European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) ’s Post

We encourage our members to read the latest study from 4AIR as it sheds light on a critical topic for the business aviation community: non-CO2 emissions. While CO2 emissions are often the focal point of aviation’s environmental impact, research shows these emissions could account for only one-third of the industry's climate effect. The majority stems from high-altitude NOx emissions and contrail-induced cirrus clouds. To better understand business aviation's contribution, 4AIR conducted the largest flight-by-flight analysis of contrail and NOx emissions. 6,000+ flights and 27,000+ flight hours were examined using historical weather data and the CoCiP contrail prediction model. While this data is not meant to be representative of the entire business aviation industry, particularly as it covers only a non-representative sample of the aircraft types, mission profiles, and geographic concentration that business aviation covers, some of the key findings for business aviation are set out below: ✅Contrail mitigation in business aviation: There is a significant opportunity to reduce contrail impacts in Business aviation, potentially with minimal CO2 tradeoffs or even savings. ✅Substantial impact with minimal adjustments: Adjustments on just 50 flights out of 16,888 would have reduced the non-CO2 impact from this sample by more than 50% overnight. ✅Complexity of climate optimisation: A perfectly climate optimised flight will always be difficult in aviation due to the impacts aviation has, that unlike CO2, are not linearly related to the consumption of fuel and depend on background atmospheric conditions. ✅Focus on high-impact flights: Understanding the regional, seasonal, and altitude-dependent impacts of aviation will help to target flights with the biggest impact and better design effective operational or technological solutions. Read the full study👇

4AIR Business Aviation Analysis Finds Small Changes to Aircraft Routings Could Reduce Environmental Impact — 4AIR

4AIR Business Aviation Analysis Finds Small Changes to Aircraft Routings Could Reduce Environmental Impact — 4AIR

Dave Connor

Inspiring leaders in aviation | Chief Executive | MBA FRAeS


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