RASCO’s Post

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We Did It Again! We are thrilled to announce that RASCO has been awarded with the Golden Tesla Egg for innovation in high-tech solutions! This prestigious award, presented by VIDI and Ruđer Bošković Institute, honours our LYNX H2 5000, the compact sweeper powered by hydrogen fuel cells. At RASCO, we are proud to be at the forefront of developing sustainable solutions for urban living. The LYNX H2 5000 is part of our vision for cleaner cities and a greener future. This award is a testament to the hard work of our incredible team, continuous investment in innovation and collaboration with the scientific community. Thank you for believing in our mission to make a positive impact on the world. ... Još jedno veliko priznanje za RASCO! S ogromnim ponosom dijelimo vijest da smo dobitnici prestižne nagrade Zlatno Teslino jaje za najbolju visoko-tehnološku inovaciju! Ovo iznimno priznanje, koje dodjeljuje VIDI u suradnji s Institutom Ruđer Bošković, odaje počast našem revolucionarnom vozilu LYNX H2 5000 – kompaktnoj čistilici pogonjenoj vodikovim gorivim ćelijama. LYNX H2 5000 simbol je svega što RASCO predstavlja – inovaciju, predanost i viziju čišćih gradova i održive budućnosti. Ova nagrada potvrda je rada i strasti cijelog našeg tima te naše neprestane želje da pomičemo granice i stvaramo tehnologije koje donose stvarnu promjenu. Hvala svima koji vjeruju u nas i našu misiju. Ovo je tek početak! #Rasco #innovation #hydrogenpower #sustainability #ProudMoment #teamwork #thebestofthebest

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Dario Dropucic

Transportation and Industrial Designer


Bravo! Cestitam! Malo tko opcenito u industriji uspijeva hidrogen pogon odvesti do serijske proizvodnje. To je ogroman uspjeh!

Bouwmeester (Willem)

Projectmanager Gladheidbestrijding Hoofd uitvoering


čestitam na ovom postignutom rezultatu. zaslužena nagrada za sjajnu tvrtku. možete biti istinski ponosni.

Congratulations Ivan Franicevic, Mario Stefanec, Marko Kolar and the rest of the RASCO team. Great to have you as partners.


Operations Director at Dawsongroup | emc


Well done Team Rasco

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