I posted the sad news about the Diver Clinic in Poole facing imminent closure earlier this week,less than a year since posting similar news about the Oban facility in Scotland.
I am making the (obvious) assumption that it is a funding issue that has resulted in the loss of effective, immediate, professional,safety critical recompression facilities for both commercial & recreational divers on the UK South Coast.
How often do we see diver safety being compromised by costs in the Global commercial diving arena & divers being injured as a result?
Is there a lack of joined up smart thinking on the part of these Policymakers? Who are they? Are they measurably competent to be in this role?
Possibly not helped by the differing & potentially confusing (UK) recompression requirements for Offshore Diving Projects (L103), 2014 Rev’ Inland/Inshore (L104), IOGP RP 411 & IMCA D 014 & the elapsed time, depths, bottom time & DDC proximity/travel time citeria differences.
Made more so when the 2 hour rule for Inland Diving time to a DDC was negatively changed to 6 hours at the last revision. WTF?
If a Diver reports a potential DCI, then he needs to be carefully recompressed IMMEDIATELY, NOT HOURS later, and lets be clear,a serious DCI can, and has happened, in less than 10 m of water.
QUESTION: How will Divers suffering from a serious DCI on the UK South Coast and requiring immediate recompression be successfully treated after 31/01/25?
Divers deserve better than this.
My Son Lewis was badly supervised, suffered a direct Vestibular/Cerebular DCI, deprived of immediate post event treatment & urgent recompression for 6 hours……the result?
Loss of career, life on hold for over 6 years, residua DCI and life changing injuries.
Theres that 6 hours again!
Divers who may be impacted by this change should log their lack of recompression treatment concerns with before a diving project DCI Near Miss, becomes something more serious.
Consider this: How can any diving Project Risk Assessment ever be at ALARP without the availability of immediate recompression treatment facilities?
Well, it cant, can it, not without a bit of manipulation!!!
If a Client is prepared to contract divers to fulfill a scope of work, then said Client must pay to provide the means to successfully treat and recompress those divers when it all goes wrong, which it probably will at some point.
Ending on a positive note: Am looking forward to the new Guidance on DDC’s from IMCA, this will address those other issues around competency, training, appointments and skills fade.
Recently retired International 747 Captain from Qantas Airways
1wInspiring!.. 35 years is a life’s work .. Magnificent attitude