public sectors, European, international and regional organizations. The MEFED Advisory Group is committed to fostering synergies, sharing knowledge, and advancing EU-MENA energy cooperation beyond #MEFED24 #MEFED
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Ofgem: Regional Energy Strategic Plan (RESP) policy framework consultation This consultation sets out Ofgem's proposed policy framework for the Regional Energy Strategic Plan. Ofgem is seeking input on three primary areas: RESP building blocks – Proposal is that each RESP should include a long-term vision alongside a series of directive strategic net zero pathways that show energy projections and guide system need. The RESP should be developed collaboratively and based on relevant local and national data inputs Regional governance – Proposal is that each region should have a Strategic Board, made up of local and devolved government and network company representatives. The Strategic Board should facilitate transparency, heighten visibility of regional priorities and provide oversight of the RESP development Boundaries – Proposal of eleven regions across Great Britain. One region covering Wales, one region covering Scotland and a further nine regions covering England
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🌊Exciting News for Ocean Energy Enthusiasts! 🌊 📢 The IEA Ocean Energy Systems has announced that the International Conference on Ocean Energy 2026 will take place in The Hague, Netherlands! The announcement was made at the 2024 International Conference on Ocean Energy. 🔋 This biannual event for the ocean energy sector, focuses on advances in wave, tidal, ocean currents, OTEC, and salinity gradient technologies, and will be organised by the EWA: Dutch Energy from Water Association | Nederlandse Branchevereniging Energie uit Water, in collaboration with key partners Campusatsea, The Hague & Partners, NWP (Netherlands Water Partnership), Delft University of Technology, IRO - The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry and NedZero - Wind Energy Association. 🔎 Read the full press release below. Get a glimpse of The Hague, the 'City by the Sea,' as the host and watch the announcement video & be ready to be on board!! Special thanks to The Hague & Partners and Bluespring who prepared the bid on behalf of EWA, to bring ICOE to The Hague. #ICOE2026 #OceanEnergy #WaveEnergy #TidalEnergy #OTEC #SalinityGradient #OffshoreInnovation #TheHague #EnergyTransition #RenewableEnergy
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Yesterday, during the Offshore Energy Conference at the RAI in Amsterdam, we had the pleasure of hosting a side event: 'Integrated Energy Infrastructure Planning for the North Sea.' This workshop, led by Joris Koornneef, brought together international experts, policymakers, and industry to discuss how we can collaboratively shape the future of the North Sea as a hub for integrated energy solutions. Highlights included: 📢 Pit Losch, PhD (North Seas Energy Cooperation) on joint activities in electricity, hydrogen, and CO₂ of its members: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the European Commission. 📢 Rob van Zoelen (New Energy Coalition) explained why the North Sea is so important for the European Energy Transition and emphasized the need for an international vision for integrated offshore grids. 📢 Michel Dubbelboer (TenneT) discussed the electricity perspective in the long term (2040-2050) and emphasized "the need for speed" on generation and transmission for the whole of Europe if we want to meet the goals, what this means for infrastructure and the 400 bn euro investment that is needed by 2050. 📢 Robert Evers (Gasunie) gave us the hydrogen perspective. He shared plans for hydrogen networks linking Europe through reuse and innovation. 📢 Annemiek Asschert (EBN) provided in-depth information the possibilities for storing H2 and CO2 offshore. She showed how many platforms, wells and pipelines there are in the Dutch part of the North Sea and what is needed to use these for storage. 📢 Pim Somers (Stichting De Noordzee) reminded us of nature’s foundational role in human activity. His main messages: We cannot manage nature, but we can manage human activities and nature is our ally, and it is the basis for all our human activities. 📢 Robert Seehawer (AquaVentus) presented four options to integrate 14 GW of far out offshore wind farms into the energy system and the need for a mix of molecules and electrons. A big thanks to all who joined and contributed—let’s keep driving sustainable energy forward! 🚀 #OffshoreEnergy2024 #NorthSea #EnergyTransition
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The Baltic Assembly and the Baltic Council of Ministers recently convened a conference titled ‘Energy Future of the Baltic States: Addressing Regional Challenges Together’, highlighting the critical role of regional cooperation in enhancing energy independence and integrating renewable energy sources. Andrius Kupčinskas, Head of the Seimas Delegation to the Baltic Assembly, emphasized the importance of cross-border infrastructure and cooperation to improve energy security. These projects require interconnections among the Baltic States and with Scandinavian and Central European countries. https://lnkd.in/gBvBGMZ5 #RenewableEnergy #EnergySecurity #OffshoreWind #BalticStates #EnergyTransition #SustainableEnergy #ClimateChange #RegionalCooperation #EnergyIndependence #GreenEnergy #WindEnergy #BalticSea
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EU following Black Sea green cable project from Azerbaijan with great interest The EU is following with great interest the initiative of laying out a high-voltage direct current bidirectional interconnector under the Black Sea (Black Sea Energy), which involves the supply of #greenenergy from Azerbaijan to Europe via Georgia and Romania, an EU official representative told Report. "Commission President Ursula von der Leyen participated in Bucharest in December 2022 in the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on a green energy partnership between Hungary, Romania, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The European Commission participates as an observer in this important process, under which a broader green energy corridor is envisaged, including a more ambitious undersea cable project and possible trade routes for #hydrogen from #renewable sources. We welcome that more countries have signaled interest in joining this initiative," he noted. "The Black Sea Energy project is included as a flagship project under the EU Global Gateway strategy, which opens opportunities for EU funding under our instrument of international cooperation. It was also submitted by its promoters as a candidate Project of Mutual Interest under the EU’s framework for cross-border energy infrastructure (TEN-E Regulation) in late 2024. We will now proceed with the necessary analyses and consultations while preparing the next list of Projects of Common Interest and Projects of Mutual Interest. Obtaining such a status allows projects to become eligible for EU financial support under the Connecting Europe Facility," he added. Black Sea Energy provides for the supply of green energy generated in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea to Georgia, and then via a cable laid along the Black Sea bed to Europe. This corridor plans to export 4 GW of green energy annually. The feasibility study development is already in its final stage. The construction of the facility will take three-four years. The European Commission plans to allocate 2.3 billion euros for the project. On December 17, 2022, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, and Hungary signed a strategic partnership agreement in Bucharest for the construction of the 1,195 km Black Sea Energy underwater electric cable. In May 2024, energy operators from Azerbaijan, Romania, Georgia, and Hungary signed a memorandum to establish a joint venture as part of the Black Sea Energy implementation. In June 2023, Bulgaria announced its intention to join the project. Serbia and Moldova have also expressed interest in participating.
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🌊Exciting News for Ocean Energy Enthusiasts! 🌊 📢 The IEA Ocean Energy Systems has announced that the International Conference on Ocean Energy 2026 will take place in The Hague, Netherlands! The announcement was made at the 2024 International Conference on Ocean Energy. 🔋 This biannual event for the ocean energy sector, focuses on advances in wave, tidal, ocean currents, OTEC, and salinity gradient technologies, and will be organised by the EWA: Dutch Energy from Water Association | Nederlandse Branchevereniging Energie uit Water, in collaboration with key partners Campusatsea, The Hague & Partners, NWP (Netherlands Water Partnership), Delft University of Technology, IRO - The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry and NedZero - Wind Energy Association 🔎 Read the full press release here https://lnkd.in/ek8zj6Vr Get a glimpse of The Hague, the 'City by the Sea,' as the host and watch the announcement video & be ready to be on board!! Special thanks to The Hague & Partners and Bluespring who prepared the bid on behalf of EWA, to bring ICOE to The Hague. #ICOE2026 #OceanEnergy #WaveEnergy #TidalEnergy #OTEC #SalinityGradient #OffshoreInnovation #TheHague #EnergyTransition #RenewableEnergy
International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE, 2026).
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LS Cable & System has signed a contract with Belgian power company ELIA to supply submarine cables worth approximately KRW 280 bn for the world's first artificial energy island. This landmark project, Princess Elisabeth Island, is being constructed in the North Sea, about 45 km off the coast of Belgium, and is set to revolutionize the way renewable energy is managed and distributed. Our submarine cables will play a crucial role in the island's function, which is to store, distribute, and manage electricity generated from a 3.5GW offshore wind farm. Once completed in 2030, Princess Elisabeth Island will serve as a hub for regulating energy supply between the mainland, the UK, and Denmark. We will be the first cable manufacturer to gain experience in constructing submarine cables for an artificial energy island. As the project progresses, LS C&S's involvement will likely pave the way for future opportunities in the renewable energy sector, and contributing to the ongoing transition towards sustainable energy solutions. Read more below: https://lnkd.in/gX-Nh5-D #LSCNS #ELIA #submarine #cable #artificial #energy #Island #UK #Denmark #PrincessElisabeth #Belgium #renewable #hub #windfarm
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