🚨🚨🚨 NFHA’s latest #FairHousingTrends Report is out now! There were 34,150 fair housing complaints in 2023, the highest number of fair housing complaints recorded since NFHA began producing its Trends Report in the mid-1990s. Private nonprofit fair housing organizations processed the vast majority (75.52 percent) of these complaints, underscoring the need for lawmakers to allocate sustainable funding to support their critical work. Read the full report at https://bit.ly/4bnomvl and use the interactive map to find out how many instances of housing discrimination were reported in YOUR state to private nonprofit fair housing organizations, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fair Housing Assistance Programs, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
HOPE Fair Housing Center’s Post
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🚨🚨🚨 NFHA’s latest #FairHousingTrends Report is out now! There were 34,150 fair housing complaints in 2023, the highest number of fair housing complaints recorded since NFHA began producing its Trends Report in the mid-1990s. Private nonprofit fair housing organizations processed the vast majority (75.52 percent) of these complaints, underscoring the need for lawmakers to allocate sustainable funding to support their critical work. Read the full report at https://bit.ly/4bnomvl and use the interactive map to find out how many instances of housing discrimination were reported in YOUR state to private nonprofit fair housing organizations, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fair Housing Assistance Programs, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
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🚨🚨🚨 NFHA’s latest #FairHousingTrends Report is out now! There were 34,150 fair housing complaints in 2023, the highest number of fair housing complaints recorded since the National Fair Housing Alliance began producing its Trends Report in the mid-1990s. Private nonprofit fair housing organizations processed the vast majority (75.52 percent) of these complaints, underscoring the need for lawmakers to allocate sustainable funding to support their critical work. Read the full report at https://bit.ly/4bnomvl and use the interactive map to find out how many instances of housing discrimination were reported in YOUR state to private nonprofit fair housing organizations, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fair Housing Assistance Programs, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
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🏡 FHLB Dallas and Stellar Bank awarded $85,000 in Partnership Grant Program (PGP) funding to three Houston-based nonprofits: Community Development Corporation of Freedmens Town, Houston Real Estate Association CDC and Credit Coalition Read the full press release: https://ow.ly/F8eo50UlfFu 💡 These grants will support initiatives such as financial literacy, homebuyer education and free financial coaching for low- to moderate-income residents. #CommunityImpact #AffordableHousing #FinancialLiteracy #Houston #FHLBDallas #StellarBank
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Want to know how companies can show up for their communities? #Listen! Our incredible #Oakland nonprofits came and showed us how we can #getinvolved locally, #volunteer and #makeadifference. 👏 Alameda County Community Food Bank | Children's Fairyland | Community Education Partnerships | Community Kitchens Oakland | Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley | Lend A Hand Foundation | Oakland Promise | Reading Partners | Friends of the Gardens at Lake Merritt | The Unity Council | ❤️ Carla, Stephanie, Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Jessica, Judy, Pacific Gas and Electric Company | Jacob, Kasey, Chris, Dee.
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Oregon Community Grant Program Priority will be given to projects that support clear community-identified needs for populations disproportionately impacted by inequities exacerbated by significant bias and/or discrimination, including: Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and people of color Immigrants and refugees People experiencing disabilities People living on low incomes People living in under-resourced communities and/or communities lacking critical infrastructure, including remote, rural, suburban, and urban communities People who are homeless/unsheltered People who identify as LGBTQIA+ Survivors of domestic violence and/or child abuse Funding will support one of three grant types: New or significant expansion to a program or project Capacity building Small capital not to exceed $500,000 Geographic Area: Oregon Award Amount: Up to $40,000 Applications due July 23, 2024
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Last night, something extraordinary happened in Allegheny County. Over 160 community members stood up for human services, speaking passionately before the County Council. The public comment session stretched until nearly 10 PM—and here's the remarkable part: community members, service providers, their clients, and homeowners all voiced support for County Executive Innamorato's proposed 2.2 millage tax increase. This isn't just a budget vote. This is a community declaring its commitment to protecting the most resilient. At stake: critical services that support: - 16,000 families - 5,700 youth in out-of-school programs - 1,000 at-risk older youth - 3,400 adults needing emergency shelter - 9,000 individuals receiving behavioral health support Every $1 of County funding leverages $4 in state and federal resources. Every $1 cut means a $5 reduction in total human services. This is not only the ethical choice, it is also financially savvy. Partner organizations: Our ecosystem is interconnected. What impacts one, impacts us all. Even if you are not directly affected by this vote... Take Action: Visit https://lnkd.in/enSNjnBp and amplify these resources. Share them with your networks, boards, and stakeholders. Together, we can ensure Allegheny County continues to invest in its most fundamental asset: its people. You can also view the full meeting here: https://lnkd.in/ejZyMCg8 #NonprofitStrength #CommunityImpact #AlleghenyCounty #GPNP
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Liquidity, Housing, Community: economic development is major fundemental for the success of all three. $7.3M in new economic grants for our three states!
Over 20 years we've awarded $33.1 million in AHEAD grants to 1,000 economic vitality projects in Arizona, California, and Nevada. Today, we're excited to announce our 2024 AHEAD grant recipients. This year's 84 grants, distributed by our members, will help support: 👩🌾local farmers ✅ job-seekers 💡tribal entrepreneurs and many more in our local communities. With an 82% increase in funding over last year's cycle, we’re committed to fostering economic growth through innovative community development initiatives. We are grateful for the continued collaboration with our member institutions, including 10 new members who are participating in this program for the first time! ➡️ Visit our newsroom to learn more about these incredible projects and the difference they’re making in our communities. https://lnkd.in/gXwUZXrF #AHEADProgram #CommunityDevelopment #SmallBusinessGrowth #EconomicGrowth #FHLBankSF #CDFIs #Nonprofits Local First Arizona Arizona Financial Credit Union California FarmLink Bank of the Sierra NEVADA HOSPITALITY FOUNDATION
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We’re pleased to share a new impact report for the East Metro Main Street Economic Revitalization Program, which supported 42 Saint Paul nonprofits and businesses that faced immense challenges the past four years due to the pandemic, civil unrest and other obstacles. With support from Mardag Foundation and other funding partners, the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development granted $3.7 million to nonprofits and $3.3 million to businesses in the Snelling-University-Rice Cultural District, the East Side community and along West Seventh Street in Saint Paul. 100% of the funded projects serve communities that have been historically under- and dis-invested by traditional funding, and 85% of the projects are owned or led by people of color. We’re proud to have been a partner in this program and support the vitality of East Metro communities. Read more about the projects and their impact → https://hubs.ly/Q02x4CsJ0 #EastMetroMainStreet #SaintPaul #CommunityDevelopment #StPaulMN
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In the 1990s, many region-wide agencies collaborated to focus on the housing crisis in which they joined forces to create the Housing Solutions Network. Stakeholders such as Habitat for Humanity International, Goodwill Industries International, Networks Northwest, and Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency hoped this collaboration would address barriers to affordable housing options. A new organization was needed. This independent nonprofit would be very focused on addressing the systemic problems with zoning laws, development financing, and public-private partnerships. If these barriers could be removed, a new and strong foundation could be built, one that would serve as a stabilizing force for a healthier, more sustainable, thriving Northwest Michigan. 🏡 In 2018, Housing North was born. This is why ✨50th Fun Fact ✨ is...... We incubated Housing North and spun it off into the nonprofit organization it is now. To learn more about 🏡Housing North 🏡, https://lnkd.in/gydATemq #housingnorth #collaboration #housingsolutions #50funfacts #Fact19 #50YearsOfChange #SocialMediaSeries #networksnorthwest #nwmiworks #LetsNetwork #letswork
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📣 Funding/Grant Opportunity. There will be 160 awards of $10,000 for 501c(3)s. Grants For Good: Areas of impact include, but are not limited to: Financial stability, Community Stability, Community health and wellness
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