A fantastic day on site for Justin Al-Soufi & Reegan Howles, celebrating a great project with Gratte Brothers | Building Services & Engineering .
Team effort, recognised 🎉 Yesterday, the Gratte Brothers project team hosted a topping out ceremony for everyone involved at LD10.4. Equinix and Arup team members joined all the trade contractors on site in the celebrations, where all site activity was paused for a couple of hours to mark the occasion. 🗣️ Project Manager, Ian Butterfield, and Managing Director, Remi Suzan, shared words of thanks. 🦺 The final section of concrete was filled by Equinix & project team members. 🍰 An extensive selection of food and drink was provided to everyone, including a bespoke cake! 🎫 A raffle prize draw ran for all site members, with prizes and Amazon vouchers up for grabs. 🤝 Everyone who worked on the project was included in the backdrop. The ceremony marked the momentous #milestone of the team completing the complex structural build within a live building. 300 tonnes of #steelwork had to be installed with only the smallest margins for error. Everyone involved has excelled on this project so far - a testament to the level of professionalism shown on a daily basis. #BuildingServices #ToppingOutCeremony