#TataAdvancedSystems' state-of-the-art Cyber Forensics Lab (CFL) leverage cutting-edge technology in investigating sophisticated #CyberCrime. We utilise advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to empower our forensic experts in gathering and analysing vast amounts of data and #digitalevidence. Our services include Data Collection, Computer Forensics, Mobile Forensics, Social Media Forensics, and Post Incident Review among others. #cyberforensics #cyberthreats #cyberforensiclab
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Senior Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) for Display Component at vivo Mobile | Ex Senior Engineer at DBG Technology | B.Tech (ECE) from Punjab Technical University | 8+ Year's of EMS industry Experience
2wI am happy to hear that Tata Group in India is using cutting edge technology for criminal investigation and analysis, which will ultimately enhance India's technology progress.